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My rants

Random thoughts on my head, my main blog is connected to my profile.
7 years ago. September 11, 2017 at 12:18 AM

A million thoughts race through my head, but they bounce in like a bad ping pong game.

I want a guy who gets me, trying not to compare them to my ex who shattered my heart, why would I need that again.

The only thing to get my mind to slow down is mindless games of yahtzee and candy crush.

Then I get  beep from a messenger. . . "I'm hard." 

I want to scream. I want to cry. I want to instantly lock his cock up and say "ask again" only to bend him over my knee and smack his ass when he does. 

I want to walk, but I'm dizzy too much caffeine, nightmares,. . .

I want to cry, but I am not alone. I do NOT want questions over my f*cked up hormones, my family either  is disappointed in me or don't understand. 
I want a submissive boyfriend who wants to please me, seek the mistress, not play the can I release myself game just after one night of chatting.

Why can't I find a decent, submissive guy?