I was asked recently why I prefer newbie submissives or strong experienced submissives. I prefer them because I am building a good foundation of trust and communication. I listen and pay attention to the submissive. My total focus is always firmly on the submissive. I want both of us to have an incredible and safe experience. I read and listen to what more experienced Doms have to offer and I am exceptional as a result of their teachings and knowledge. I don't just run out here and try something without learning about it.
If the submissive wants to play with other "doms" then I send them on their way. I dont need to be concerned about contradicting teachings. I don't have time to fix messes as a result of an inexperienced "dom" who won't pay attention to the submissive's actions or concerns.
What are my standards? I want the experience to be fun and safe for both people. I want the submissive to receive the benefits of my 100% focus and effort so we can both have incredibly rewarding experiences. I encourage inexperienced Doms to take your time. Read, ask questions, study and pay attention to the needs of the submissive.