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Trump Supporters

maid4ever​(sub male)
5 years ago • Jul 2, 2019
maid4ever​(sub male) • Jul 2, 2019
I like to chip in my opinion.
Firstly, I'm not an American but I did attend a Trump rally in West Virginia when I lived there for a year recently.
I found his supporters to be incredibly harmonious, peaceable and dare I say it, loving. There was a party atmosphere and I found them to be very gracious to me personally, as were the Secret Service, when they arrested four people alongside of me for protesting. During the tussle the protesters managed to injure an 11 year old boy. An innocent kid. These people were quite the scum.
What I found interesting was that almost 8,000 people attended that rally inside and quite a few outside. They were peaceable and seemed mainly Christians. Judging by the prayer and all the heads that were lowered during that time save for half a dozen people, including me. The media had 11 or 12 cameras trained on the 150 people who were protesting outside contained inside a sort of taped area. I think they got most of the focus.
I don't think this is about Trump. I think it's because he was the only candidate standing who was clearly not of the government. I won't preach politics but I'm pretty familiar with the American political scene. The US government is incredibly corrupt all the way down to state level. You have a bizarre situation where judges are able to prevent the president, duly elected from doing his duty. How come? How come activist judges are tolerated? eg What sort of unbelievable arrogance is it that a judge from Hawaii can prevent a president from protecting his own country from failed state nations known to breed terrorists. Having narrowly avoided a couple of terrorist attacks myself, I get the prisoners concern. Politically appointed judges, deliberately opposing a democratically elected president. When the ex-head of the CIA, who appears to be a Communist, and all the other people including the ex-head of the FBI are working in concert to suppress the corruption of politicians they support, and attack this man. The overreach is so incredible as to bring to your attention just what the hell is going on? Then you remember, Washington as a conduit for 4 trillion in funding. These wars et cetera which the population are not interested in the brick billions into the coffers of politicians, business people and associates. It's a disgusting filthy swamp. Trump with his fat wallet and huge ego is probably one of the only people in the United States who could withstand the amount of orchestrated abuse and lies leveled against him. He is far from perfect, but is not a murderous scheming politician like most of the ones before. No one recognises that he alone moved decisively against ISIS. Liberating 7 million people from the worst oppression the planet has seen since the Nazis? Where is the Nobel Peace Prize? The last president got one without doing anything, but of course his politics aligned themselves with the deeply socialist European countries and intellectual elites. Typical, rewarding people for their political allegiance, not their performance on behalf of the voters. Now we have the only American president in history to step across the DMZ. The city I currently live in can be reached by a nuclear weapon from North Korea. I hope Trump continues to build a bridge with this murderous tyrant, until we can get rid of them and see starving millions of North Koreans liberated without a war breaking out that could kill millions of people in Seoul. When will the media, and these deranged critics finally give the man some credit. And look beyond his vanity, the way they look beyond the Clinton's corruption or the Democrats played anti-Constitutional values.?
My French daughter-in-law cried when Trump got elected. She was full of fear, seeing him as Hitler reincarnated. Where did that idea come from? is clearly not a Nazi, neither are his supporters. Trump has Jewish relatives and grandchildren. A lot of this absurd criticism just doesn't bear any scrutiny at all. If you don't like him, despite trying to maintain a balance, but I really feel sorry for you. Because he's going to get another four years, that's obvious.
djinni​(dom female){smplylaura}Verified Account
5 years ago • Jul 2, 2019
djinni​(dom female){smplylaura}Verified Account • Jul 2, 2019
I think it really is falling into compatibility. Long gone are the days when one person could be a far left and the other a far right and live peacefully in one household, no more James Carville and Mary Matalin in this world. Politics is no longer something that people can discuss calmly. I have friends on both ends of the spectrum, and though i'm fairly gentle and try to stay neutral amongst my friends, even i can get hot and bothered quickly if it's an issue i'm passionate about. "No Trump Supporters" might be a brusque way to put it, but i respect that they don't want to waste time with someone that it would be difficult to be in a long term relationship.
Orgazmo​(dom male){serenity m}
5 years ago • Jul 2, 2019
Soulweaver wrote:
As a veteran who fought for the right to free political expression, among other things. I see it entirely differently. I see it as an advance notice that if I espouse the narrow-minded typical Trump supporter dogma, I am not welcome at their door. They aren't hating on anyone, they are expressing themselves, which they are more than free to do, just as you are to disagree with their views. Don't agree, fine keep it moving. I don't see it any differently than someone saying they want someone of a particular age or sexual identity.

I will also add that again, although a veteran, I believe the current state of "politics" in this Country (and for that matter the World) not only does not reflect my views in even the barest of definitions, I also believe almost all of it is not only antithetical to the Constitution but to common decency. You are free to disagree, but thank those that fought and died for your right to do so, for that freedom is not only NOT free, it is under the greatest of threats.

I totally and unequivocally support women's rights, including sexual/ reproductive health, I support LGBTQ rights, including the right to marry, and I completely disown any attempt by white Nationalists/Nazis to speak for me, as a white man. Anyone that espouses ANY threats to those under any "flag" or cover, does NOT have an ally here, period. Again you free to disagree. If that means you are not interested in me as an individual, fine please keep it moving. I don't hate you, we are just simply not compatibleS.

Well said Soulweaver.

I will also add that two important elements of SSC BDSM are trust and communication. I have found Trump supporters to be overwhelming dishonest and untrustworthy. The insane assertion of the OP that I should have to enter into a BDSM relationship with someone I neither believe or trust out of some reframed tolerance for intolerance is cutting it. There is too much at risk. Safety first.
sweet november​(sub female)
5 years ago • Jul 2, 2019
As the OP, I never said anyone HAS to have a relationship with someone who supports the President of the United states.

Please see initial post.

I am not into forcing anyone to do anything.
sweet november​(sub female)
5 years ago • Jul 2, 2019
Please quote the part where I was said this: "The insane assertion of the OP that I should have to enter into a BDSM relationship with someone I neither believe or trust out of some reframed tolerance for intolerance is cutting it" or the misunderstanding, I do not believe in Force and would like to correct that.
Aurelia​(dom female)
5 years ago • Jul 2, 2019
Aurelia​(dom female) • Jul 2, 2019
I'm coming out here. I was thinking about making a blog post about this.

I confess. I'M A TRUMP SUPPORT. I support the President.

One of the sexist D/s relationships that I have had was with a male sub who disagreed with me politically. The juxtaposition of our opposing views created such arousing sexually tension. All I could think about was sitting on his liberal face with my MAGA hat on. He would coax me by calling me racist and saying that I hate women (which I don't btw). I degraded and humiliated him calling him Soyboy and challenged his masculinity saying wish he had the ball Donald Trump has. It was so much fun

I live in DC. Being conservative, I'm in the minority. I encourage everyone to reach out to people on the other side of the aisle. You never know what you will find out about yourself once you engage that way.

The BDSM is an open community that embraces the unusual. Isn't that what it's all about. We are opening our minds to the possibilities, right? It is very discouraging to see that political opinions would have you shunned by certain people. Let's talk. Have a conversation. Persuasion is the game, isn't it?
daisiesforu​(sub female)
5 years ago • Jul 2, 2019
daisiesforu​(sub female) • Jul 2, 2019
Really, Maid4ever? How peaceable and loving can you be as you're shouting "BUILD THE WALL" and his supporters (ironically, mostly christians) turning a blind eye to children in cages? Trump has done some good, no doubt about it but he and his administration has changed the atmosphere and tone of my country to the worst.
BrunettePrincess​(sub female)
5 years ago • Jul 2, 2019
I’m so confused...did someone really just question why we have appointed judges? It’s called checks and balances/separation of powers. Obviously our Constitution is just fine as it’s the only in history to never be re-written and it’s the shortest. Judges are appointed so they can be fair in their line of duty without worry of being prosecuted for an unpopular opinion.

As for Trump supporters, no one said they are all corrupt? However, one person did call Mexico a tyrant? I know you’re not from American but TRUST me, we got ourselves into this drug problem. Back in the day our government literally sent drugs into the ghettos. We’ve gotten ourselves into issues with terror groups as we played both sides to sell guns and make a profit.

Don’t you dare defend Trump and what he has done. Don’t compare him to Obama either. He has violated our Constitution /specifically the enoulment clause)...if you don’t believe me message me and I’ll be glad to find it for you. The clues states any President/person in office must never accept gifts in any form or receive any money from a personal business. He’s the only President in US history to do so (this is a fact)

The list can go on honestly
Wicked Ways​(dom male){venia}
5 years ago • Jul 2, 2019
@ Brunette Princess .Well said !

To the OP, did you really say “ you did not mean to cause a political debate? You Must be joking!
Please tell me what you were thinking? Please tell me what you think pitting Two groups with opposing opinions woul do? Did you think we would hold hands and sing Kumbaya. ! You called out those of us who were not Trump supporters. Did you not think that would prompt us to defend our position? Did you not think Trump supporters would have defended their position, and rightfully so. While you are busy causing discord , there are predators, out there disrespecting, terrorizing, and abusing Submissive’s. I am sure that’s a topic both Trump supporters, and Non Trump
Supporters will agree on !!!