DrWakko wrote:
Maybe it’s not you but your partner. They might be the nicest person in the world but you two might not be compatible.
Oh dear I lived this and I left a broken heart in my wake. Chemistry is important and cannot be ignored. Even if they make you feel warm and loved, treat you better than anyone.... you still need that fire to keep things going.
Newer submissives especially rush into relationships with Doms. They depend on that first Dom to be everything for them. Teacher, lover, boy/girlfriend, Dominant, support system, etc etc etc.... they are greedy and desperate for more. It often becomes too much and the “dom” bails because they really don’t have to capacity to be everything to that sub. Broken hearts and tears until the next douche comes along and scoops up the still broken sub. What ends up happening is the sub is left broken, confused and STILL inexperienced and untrained. A good Dominant will teach you to manage your emotions and support you. Build you up instead of constantly taking. There is truly nothing wrong with being everything to each other, but it’s a give and take and you must edify the other.
Do your own research. Talk to other submissives especially. Find a mentor that only wants to help not play with you. Go out in your local community to munches, events and dungeons and see with your own eyes what a D/s relationship is and can be. I’m not downplaying online/LDR, as both of my relationships are such, but we also have a lot of real life experience between us. The hardest thing about online is finding someone genuine... truly trustworthy..,, there are so many predators.
Guard yourself and do your own due diligence. Don’t depend on someone else to completely show you the way. Submissives are strong people, never get that twisted.