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Finding your special person

Daddy Time​(dom male)
4 years ago • Jan 13, 2020

Finding your special person

Daddy Time​(dom male) • Jan 13, 2020
Im at work right now but Inam very surprised at how hard it seems to be for subs or Doms to find there special someone. I understand its never easy but it seems that ppl are getting too upset and giving up way to easily. If you want to find your special someone put yourself in the position to do it and go get it dont get discouraged in the end it will be worth the effort. Im not discounting the amount of bs all of us put up with fake Doms or subs etc but remember keep pushing find that special someone
KissKali​(sub female)
4 years ago • Jan 13, 2020
KissKali​(sub female) • Jan 13, 2020
This is my favourite topic! Thank you Daddy Time for posting it.
I've been on a search for my special someone for several months now. Or, rather, a lifetime!!
I have been very downhearted at times because it seemed like there was no-one to match me. I like people who like words and use them well. The one time I met someone on here, I blew it. Which says to me it wasn't the right person anyway.
Anyway... cut to the present moment... and I am treading softly but boldly... something beautiful is beginning to blossom... a special someone I have indeed found.
More later!
    The most loved post in topic
Erick​(sub male)
4 years ago • Jan 13, 2020
Erick​(sub male) • Jan 13, 2020
I have never met the perfect person on line. But I never met such a person in "real life" either.

And I HAVE met a small number of people on line that I have had remarkably strong and interesting connections to. So I'm quite happy about that.

And in every case, the people I connected with decided to give me a try for reasons that seemed sort of random to me. I don't think the efforts I was making to sell myself really had much to do with it.

Not that making the effort to sell yourself isn't a good thing. It IS a good thing, if for no other reason than that it shows you're serious. So even if you aren't exactly what the other person wants, they like it that you're motivated.

As Woody Allen said, eighty percent of life is showing up.
KinkAnarchyMaster​(dom male)
4 years ago • Jan 13, 2020
This is a great topic indeed. My situation is particularly frustrating because potential partners are scared to death of my condition (which I understand and accept). I spent most of my life being a very inpatient man (wanting what I wanted/needed in that instant). I've evolved in many ways in the last three years. The most notable being the necessity of patients and compassion for people in unique and/or difficult life situations.

Through it all, I know that special woman is out there...
SweetSirRendering​(sub female)
4 years ago • Jan 13, 2020

just be open

work on making yourselves complete alone and be open to experiences with others. some of those experiences may turn into a mutually wonderful lifetime or less. <3

i met mine almost 11 yrs ago on a vanilla dating website icon_smile.gif

we have had ups and downs and with oh so much work and play, we are where we are today. becoming perfect for one another took a lot of time and work! yes, it felt like love at first sight, but that is not what holds people together.

anything of worth likely won’t come easily without effort.

good luck to you all! i wish you all happiness during your search
Daddy Time​(dom male)
4 years ago • Jan 13, 2020
Daddy Time​(dom male) • Jan 13, 2020
Thats a great point sometimes we need to be a little more flexible. Ppl rarely find an exact pervert of their dreams lol. For example my new little is fantastic and she turned me on to primal play and cnc including rape and knife play things I would’ve never considered but now i really enjoy. Enjoying to the point i think im like a primal Daddy now grrrrrrre
LaVieEnRose​(sub female){Learning }
4 years ago • Jan 14, 2020
It does feel like I’m treading water; itdoesn’t help the fact that I’m moving. It just stinks when you think you’ve found someone who you click with but they ghost you or again in my situation you click but knowing you’re literally leaving the country so you don’t want to get serious with them.

Good thing I accepted spinsterhood years ago 😂
MegsDandelion{Obviously }
4 years ago • Jan 14, 2020
MegsDandelion{Obviously } • Jan 14, 2020
Sometimes it's a numbers' game as well. I actually found my girlfriend and mistress by being stupid and horny and looking for someone to consensually blackmail me on an anonymous app (I would vet before going into actual play, of course, but still). She never blackmailed me, and I don't think she'll ever need to.
4 years ago • Jan 15, 2020
LordofPain56 • Jan 15, 2020
I've never met anyone in person from any of these types of dating websites, kink or vanilla. Round here, ya gotta take the chance of meeting someone locally (and turn her into a sub). Hehe.
I don't think it is wise to place too much stock in any of these websites for actually meeting anyone. The forums are okay though.