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Marriage part 2

blue fluffy bunny​(masochist female)
4 years ago • Apr 3, 2020

Lol me personally I think it should be both ways, I’m just more open then he is. If I had the balls to share him and wanting us to do things together then I think I should get the same treatment in return. He will always be my number one.
No Body​(dom male)
4 years ago • Apr 3, 2020
No Body​(dom male) • Apr 3, 2020
We have talked about this one. She is all for having a sub when we finish the house and we have talked about getting her a little boi to play with. I am ok with since I know I own her heart and I get a sub for us to play with. The thing is once I am out of collage I will be away more and I like the idea of having someone around for her. So it is a ying yang type of deal. I win because I don't have to worry about her and I know no one will try and take her heart as it is mine as mine is hers. That is the main thing about having a sub. The possibility that who ever comes in will take replace the other in their heart.

It takes someone who knows their own heart and the heart of their partner. I know someone who has had 2 subs for over 20 years and his 3rd for 4. He knows who he is and how they feel about him. He has to understand who he is in your life and he is the only one who will always be there. A sub or slave wants to know when they are with someone they will stay there. They want to know that they will have a home and be loved for more than a short time. It is because of this someone who is coming from the vanilla world will not always to be able to understand. A nilla will give their heart to one person and can't understand how we can love not only our mate but our sub/slave. It is just a matter of knowing how big your heart is and knowing when to say there is room for another.

I don't know if this helps but it is out there now. Tal.
4 years ago • Apr 4, 2020


ThirtyFourPointFive • Apr 4, 2020
blue fluffy bunny wrote:

Lol me personally I think it should be both ways, I’m just more open then he is. If I had the balls to share him and wanting us to do things together then I think I should get the same treatment in return. He will always be my number one.

I am not a jealous person, but if you are mine, you are mine.. no one else's. I cannot do the open or poly thing.
I am not judging anyone's lifestyle, everyone has the right to choose.
Azzabackam​(switch male){PawPawGirl}
4 years ago • Apr 4, 2020
Ok, your first step is to respect the boundaries he's set up, which shouldn't be hard. It's fairly difficult to accidentally plug his butt or bang someone else, so unless you cross those lines deliberately, you're golden.

Next, share *your* limits with him. The things that don't interest you at all. It'll make a newbie feel better, knowing there's some common ground to stand on in that regard

Finally, talk about it first. That's it. "Hey honey, wanna do it tonight, but I've got you tied to the bed?" Proceed from there based on his answer. Rinse and repeat with everything you want to try.
Azzabackam​(switch male){PawPawGirl}
4 years ago • Apr 4, 2020
blue fluffy bunny wrote:

Lol me personally I think it should be both ways, I’m just more open then he is. If I had the balls to share him and wanting us to do things together then I think I should get the same treatment in return. He will always be my number one.

Ok, here's a problem.

"I think I should get the same treatment in return".

1. No one is obligated to be open minded in regards to certain sexual activities because their partner is interested. A limit is a limit, and that's all there is to it.

2. If you're THIS invested in sharing/poly, that you'd still tangle with it after your partner said they'd be uncomfortable with it, then you need to sit down and think hard about how much you need it in your life, and talk to him about the results. As it stands, it sounds like you want to be open, and he doesn't. And that's a marriage buster.
IowaDom​(dom male)
4 years ago • Apr 4, 2020
IowaDom​(dom male) • Apr 4, 2020
No pegging and no sharing? Got to say, my own rules being echoed back to me.
Miki​(masochist female)
4 years ago • Apr 5, 2020

Re: Marriage part 2

Miki​(masochist female) • Apr 5, 2020
blue fluffy bunny wrote:
So I really took some of yall advice about my first post I made and I Reapproached him about becoming part of the lifestyle and ...... he said would try but he had wanted to make two rules 1) no ass play for him ( which is do able) 2) he doesn’t “want to share me”. I know things take time specially after so long of asking him and he would try, and I’m happy about that but I want to explore everything and I know he’s not going to go for most things but how do I make him feel comfortable. I even told him we can do things together.

Take it easy on him, GUURlfriend.. From what I get, you are introducing an heretofore unknown, unacknowledged variable. Think from his side of the table.

Ask yourself, please, "Is This What He Signed On For?"