Hi AnnMarie,
“Can you please provide suggestions?”
I would suggest first sitting down together and gaining an understanding of what dominance and submission means to both of you, and finding a middle ground to begin with. This can help provide a bit of a starting point I think. Perhaps you could use a site or printouts to help.
The reason I say this is because my concepts of “non-sexual” may seem quite mundane... so the suggestions I make may not resonate with your ideas of what D/s looks like.
Something as simple as setting up little routines. eg. You wake up first in the morning and make his coffee... which you proceed to present to him by kneeling as you hand it to him... or just give him... depending how “ceremonial” you want things to be. Nothing sexual. The things requiring discussion with this scenario would be, if that’s something he sees as being a D/s gesture... if he even likes coffee... if the idea of having it presented is appealing etc etc... the finer details. It’s the details that can create some beautiful “non-sexual” more “service” orientated submission situations in your relationship.
I would say start simple, and build from there.
The important thing is... ask him. Ask him how much control he wants to be responsible for. What areas are comfortable for him, or not so much? What “acts of service” may appeal to his dominance?
An easy trap that many can fall into is seeking “generic” advice from others, when the one person who’s opinion that really matters is the one you’re aiming to please. So although it’s great to gather ideas to take to him and present... my advice is to be mindful of respecting that if you want him to be in charge... it’s your responsibility to give him that opportunity.
Good luck to you both