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The Phases of (brat) Submission

skyrich​(dom male){rottenbrat}
3 years ago • May 15, 2020
Go sit down! There's no way that QR could've known that we're all "family" and teasing each other. She doesn't know us. It's no one's fault. Not hers, not ours.

I get it.. You jumped into what looked like a .. ermm... "lively discussion", and wanted to stir the pot a bit yourself. It's cool. I, for one, am not offended. I was amused a bit -- and wanted to see where you were going to take this.

Now, I *do* highly recommend SBD's blog articles on "The Art of Being A Brat". They're entertaining, amusing and quite informative. Here's the first:

In any case, stick around, get to know us, and let us get to know you. I'm sure there'll be more "lively discussions" icon_smile.gif

SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕}
3 years ago • May 15, 2020
@Rich *crosses arms, growls, narrows eyes and points finger at your nose*

The ONLY reason why I am sitting down is because this is your thread, not because I respect you...:PPPPPPPP

@RB, see! That is why "work" is a four letter word.
Little moon​(sub female){Not lookin}
3 years ago • May 15, 2020
All that comes to mind is attention seeking and much boredom clearly. If there was such fascination more reading and research would have been done, reading this from ANY perspective would have seen its a comical and not belligerent context, and I ponder why any offense would be takeover an interloper jumping in to "kick an angry nest" so to speak. Either sheer boredom or a really sad misguided attempt at making friends. Here have some marshmallows *throws a bag @QR in hopes that hangry is the problem.
Quirkyrebel​(sub female)
3 years ago • May 15, 2020
Quirkyrebel​(sub female) • May 15, 2020
All the brat attackers would be making me sad. I'm curious... why would people who hate brats go out of their way to message me? That would be some interesting research? Do the serious doms have an ego to control a female sub and talk back to the brat? Simply because their ideal sub is obedient? I do not recommend you message me if you have that big an ego. People could get hurt by so called ego. And all you subs who want to defend your dominant; I respect that. Very willing to be friends. You are all looking very fine today on this thread. I like how people try to find why subs or brats do what they do and what emotions they have. I'm kicking the bucket though. At this point it's better to let the bucket wash away, people to come out and play, and for me to stop building sand castles. But an angry lioness can still dart straight out of the jungle if they want! That's just my opinion while waiting for the ice cream man.
Dellydoodah​(neither female)
3 years ago • May 15, 2020
Gosh .. that has plum worn me out reading this post and responses!
( I think someone might have the Covid blockdown blues)

anyway ..just wanted to say nice post..a great spin on Ms Kubler Ross' work ..
enjoyed it, thanks
Quirkyrebel​(sub female)
3 years ago • May 15, 2020
Quirkyrebel​(sub female) • May 15, 2020
Now, thanks to you all my testing is complete! I now have a solid idea or good impression of who I can and cannot trust. Which users I should thank for giving me my first "brat attack" experience I know to wish well. And which users I should thank and be willing to do trust-building with. 3/6 of you I definitely do not have trust for and seek to be entertained further. The other 3/6 of you will have to earn that trust. *laughs* I hope being the woodpecker did not offend the divers of this community! Indeed I do lack intelligence! Let me ride that ferrari baby! You will never know who you can make friends with if you do not post. We're all seeking like-minded kinksters as the motto goes! Do me a favor and mow your lawns hot messes! I have no further use for the critics of this forum! I have been hurt before... That's just a part of life. And I'm feeling very kinky about this! Just joking. XD Not about trust though sports athletes!
MeekMarionette​(sub female){Not collar}
3 years ago • May 16, 2020

I love reading your post. I have recently come to terms with my own bratty tendencies. Reading your post I found remnants of my own acceptance and process in your words...Only my process seemed to happen backwards. I accepted the terms of Sir and I immediately in the beginning. Toward middle-end is when the "meltdown" happened. The questions of me? Where is this going? How long? What is he thinking? What am i thinking? What does he want? Is he sure it's me? It was a mess to say the least. But, Sir stayed centered and strong and guided me through my "meltdown" with tasks without me even realizing it.
It was and still is a journey. But, reading post like yours is helpful in knowing I'm not the only one

Always a pleasure 😊
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female){Pizza+☕}
3 years ago • May 16, 2020

Oh no! You re not alone. May I recommend reading my blog series, "The Art Of the Brat" for more information about BEING a Brat, the types of Brattiness, the social stigma of being a brat, is an ongoing series and so far, there are 7 chapters.
skyrich​(dom male){rottenbrat}
3 years ago • May 16, 2020

You are certainly not the only one. And, just to be clear the phases aren't linear.. One doesn't necessary go from denial to anger to bargaining... They happen for different subs in different orders, and some may never experience all of the phases.

It's not a process of moving from one phase to the next phase, because phases you may thing that you are "done with", will reoccur, just as water can phase between a vapor, a liquid and a solid. Under the right circumstances, water can become ice, then immediately become water vapor, (a gas), even directly from ice -- it doesn't necessarily have to become liquid first.