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What is one question that turns you off to a potential?

SIRMASON​(dom male)
4 years ago • May 29, 2020
SIRMASON​(dom male) • May 29, 2020
the one question i get like daily that turns me off is this

"does it matter what race a person is for you to play with them or have them as your sub"

come on now really can we get out the 1930's to the 1960's this is 2020 race don't matter as long as your 20 years old or older race to me don't matter
4 years ago • May 29, 2020
LordofPain56 • May 29, 2020
Hmmm, well, in better days, long ago, I had a long and very descriptive profile at other BDSM websites. Don't recall ever getting asked any questions (probably because the profile answered before they had a chance to ask). Another drawback to leaving no mystery, was that readers might have picked out one little thing they viewed negatively and that turned them, so they never contacted me. I wonder how many would have otherwise been a good match except for that one little thing. But, I am not sorry I did it that way. I always thought it was best to get full honesty out in the open right up front.
Besides, I can't think of a question that would turn me off. IT MIGHT BE the answer she gets from me that could turn her off. And, I can see answers that I might get from her that could turn me off, such as:
Well, you'd need to put your whips and straps away, cause I don't like pain. To which I would answer:
Well then why did you even contact me when my profile specifically states that I am a sadistic Dom???
Ruchi​(sub female)
4 years ago • May 29, 2020
Ruchi​(sub female) • May 29, 2020
The "would you like to be the submissive to the generous, skilled and layered master"?
Like, you could have started with pleasantries and what do you mean by layered? Are you a lasagna?
Draiocht​(dom male)
4 years ago • May 29, 2020
Draiocht​(dom male) • May 29, 2020
Ruchi! LOL "lasagna". I almost spit out my coffee laughing.

And that will be my new opening line now: "would you like to be the submissive to this generous, skilled and layered master?" I come with a side of lasagna icon_smile.gif
awakenedoneomg​(sub female)
4 years ago • May 29, 2020

What is one question that turns you off to a potential?

Receiving a message from someone for the first time asking me if I'm ready to serve them as their slut and make them cum! Really? Not even a hello first? Just wow! It's a lasagna epidemic 😜
4 years ago • May 29, 2020
ThirtyFourPointFive • May 29, 2020
Q. So, what do I call you? Master? Daddy?
A. I just introduced myself. How about Gary.. that is my name.

Q. Are you going to make me have sex with dogs and children?

A. No, just me. I do not share with pets and family.
RedKat{Not now }
4 years ago • May 29, 2020
RedKat{Not now } • May 29, 2020
Do you support tRump???

I would run my ass out the door!!! Hell No!
MasterRon​(dom male)
4 years ago • May 29, 2020
MasterRon​(dom male) • May 29, 2020
Ruchi wrote:
The "would you like to be the submissive to the generous, skilled and layered master"?
Like, you could have started with pleasantries and what do you mean by layered? Are you a lasagna?

I am having trouble stopping laughing.. someone HELP!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣