Marshalls Best(dom male)
4 years ago •
Jul 26, 2020
Empathy First
4 years ago •
Jul 26, 2020
I've learned, both having interacted with and sadly behaved similarly myself, that people are often not aware of the energy that is exchanged in proper communication. Some people think that they are beyond reproach and, most often scammer know, that when you exude a sense of unflinching confidence that people will often not confront them with contradictory information. And this usually works to take your energy and thus leave you with out the mental capacity to argue. what happened with you it sounds like is that they weren't getting the proper response and energy from you as you held your ground which causes fear and insecurity in them to which they respond louder and harsher, waiting for that energy to come so they can win.
Some people often do this out of instinct from a lack of proper social adjustment. If they are more devious and clever, they will see they can't win and change a detail in the conversation that allows them to then reverse their position while saving face.
The later is then used to try and screw you some more should the opportunity arise, you'll hear passing the blame from them personally to eddy in QC or something and then upon establishing that the issue wasn't with them that they will try and groom you for another scam or sale by getting you to acknowledge and "Obvious proof" you can trust them and that they have you back then lay the ground work for the next scam either immediately or for in the future.
I think Ultimately you witnessed a perfect example of someone either:
- Dedicated loyal and stupid with poor social skills,
- Intentional deceitfulness,
Your snap at her got her attention from a conversation she was having in her head that you were supposed to provide the energy for. Often when I encounter people in these disconnected states who aren't listening when they should be, still expecting you to play along I pity them and do my best to glean if they are there running a scam knowingly, desperately, or blindly.
Then, if it comes to me, I offer a little jab or story pointing them to an example of how badly they are behaving and how its actually rather sad to so plainly see hoping that will marinate in their head and possibly be the straw the breaks the camels back so to speak and maybe they will change their ways.
Or shes just bat shit nuts, sorry for being long winded hope it offers a view maybe not yet considered.