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Most men don't blog. Why?

5 years ago • Oct 15, 2019
Ingénue​{VK} • Oct 15, 2019
You just made my day. Lolol. My card is complete.
FirmbutGentle​(dom male)
5 years ago • Oct 15, 2019
FirmbutGentle​(dom male) • Oct 15, 2019
I think I have done a thorough enough job describing what I am looking for on my profile without needing to do a blog on top of it. Plus I just don't have the time or bandwidth to devote to it.
5 years ago • Oct 16, 2019

Writing Is Sometimes Fun, Sometimes Frustrating

ThirtyFourPointFive • Oct 16, 2019
At one time I was quite good at writing.. I was a salesman covering a large territory and started out with little notes across the bar to the one I admired the most. If received well, they would become more intimate as the pile of napkins grew. I figured out quickly that my effort brought results.

I graduated to letters as my writing matured and would send two or three pages to whomever I was dating at the time. It was mostly general stuff, how went my day, little comments about our time spent together and what I was feeling about her. The letters were always hand written using a drafting tool that kept the top and bottom of the letters the same.. It was all quite neat and tidy.

That ended up getting me married.

After my divorce, I tried it again. As I have gotten older, I have become a real stickler for spelling, punctuation and the general structure of writing. I would reread everything I had written over and over, editing as I went along, until it sounded correct in head (I am doing it right now icon_smile.gif) It is very time consuming.

Most recently, I had spent about a week writing up four pages of personalized erotica and failed to notice that it was not automatically being saved. I zigged when I should have zagged and lost the entire document. I also missed the deadline I had promised to the sultry vixen I was pursuing at the time and lost the girl as well.
I have not written anything but vanilla crap on dating sites since.

Last edited by * on Wed Oct 16, 2019 3:18 am, edited 1 time in total
Zedland​(dom male)
5 years ago • Oct 16, 2019
Zedland​(dom male) • Oct 16, 2019
I've considered it, but I write all day and taking up another project in my free time isn't exactly attractive. Besides I do better arguing with people.
SirPain​(dom male)
5 years ago • Oct 16, 2019
SirPain​(dom male) • Oct 16, 2019
To further add to what @BDSM DOM has said, no one is able to put infections into the written word (unless it's a movie script). When writing a blog one might mean one thing and feel it will come across as they intended, yet when read by anyone (or everyone) because the inflection is not there it will probably be very misunderstood and then things turn ugly. Many men, myself included, try to write blogs and end up being ostracized for what we feel was a harmless blog entry. Most people don't feel they should have to explain themselves for what they have written and much less have others start what essentially becomes a "flame war" over something that was intended to be an innocent bog entry.
5 years ago • Oct 16, 2019
rickeyboy • Oct 16, 2019
I guess I'm just lazy. I spend my time on here reading and write that much.
tallslenderguy​(other male)
4 years ago • Sep 14, 2020
i've considered blogging and probably would if the forum was not an available medium for expression. i always have to parse down my profiles, i tend to write books, so a blog to me in the cage context is an extended profile. But so is the forum? i participate quite a bit in the forums, and what i write is usually pretty lengthy, blog like? One of the reasons i don't blog here is because i feel it would often be redundant to what i have written in forum.
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female)​{Pizza+☕}Verified Account
4 years ago • Sep 14, 2020
SirsBabyDoll​(sub female)​{Pizza+☕}Verified Account • Sep 14, 2020
To all the men here:

The reason why Blogs are an important medium of expression is we women get to know who you are, how you think, how you "come off" from a distance. It's more "public" to us.

Do you think it's easy for US to write and put our thoughts and feelings down for public judgement? No! It's not. However, it allows YOU an opportunity to have a small look into OUR minds. We are asking that you allow us the same opportunity.

Profiles are a snapshot of a moment of your mind. It's an advertisement, however, through blogs, we get to see how you interact with YOUR LIFE! It takes alot to put yourself out there and the world creeps in no matter how hard you try to keep it out.

If you men want US to be vulnerable with you, you MUST reciprocate!

Also, you have a wider audience and will have more contact with a larger number of people. In the business world, they have networking. If you don't think that women point out blogs to read to each other, you are SADLY mistaken.

It's how we "check you out"....