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Whats your thoughts on hypnosis??

4 years ago • Sep 28, 2020

Whats your thoughts on hypnosis??

Irishslave • Sep 28, 2020
I've been searching alot lately and came across femdom hypnosis videos and sissy hypno trainers. Im wondering what peoples experience is with them. Has anyone tried it or had a dom in real life try it on you?
Do you think it works?
MissBonnie​(dom female)​{oz}Verified Account
4 years ago • Sep 29, 2020
MissBonnie​(dom female)​{oz}Verified Account • Sep 29, 2020
Science shows the hypnosis only works on some. Science also shows that it only works on you, if you secretly want it too and are susceptible to it. So if you take science into account there is no harm in playing with your not going to do what you really don't want to. I know that doesn't sound very interesting or sexy! and not the answer your looking for.....but If you enjoy it, I say run with it and enjoy it! Learn about it and see how it could apply to you.

I personally don't use it but do use some methods that hypnotists to use to create a relaxed state or a personal conformation/affirmation of an action, if a person is unsure of it. I like to use every tool at my disposal. I like to "work" smarter, not harder.
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ColoRuleSoft​(other male)
4 years ago • Sep 29, 2020
ColoRuleSoft​(other male) • Sep 29, 2020
Once upon a time, (when I was much more naive) it was appealing because I perceived it as a way to enforce control. Now, I'm much more on the side that power is only valuable when gifted willingly.
tallslenderguy​(other male)
4 years ago • Sep 29, 2020
When i was younger and trapped in a religious mind set, trying to not be who i am, i would fantasize about a guy who would kidnap me and take me to live captive on his remote estate. All the things i longed for were contained in that fantasy, without the added burden of having to choose those things that conflicted with my notions of "God." What i was really wanting is a solution to my delemma, someone who would 'make' me do something i really wanted but could not bring my self to go for because of my own cognitive dissonance. The desire for hypnosis seems a similar fantasy?

As MissBonnie notes, science pretty much shows one cannot be hypnotized to do something they do not, at some level, want in the first place. Though i have encountered people on both sides (i.e., hypnotist/hypnotized) who insist there is a way to manipulate and circumvent the will of the hypnotized, i haven't seen scientific evidence to support it? Of course, science is an ongoing process, so science may not have discovered this aspect of hypnosis and "further studies are needed?"

i get the appeal. i have a strong draw to guys into mind fuck, for me that is central to the D/s relationship. For me, a Dom is someone who wants a D/s relationship where He identifies (through all sorts of methods), 'collars,' exposes then influences/'handles' me through our mutual 'kinks.' i've had a long time attraction to 'grooming' as well, which to me is also in the same category as hypnosis.

i've experienced a Guy who used massage and a sort of ongoing monologue that retrospectively seemed like He was using hypnotic technique on me to, as Miss Bonnie states, "relax" (and open) me.

i've also watched several of those "hypnosis videos/trainers." On their own, they lack power or appeal for me, but i imagine if a Dom guy used them with me they might be an effective tool for Him to influence me. That, for me, is true about pretty much all things in D/s, like toys for instance. i have a whole drawer full that i never use because it feels 'fake' for me to try using them on myself, like am trying to top myself... but i am not a top. Same with the hypno vids... i think they would take on a whole different color if used by a Dom with me because ultimately my need/desire is to submit to an actual Dom, not a fantasy of a dom.
Hypnotist​(dom male)
4 years ago • Oct 5, 2020
Hypnotist​(dom male) • Oct 5, 2020
MissBonnie wrote:
Science shows the hypnosis only works on some. Science also shows that it only works on you, if you secretly want it too and are susceptible to it. So if you take science into account there is no harm in playing with your not going to do what you really don't want to.

This is inaccurate information actually. You neither have to secretly want it, nor do you have to be susceptible to it.

There is really no such thing as being susceptible to it. The hypnotic state is a natural state of mind that we all go in and out of many times throughout our day. Unless you are familiar with what the hypnotic state is though, you don't recognize it as such.

You don't have to believe that hypnosis works, nor do you have to believe that you personally can be hypnotized for you to actually be hypnotized. Once one has an understanding of what hypnosis is though, it is rather silly for one to say that it doesn't exist, or say that they cannot be hypnotized. In fact, your focus on and your attention to reading this post has you in a mild state of hypnosis at this very moment.

Just about anyone can be formally hypnotized (with exceptions for those with brain damage, and other physical and mental conditions that would obviously get in the way, such as schizophrenia).

There are really only 3 factors that are required for one to be able to be formally hypnotized.

The subject should not be drunk, stoned, or otherwise heavily medicated to a point where the ability to focus and concentrate are hindered.
The subject should have an average IQ or above.
The subject needs to be willing to be hypnotized.

That's it.

@Irishslave, please be very careful as to what you explore in regards to online videos and such. There are many good ones out there, but there are many harmful and nefarious ones out there too. At a minimum read the comments made by others first before participating in what the video are offering. If anything you read seems to be off in regards to a specific video move on to one that has more consistently positive comments. Do not believe for one moment that you won't or can't find yourself involved with things that you really have no desire to be involved with when it comes to hypnosis. The subconscious mind is very complex, and there are ways to manipulate it without your conscious agreement. Take for example the hypothetical example of a hypnosis stage show volunteer participating on stage, and being directed to cluck like a chicken in front of hundreds of people. It would be rare indeed for someone to say that they would willingly get up on stage and cluck like a chicken for hundreds of people prior to being hypnotized. Yet similar things are done in hundreds of hypnosis shows around the world on a daily basis.
The Thinker​(sadist male)​{NotLooking}
4 years ago • Oct 5, 2020
"There are really only 3 factors that are required for one to be able to be formally hypnotized.

The subject should not be drunk, stoned, or otherwise heavily medicated to a point where the ability to focus and concentrate are hindered.
The subject should have an average IQ or above.
The subject needs to be willing to be hypnotized."

That'w why I can't be hypnotized. I have a super low IQ. Now it all makes sense.
Hypnotist​(dom male)
4 years ago • Oct 5, 2020
Hypnotist​(dom male) • Oct 5, 2020
ColoRuleSoft wrote:
Once upon a time, (when I was much more naive) it was appealing because I perceived it as a way to enforce control. Now, I'm much more on the side that power is only valuable when gifted willingly.

I don't see what this has to do with hypnosis.
I think you may misunderstand what hypnosis is, and how it works.
Hypnotist​(dom male)
4 years ago • Oct 5, 2020
Hypnotist​(dom male) • Oct 5, 2020
The Thinker wrote:
That'w why I can't be hypnotized. I have a super low IQ. Now it all makes sense.


Actually, if you are intelligent enough to read and understand the basics of my post then you are intelligent enough to be formally hypnotized.

Last edited by * on Mon Oct 05, 2020 5:05 am, edited 1 time in total
The Thinker​(sadist male)​{NotLooking}
4 years ago • Oct 5, 2020
"Actually, if you are intelligent enough to read and understand the basics of my post then you are intelligent enough to be formally hypnotized."

Trust me. I am not smart enough to believe in hypnosis.
Hypnotist​(dom male)
4 years ago • Oct 5, 2020
Hypnotist​(dom male) • Oct 5, 2020
@The Thinker - After looking through your profile I see that you are being facetious. lol