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Where do you guys get your stuff?

3 years ago • Nov 9, 2020
Milacek • Nov 9, 2020
Mr. S has most anything you would want and use.
IowaDom​(dom male)
3 years ago • Nov 9, 2020
IowaDom​(dom male) • Nov 9, 2020
I have bought from Amazon, several other online retailers. Finally, while watching a video on youtube, the host recommended 6whips and canemaster. I originally bought several paddles and accessories from Canemaster, very reliable, fast shipping, and a good quality product line.

Then I went to 6whips. Ordered a few floggers, and let me tell you what, the quality, the feel, the everything was so very impressive, he is now my ONLY place i will be getting floggers or all leather stuff from. Canemaster is AWESOME for the canes, paddles, etc, and their floggers are nice, but 6whips is the best I have ever seen in leatherworks.
Miki​(masochist female)
3 years ago • Nov 11, 2020
Miki​(masochist female) • Nov 11, 2020
realfreakydad wrote:
either go to the store or order it on line!

A cool locally owned shop not far from me does the trick as far as self pleasuring toys go, and they carry BDSM paraphernalia too, as for online... not for me, and speaking only for me... because I really don't want the fucking mailman to know what I do when the lights are off.

True they often send this shit in the ubiquitous "plain brown box" but mailmen may look like shit, (the ones around here do anyway) they're not stupid. Certain return addresses are obvious and the merchant's name is often a dead giveaway.

Last thing I need is years from now trying to land that dream job and the asshole hiring boss pulls out some sheet describing what sort of things I like to order.

Believe you me, they research a lot of shit in the H R office before calling your ass in for an interview.

EDIT... and I seriously hope none in here are Postal workers. If so.. sorry.. and a prop for ya, I know "The Postman Rings Twice"-- and some of them really deliver.. Neither snow nor sleet nor dark of night shall keep Peter the postman from his appointed rounds, especially if his route has a happy ending.
Sasa​(dom female)
3 years ago • Nov 11, 2020
Sasa​(dom female) • Nov 11, 2020
I believe some things should be touched before ordering. A trade fair is a nice idea, post corvid. Quality matters for some items.
latexbondagebunny​(other male)
3 years ago • Nov 11, 2020
I find fetish Events and BDSM Conventions to be the best place to shop. You'll pay a bit more there, but see more in one space. Plus the added pleasure of feeling, seeing and smelling the products. Nothing like the smell of new leather and latex.

Seeing the varieties of styles and colors, guaranteed to end up spending more. lol

I also buy a lot off ebay.
3 years ago • Nov 13, 2020
LordofPain56 • Nov 13, 2020
My advice is to not buy any floggers from the internet unless you know that what they're offering is exactly the same as one that you have personally handled (or felt) before and liked it. You will be sorely dissatisfied with quality, material and workmanship with most offerings from amazon, etzy and many other places like that.
There are a few that offer to custom hand-make whips and floggers of leather, sheepskin, deerskin and other fine materials to your specifications, but they are very expensive.
Best leather goods I have ever gotten were from actual brick-and-mortar "sex" shops where you can pick up the product, handle it and feel the material. You know what you are getting. The online stuff, not so much.
You may also have a leatherworks shop in your town if you are close to a rural area. Mostly, they make belts, purses, boots, hat-bands and stuff like that (very good tanned and hand-crafted stuff). the ones I have seen can include studs, gems, conches and other decorations. Not sure how they'd react to an inquiry for a collar. I guess you could tell 'em you have a big dog?