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Sexuality through art

Arson​(switch female)
4 years ago • Nov 17, 2020

Sexuality through art

Arson​(switch female) • Nov 17, 2020
Hi, everyone! Are there any artists in here? But even if you're not an artist, how would you represent your sexuality? I've always been expressing my sexual desires through drawing them since I have no one to express them on to, so it's an amazing way to do it. And in my opinion it's one of the reason to start and learn drawing!
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}Verified Account
4 years ago • Nov 18, 2020
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}Verified Account • Nov 18, 2020
@lilbrattybutterfly​(sub female) what a beautiful idea. I love how positive that is. I'm so glad you shared this, I love that idea.
The original Her​(switch female)
4 years ago • Nov 20, 2020
Hey! So, my dom/partner actually graduated with a double major in Graphic Design and Fine Art this past year. I've never been one for art myself, but last year at college when I met him (my first year, and his last), we would often have our date nights centered around art. We'd sit in his living room, listen to a playlist that we made for each other, drink tea, and he'd bring out all of his fun art supplies and we'd make stuff together. I know that isn't centered around sexuality or sexual experiences, but that's brought me further into the art world that he's very immersed in.

Now he has a big boy job, being a marketing consultant and graphic design lead for a supply company. He isn't able to do art as much as he likes, and he really misses it. Something that is new to us, is him drawing me nude. I've been a nude model for art classes before, and I used to legitimately model for a while as well. It's comforting to me because the experience is familiar, and I love watching him get drawn (sorry, bad pun?) into his projects. He enjoys it because it's relaxing for him, and he gets to stare at his partner, nude, for an unbroken amount of time. It also always ends in sex because he can't control himself that long.
dollMaker​(dom male)
4 years ago • Nov 20, 2020
dollMaker​(dom male) • Nov 20, 2020
Through my stories/writing and more recently learning to use a number of photo apps, images for their own sake and to act as a header for some of the stories. I also view what I mainly do kink wise as a form of art.
Dromus​(sub femme)
4 years ago • Nov 21, 2020
Dromus​(sub femme) • Nov 21, 2020
I'm not an artist but my profile picture is a variant of an image I've made. This variant shows off my kinky side in a way that makes sense to me. Since the meaning of the image is only apparent to me, I'm able to wear a shirt with this design in public and everyone around me would not make anything of it.
Sasa​(dom female)
4 years ago • Nov 21, 2020
Sasa​(dom female) • Nov 21, 2020
We’re all artists the moment we create something. I like your idea a lot. It is like breathing and giving birth to something new <3 doesn’t matter wether others like what we do or not ... it is not a competition.
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