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Subtle submission

GagFan​(sub male)
4 years ago • Dec 20, 2020

Subtle submission

GagFan​(sub male) • Dec 20, 2020
I was wondering if anyone has any subtle or unique ways to submit to your dominant or make them feel more dominant?
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}Verified Account
4 years ago • Dec 21, 2020
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}Verified Account • Dec 21, 2020
I'm not 100% sure on just what you are meaning by "subtle"or is that covert for under cover maybe? does the person already identify as Dominant or are you trying to DIY one, like a build a bear!
Your not really going to be able to make a partner "more" Dominant than they already are...sure you can make them "happier" in there chosen that what you mean? Try free up time by doing things for them, that allow them more personal time or time with you. You'll find if you think "what could make my dominants life easier" might hold the answers. More personal time or more time with you is always great for the "libido" of any sexuality. Anything that takes stressors away is never a bad thing either.

could you learn to cook? service the car? Maid/Butler service? Book keeping? Researching skills? Massage? Toys cleaning? Organizational skills? etc
what skills do you have that your Dominant could make use off (not expecting an answer)
if you don't have a skill that is useful for Dom/me, maybe go learn one. you could even ask what you could do and be more "proActive" instead of "reactive"
4 years ago • Dec 21, 2020
Bunnie • Dec 21, 2020
I love this question! If I have understood correctly, this is the realm that I love to exist in. This is where my obsessive nature is allowed to finally run wild lol. Just remembering little details, I think can make a huge difference. What are their preferences for the everyday type stuff? All submissives can “perform tricks”... the big stuff... “jumping through hoops,” but I think what creates intimate service specifically to your One, is knowing the ins and outs of them and using that knowledge to make their life that bit lighter. That to me is the subtle aspect of submission... and it’s not a one-size fits all. Of course this is also potentially a double-edged sword... it’s important to be very wary of falling into the trap of assumption, whilst accidentally believing it to be “pre-emptive service.”
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SubtleHush​(sub female)
4 years ago • Dec 29, 2020
SubtleHush​(sub female) • Dec 29, 2020
I would suggest you take out 'subtle' and put in 'seamless' which is a huge topic among subs and slaves.

Seamless or anticipatory service is knowing what is needed without being told. Taking care of or addressing those things that make life easier for your Top (insert your designation here) without them being on top of every detail since you have it handled.

Seldom do I hear this discussed in the context of making your Dom feel more Dominant. I'd caution you there. Deliberately doing things to make someone feel any sort of way is control.

Doing what He or She needs you to do without it being a tug of war. Doing those things because you know what that person needs from you organically, is a state many aspire to.

If your partner does not feel Dominant enough or does not act Dominant enough for you, that is a sit down discussion. You can't fix that by sheer will. So don't try.

Just be open and candid with each other and if you listen well, you will surmise what to do and how to do it.

Some carry a "butler's book" which is a little book filled with information you may need to reference. How to iron Sir's shirt. How to set the table as he/she wants it. Etc.

No shame in keeping notes if you desire that level of service.