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First time using a short BDSM whip

dollMaker​(dom male)
3 years ago • Feb 17, 2021
dollMaker​(dom male) • Feb 17, 2021
If so, that looks more like a Quirt, which is not used in the same way as say a bullwhip.
Sasa​(dom female)
3 years ago • Feb 17, 2021
Sasa​(dom female) • Feb 17, 2021
I started with a dragon tail and went on. Was easier for me. Interesting whip. I personally don't like the end. I prefer a whip that braided all the way through and leather of course.
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}Verified Account
3 years ago • Feb 17, 2021
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}Verified Account • Feb 17, 2021
MrVesper wrote:

it might not be, I noticed the OP is UK and the site lovehoney has different stock for different regions. The one shown is US and The AU version is different again.
3 years ago • Feb 18, 2021
LordofPain56 • Feb 18, 2021
In my opinion, its too easy for me to cause destruction with single tail whips the way I like to swing (hard).
I prefer multi-tail floggers. If you hold the ends of the tails together on a flogger while winding up the "pitch" and let go about half-way through the swing, the tails will provide a nice "thud" or "sting" depending upon which type of material the flogger is made of, yet it won't break the skin or cause a bruise. I have several floggers of different types and lengths.
While it is necessary to swing shorter floggers with more intensity to satisfy a masochist, a more moderate swing can do the trick with a flogger having longer tails.
Very early in my days of using floggers, I had a 3 ft long heavy suede flogger that partially "wrapped" around a girl's ribs and made a small boil on her skin. I hated doing that. I spent the rest of the session caring for the wound and comforting her. I never intended to do actual damage of any kind and it never happened again as I adjusted my swing and was more cognizant of my juxtaposition as it related to any possibility of wrapping the tails.
I suggest swinging the whip you have over your head so that the tails land on your back so you can feel how bad it is before trying to use it on your partner.
BTW, have you ever seen any of those video's done by "Mood Pictures" that they do over in Germany. The Dom always uses single tail whips and he tears those girls to pieces. I'm talking blood! Those videos are horrible. I feel sorry for the girls. To me, BDSM isn't about tearing people all to pieces.
MrVesper​(dom male){Not Lookin}
3 years ago • Feb 18, 2021
Single tails can be vicious yes. I'm also not crazy about the nylon braided end of the one I posted, and like Sasa, prefer a dragon tail end. to each their own. The reason I asked: every whip has a certain technique and personality. She was asking about technique, posture and tips on using it. The short whips can swished from side to side similar to dressage horse whips or swung over and down. I don't really like 'cracking' a short whip. My favorite technique is two handed. One hand on the handle while the other hand guides the tail. When the tail leaves my guide hand, my other hand snaps in the direction of the target. I use very little arm and the action is mostly in the wrist. It takes practice and discipline not to pop it too hard. but once you get used to it, you can fall into a nice rhythm alternating the power of the strike.

And to Lordofpain56, I'm not familiar with Mood Pictures, but it sounds like I would lose interest pretty quickly. Theres no craft in in beating a bound victim bloody. I'm sure there are some sadist who would argue that point with me, but then again they can have their point. I have seen a Mistress bring her female sub to orgasm from a pretty vicious single tail whipping. She too was bloody at the end, but the Mistress was a true artist, showed care after a certain amount of strikes to 'check' on the subs state of mind, and the submissive a true masochist. Every person has their own approach and destination.