Is there any chance that a feature can be added so that when one recieves an inbox message that is deemed inappropriate, they can report the user instead of having to go to the profile page ? Perhaps even have it also send a copy of the conversation to staff ? I'm going to run out of space on my phone with all the screenshots I have.
I suggest developing a feature that prevents having incoming messages altogether. I am not even joking. My profile page is empty and I am having the most ridiculous, disgusting greetings I have ever read in my life. Seriously.
Thank you for considering my suggestion.
Surely the staff is aware of a real problem on this site--
Every woman I have chatted with here has complained about the awful rain of unwanted messages received in their first few days --just a barrage of boorish stuff.
Not sure how to filter this unwanted crap out, especially in the first week a woman is here. But it IS a real issue.
I got hit with three messages no sooner than I signed up for my account and listed myself as female. I’d really like the system to hold off on showing someone's profile details as they’re still registering: the profile creation process could act as a shield for at least a few minutes, showing the new registrant as simply an undecided human until they’ve finished the initial process.
However, I suggest that part of the registration process mirror something I’ve seen on a different kinky personals site: the chance to opt in on message filtering from the start. An additional inbox, called “Filtered” for example, be added to the mailbox feature. Then the person gets to choose what messages show up in their inbox, allowing the rest (excepting Administrator messages) go to into the Filtered folder:
* gender (s) - someone might want to hear from both gender queer folks and men, for example
* role (s) - someone might want to hear from both submissive and switch folks, for example
* age range
* maximum distance
After they’re done with their profile and account set up and the barrage of mail starts, the messages most likely to interest them land in their inbox.
Two other nice features could be:
* manual opt-in to announcements regarding new filtered mail
* a polite selection of auto-response messages to choose from for people whose mail has been filtered away from the inbox, with the option of a custom response creation
I know that this is more work for you, but it can help corral both unwanted and potentially abusive messages.
Thanks for the comments everyone - and yeah this is an uphill battle we are fighting. I know it's a pain to report people but it really does make a difference in helping us deal with these individuals. I will talk to Cage Monkey about the idea of adding a report button to the mail page somehow. I think that could be something we could incorporate.
In the future we plan to add more privacy/filter options that will help in managing who and how people can contact you.
Well it happens every where. They have to have filter mail like singles looking for singles only that want long term not have couples and people Just looking for hook up. But you can always delete and block people weed people know your standards. Truly I wanna know what I getting their people who lie not what you say what you do. Real people puts in effect in profile and will show it.