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Getting Physical

makemeplease​(sub female)​{Prussian}
3 years ago • Jun 29, 2021

Getting Physical

Dom's, Daddies, Masters:

Do you currently have a workout requirement for your sub(s), little/middle, slave(s)?
- If yes...
i. Is it effective?
ii. Are you/your sub(s) happy with it?

- If no...
i. Are you thinking of implementing one?
ii. Do you think it would be beneficial?
iii. Do you not have one because it's not necessary, or because it's not of importance? Other reasons?

subs - littles/middles - slaves

Do you have a current workout routine?
- If yes...
i. Are you happy with it?
ii. Is it a requirement or done on your own?

- If no...
i. Are you supposed to have one?
ii. Are you interested in one?
a. What is holding you back?

Thanks in advance for sharing!
Tessallia​(sub male)
3 years ago • Jun 29, 2021
Tessallia​(sub male) • Jun 29, 2021
I do have a workout routine, right now mostly working my shoulder because of an injury, but I was trying to make working out a more common practice. Just an added reason to keep up with it. I've found it to be very beneficial. I started originally because it helps with adhd, and I spend a lot of time working on various projects so anything to help me focus. Also, it brings with it a a bit of a mood enhancement, so I'd recommend it for anyone considering it.
ThisIsTheWay​(dom male)
3 years ago • Jun 29, 2021
ThisIsTheWay​(dom male) • Jun 29, 2021
I do not really have one.

I walk my dogs almost everyday for 30-60 minutes once or twice a day depending on how I’m feeling so I guess that is my workout?
I think for me the dogs are my motivation and so that helps me get out of the house, go to dog parks, go hiking, and interact with people lol.
But because I don’t enjoy weightlifting that’s pretty much all I do.
body electric
3 years ago • Jun 29, 2021
body electric • Jun 29, 2021
I enjoy working out. ??‍♀️ Currently I have a small routine going on in which I want to build more things into my workout. I enjoy doing tasks. Particularly task that will strengthen personal achievement, character, or goals. I am a task driven person. So I enjoy if my dom would have instruction for me to build upon. ?
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House Talion​(dom male)
3 years ago • Jun 29, 2021
House Talion​(dom male) • Jun 29, 2021
Anyone to submit to be needs to have some kind of regular work out routine. I dont care if you have to lift weights while riding me daily, stay fit.
NoClvrNickname​(sub female)Verified Account
3 years ago • Jun 29, 2021
NoClvrNickname​(sub female)Verified Account • Jun 29, 2021
I adhere to a hybrid training program that I’ve written/adapted as needed. I’ve held a state title in bodybuilding & have set state records in powerlifting. My career demands some degree of physical fitness but I also enjoy the physicality of training & do it for my own reasons, although my Sir certainly doesn’t complain about it.

My Sir is a powerlifter (has set state records) as well.
sir james ladies​(sub female)​{oh yes ple}
3 years ago • Jun 30, 2021
We ladies have a morning work out every day. To reasons first for us it is to stay healthy and limber. second our Dom works out and does hard work on the ranch leaving the desk work for us and I think he likes the result.
changeling​(sub female)​{taken}
3 years ago • Jun 30, 2021
i'm not supposed to have one in terms of it being part of my rules from a Dom since I'm not in a dynamic. but i'd like to have a workout routine for my own sake since it's supposed to help improve mood and energy.

i keep trying to get myself set up on a workout routine and I everytime. i have a variety of what are probably excuses, but i really just lack discipline to it's easy to blame it on my depression and fatigue.

i keep trying though. hopefully something will stick.