MissBonnie(dom female){oz}
3 years ago •
Aug 12, 2021
3 years ago •
Aug 12, 2021
First you'd need to define what is a "bot or fake" to you, in order to get the responses you want.
these things are many different things, to many different people. Your fake, might be another answers to their personal desires.
I'm fairly sure there is NO "bots" on the cage and its not even built into their software. Also think about how this reads to others just joining The Cage! You just implied they stack the profiles to appear better value...when nothing could be further from the truth. Each and every profile is..or was (at the time) owned by a REAL person!
what is a fake to you? just after sensation? not seeking 24/7? just after service and not sex? find sex important as part of play? hookups? long term? looking for poly? online? (note I'm not saying any of these are "fake" just supplying egs) Fake can mean so much or so little? you'd first need to quantify what "fake" is...
Additionally we all look for different things in our inbox and or partners, and of differing depths and levels...are we to assume you ask the above of "single and looking"? but looking for what?
Also you might want to make your language a little more inclusive, the site isn't "just" MaleDom, it is a mixed BDSM site of many niches and also genders.I'm not trying to be difficult, just trying to get you the answer to what you want. I do think its an interesting topic.
if I read it as I think you intended. MY personal message count depends on the day and time I log in as the user list shows who is logged in. Weekends I tend to get more messages (and do you mean bonds or internal mail) more if its later at night in the US time zone ( I think there might be more US users, as its like that on most sites) Week days less if I log in early my time zone.
As for pictures/photos, yes they do seem to attract more interest and more often than not text on profiles isn't read. ...but saying that Domme are a minority (here) and are in short supply (everywhere) but again I don't think I'm the demographic your after. So I'll leave it to the hetero femsubs to answer your query.
I'm looking forward to the answers.