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Gaiawolf​(sub female){RogueWolf}
2 years ago • Oct 2, 2021


Ok one more thought to throw out there.

So I have come to realize my power no longer lays In my body and ability to seduce with it. Don't get me wrong, I know I'm amazing and you will never be the same, but the initial power is gone.
My power comes in my confidence and flirting. If I am feeling it, which I do more and more these days, I will walk into a room and expect everyone to look. I can flirt with a crowd, or one on one. I can go so far you don't know which way I'm actually going. And then I can gently reign it in and leave with a smile on everyone's faces. I can be demure, sweet or make a sailor blush.

This is my power. What is yours?
Dressing​(dom male)
2 years ago • Oct 2, 2021
Dressing​(dom male) • Oct 2, 2021
I can make people wish they never asked me "How are you doing?" icon_smile.gif
    The most loved post in topic
Miki​(masochist female)
2 years ago • Oct 3, 2021
Miki​(masochist female) • Oct 3, 2021
I wouldn't call it a power or a talent, but I seem to have the ability to attract people who ask me stuff that I don't do and publish same in my profile, and of course IRL I try to affect an unapproachable air about me but some seem to not want to take "no thanks" for an answer.
SubtleHush​(sub female)
2 years ago • Oct 3, 2021
SubtleHush​(sub female) • Oct 3, 2021
Some folks love flirting. I'm not one of them. I see it as manipulation born out of insecurity because it allows you to control the situation.

I suggest you ARE powerful. But it has nothing to do with being cute or sexy to random strangers. Somewhere in you is that power that I see in the majority of subs and slaves. You just have to find it. Much like an anchor might come out of the ocean with other stuff stuck to it, your strength might be obscured by other business.

When men flirt with me who don't know me, I am immediately put off. My first thought is "You don't know me so you don't have the information to like me, so what's the deal with this woo woo BS.

I believe flirting like humor or sarcasm is most powerful between people who know it's funny or cutesy. Who are in on it so to speak. Not random people who didn't invite you into their space.

I suspect that you are smart and strong, that you are evolving into who you were always supposed to be. Your strength lies in that.

An anchor full of seaweed is still an anchor but the seaweed needs to be cleared away. Entering this lifestyle often forces people to look closely at their motivations and history. You'll get there. And if you love to flirt and those you flirt with actually appreciate it, cool beans.

But pay attention to their responses. Some tolerate it and others move away from it. Not all will see it as strength. You're looking at a lifestyle that demands without mercy, SSC. That is safe, sane, and consensual. So be aware of what you put on others without their consent. In this realm, ignoring consent is frowned upon. Doesn't matter if they are vanilla bystanders or in this. The ownness is on you to conduct yourself in accordance with the SSC rule.

My strength? I'm pretty much unbreakable. I've survived a ridiculous amount of loss and challenge, as well as an incurable disease and many years of abuse.

My strength really boils down to one thing, no matter the situation, I don't give up. I continue to grow and evolve and work on what I find that needs work. That can include going back into therapy. Entering Grad school in my 60's or not giving in to those dark times when the odds feel stacked against you and you just can't believe in yourself any longer and want to give up.

You ARE strong. Keep opening yourself to it. At some point, you will be amazed by yourself and proud.

Defender​(dom male)
2 years ago • Oct 3, 2021

Re: Power

Defender​(dom male) • Oct 3, 2021
This is my power. What is yours?[/quote]

My mind.

(Succinct enough?)
Cressida Clytie​(masochist female){Taken}
2 years ago • Oct 4, 2021
First and foremost, there is my perseverance. I'm committed to doing what I enjoy. It also makes success taste sweeter when you know you put in a lot of effort, passion, and commitment to achieve your goal.

The second factor is my vulnerability. Some may see this as a flaw, but I see it as an act of great bravery. It takes courage to be honest and expose one's innermost feelings, which not everyone can do.
A Cloud​(sub female){Owned}
2 years ago • Oct 4, 2021
I am with Defender and Cressida.

My mind is my greatest allie, particularly when people underestimate my intellectual ability, innovation and persistence (it seems to happen a lot!). Silence, observation and contemplation fall within this super power. Knowledge is power!

I have just recently learnt how my vulnerability can be a great strength and what that looks like for me. I am focused on practicing this at the moment, which has brought a newfound sense of freedom that feels authentic, rather than fleeting.
2 years ago • Oct 4, 2021
Kenkey • Oct 4, 2021
Well, my power lies with my heart. I give it wholeheartedly especially when someone gives me something as valuable as their submission. If I'm not able to affectionately indulge in a heartfelt ds relationship, I usually mess up my whole life as the lifestyle is my life. Surely this could mean the end of me but I believe someday it will be the drive that fuels my future.
2 years ago • Oct 4, 2021
Ingénue{VK} • Oct 4, 2021
My power is irrelevant.

MisterAshmodai​(dom male)
2 years ago • Oct 4, 2021
MisterAshmodai​(dom male) • Oct 4, 2021
My power is observation.

I prefer to exist in subtlety, watching those around me.
Words are so often and easily mishandled that anything direct is almost worthless. Humans are great at assuming a role for a moment, but poor at holding that role for an extended period of time. See patterns instead of instances.
Someone may make a good counter point in a thread, but do they always have a nasty counterpoint in every thread they are on?
Are they always ‘correcting’?
Someone might write a manifesto that hits every point, but do they always apply the same manifesto to every conversation, and this time they got lucky?
Do all of their comments include a particular piece of information that is not strictly relevant to the overall discussion, but seems not only important to them, but indicative of their character?

The subtle is very prevalent in kink (to the point of being not so subtle), but it is ubiquitous.