Steellover(sub male) |
3 years ago •
Dec 11, 2021
3 years ago •
Dec 11, 2021
Steellover(sub male) • Dec 11, 2021
"Scamdemic" huh? I immediately tune out whenever I see someone use that term...and let me just stop there.
I've been ready for real time for a LONG time. I have been gingerly going out to small events with smaller groups. Larger events outdoors have been fun, and haven't been too much of a problem. Like many, I have been tired of all this "Cancel Culture" (as in, lets cancel everything where people might actually interact with each other) over the past 2 years, and the loneliness and isolation have taken a huge toll. Most everyone where I live is fed up and ready to get on with their lives. Virus or no virus I think a lot of people have reached the point where they'd rather go out and see people, and live their lives out in the world, than live locked away in their own foxholes quietly wasting away from fear, loneliness, isolation and despair. I don't pretend that the virus isn't real and isn't a serious thing- it is- but that was the whole point of everyone getting vaccinated in the first place; as this was supposed to END all the lockdowns and social distancing (and by the way I just got my booster yesterday.) With that said though, there is no real "kink" scene to speak of in my town, so most of the things I've been doing have been related to other interests- art, music, the outdoors, etc. |