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ready for real time?

Steellover​(sub male)
3 years ago • Dec 11, 2021
Steellover​(sub male) • Dec 11, 2021
"Scamdemic" huh? I immediately tune out whenever I see someone use that term...and let me just stop there.

I've been ready for real time for a LONG time. I have been gingerly going out to small events with smaller groups. Larger events outdoors have been fun, and haven't been too much of a problem. Like many, I have been tired of all this "Cancel Culture" (as in, lets cancel everything where people might actually interact with each other) over the past 2 years, and the loneliness and isolation have taken a huge toll. Most everyone where I live is fed up and ready to get on with their lives. Virus or no virus I think a lot of people have reached the point where they'd rather go out and see people, and live their lives out in the world, than live locked away in their own foxholes quietly wasting away from fear, loneliness, isolation and despair.

I don't pretend that the virus isn't real and isn't a serious thing- it is- but that was the whole point of everyone getting vaccinated in the first place; as this was supposed to END all the lockdowns and social distancing (and by the way I just got my booster yesterday.)

With that said though, there is no real "kink" scene to speak of in my town, so most of the things I've been doing have been related to other interests- art, music, the outdoors, etc.
3 years ago • Dec 15, 2021
Zvengali • Dec 15, 2021
Being I have been Diagnosed as having Mental Health issues by some of the well known Professional Psychiatrists here at the Cage. Though I have never seen their credentials.......Ill make this brief.

Going to Munches or functions is a great way to learn things you may not know. And meet great people in your area. Be as safe as you must, following all local laws of Covid. If you dont feel comfortable there, then just leave and wait until you do feel safe.

(Escapee from the Asylum)... Zvengali
tallslenderguy​(other male)
3 years ago • Dec 15, 2021

As a critical care nurse with >1600 hours of direct care for Covid positive patients, this sort of self imposed ignorance galls me. The thousands of professionals who care for the sick are not stupid, deceived or part of some grand conspiracy.

Covid has made an already difficult job that much more difficult. The environment hospital caregivers work in is often chaotic due to emergent health issues in critically ill patients. Labor shortages, exacerbated by yet greater labor shortages because of burnout, have made healthcare workers jobs that much harder.

i've lost count of the number of "scamdemic" believers i have cared for the last several months. ironically, it's those who treat Covid as a scam who are doing the most to perpetuate the pandemic.

That said, i am wanting to venture out, but have not yet. Group stuff for me is still out of the question because there are still so many who believe Covid is a scam and resist vaccines and masks. As long as you can ensure 6 feet distance and masks, wash your hands a lot, a presentation is prolly relatively safe as long as you're not doing up close and personal stuff with strangers. idk, we all have to decide our risk level, but if i'm going to risk, i want to do it with a population i know is taking every precaution. i would not want to knowingly interact with people who think a verifiable disease is a scam.
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Spellbound Wytch​{Mr. Parker}
3 years ago • Dec 15, 2021
tallslenderguy wrote:

As a critical care nurse with >1600 hours of direct care for Covid positive patients, this sort of self imposed ignorance galls me. The thousands of professionals who care for the sick are not stupid, deceived or part of some grand conspiracy.

i've lost count of the number of "scamdemic" believers i have cared for the last several months. ironically, it's those who treat Covid as a scam who are doing the most to perpetuate the pandemic.

That said, i am wanting to venture out, but have not yet. Group stuff for me is still out of the question because there are still so many who believe Covid is a scam and resist vaccines and masks. As long as you can ensure 6 feet distance and masks, wash your hands a lot, a presentation is prolly relatively safe as long as you're not doing up close and personal stuff with strangers. idk, we all have to decide our risk level, but if i'm going to risk, i want to do it with a population i know is taking every precaution. i would not want to knowingly interact with people who think a verifiable disease is a scam.

I've made a connection on FetLife for a local play partner and will be attending a Christmas themed play party at a dungeon in Cleveland this Saturday - hard to believe I had to actually VET people who messaged me as to whether or not they had the common sense to treat a deadly virus with something approaching healthy respect and behave accordingly. Anyone who blithely sneers at what they call a "scamdemic" is someone I'd not trust to practice any other safety measures with either. *sigh*
LongerJohnny​(dom male)​{B&C}Verified Account
3 years ago • Dec 15, 2021
LongerJohnny​(dom male)​{B&C}Verified Account • Dec 15, 2021
I'm long past ready to get out, but I don't feel nearly safe enough to go many places.
On the positive side, I do have a newfound, supreme confidence in the ignorance of a cross-section of humanity.
Not very long ago my state was one the the hottest virus "hotspots" in the nation, precisely because of people not giving a shit about staying safe as long as it meant the were now able to go to the bar.
Soon I will be triple vaxxed, and will be moving to a statistically safer part of the nation. Then I can revisit the idea of going out again.
In the mean time I will have to scratch that persistent kinky itch by visiting with my people here.
tallslenderguy​(other male)
3 years ago • Dec 15, 2021
LongerJohnny wrote:
I'm long past ready to get out, but I don't feel nearly safe enough to go many places.
On the positive side, I do have a newfound, supreme confidence in the ignorance of a cross-section of humanity.
Not very long ago my state was one the the hottest virus "hotspots" in the nation, precisely because of people not giving a shit about staying safe as long as it meant the were now able to go to the bar.
Soon I will be triple vaxxed, and will be moving to a statistically safer part of the nation. Then I can revisit the idea of going out again.
In the mean time I will have to scratch that persistent kinky itch by visiting with my people here.

Right? It can be mind bending how many people are convinced there is a Covid conspiracy. Not that such things do not happen, and corruption is always out there, but the disease itself is the real deal. Early on people compared it to the flu. i have worked in critical care in hospital for 9 years, i have never had a patient die from the flu, nor exhibit the same symptoms. We had to open a separate unit in March 2020 just to accommodate the number of Covid patients, it's still running strong. This disease presents unlike any i have encountered.

i too need contact with real people. i'm keeping it to individuals though. Prior to the pandemic, i'd go to Palm Springs 3 times a year and stay at a gay resort, i have not done that since Covid started, it's just not safe given how many disregard the measures against it. But i do connect with individuals,