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2 years ago • Aug 14, 2022
HypnoGrl • Aug 14, 2022
I enjoy being hypnotized as it relates to erotic hypnosis. It opens a new dimension on play and is a safe way to experience some aspects of CNC if you are into that type of dynamic. Ultimately it’s the best form of true submission because if one is open minded and a good subject it allows a large amount of control for the other party that isn’t implied but realized. I do not think it should be used to fix deep seated issues, however for general control, cum on command etc as long as both parties are consenting and enjoying it……just my 2 cents.
2 years ago • Aug 14, 2022
I'mME • Aug 14, 2022
HypnoGrl wrote:
I enjoy being hypnotized as it relates to erotic hypnosis. It opens a new dimension on play and is a safe way to experience some aspects of CNC if you are into that type of dynamic. Ultimately it’s the best form of true submission because if one is open minded and a good subject it allows a large amount of control for the other party that isn’t implied but realized. I do not think it should be used to fix deep seated issues, however for general control, cum on command etc as long as both parties are consenting and enjoying it……just my 2 cents.

I'm trying to understand where you are coming from. What do you do under hypnosis [regards to CNC play] that you would not w/o hypnosis?
2 years ago • Aug 14, 2022
I'mME • Aug 14, 2022
I'mME wrote:
HypnoGrl wrote:
I enjoy being hypnotized as it relates to erotic hypnosis. It opens a new dimension on play and is a safe way to experience some aspects of CNC if you are into that type of dynamic. Ultimately it’s the best form of true submission because if one is open minded and a good subject it allows a large amount of control for the other party that isn’t implied but realized. I do not think it should be used to fix deep seated issues, however for general control, cum on command etc as long as both parties are consenting and enjoying it……just my 2 cents.

I'm trying to understand where you are coming from. What do you do under hypnosis [regards to CNC play] that you would not w/o hypnosis?

You mention safe play. Can you explain further please?
2 years ago • Aug 15, 2022
HypnoGrl • Aug 15, 2022
Well as the hypnosis is virtually done it’s “safe” because I am in the security of my home. I have never had an actual IRL encounter. And there are things that I’m not sure I would have done my first hypnosis experience. Or maybe I enjoyed them somewhere inside and discovered a kink I did not know existed. If you would like to know more I’d be glad to discuss it privately with you.
One of the aspects ….. if the experience starts out virtual … it seems so many do …..a hypnotist has a much greater appeal. At least to me because they play with you both mind and body instead of you having to play with yourself at the direction and pleasure of your “Dom”. It’s a much more real experience than when one is directed to do x, y, z …’s still you playing with yourself. When you are kept on edge by your Hypnotist Master until you are literally squirming, begging for release…’s just a much more “real” experience . I began my journey out of curiosity, got a bit more than I bargained for and discovered a dynamic that I quite enjoy.
2 years ago • Aug 15, 2022
I'mME • Aug 15, 2022
HypnoGrl wrote:
Well as the hypnosis is virtually done it’s “safe” because I am in the security of my home. I have never had an actual IRL encounter. And there are things that I’m not sure I would have done my first hypnosis experience. Or maybe I enjoyed them somewhere inside and discovered a kink I did not know existed. If you would like to know more I’d be glad to discuss it privately with you.
One of the aspects ….. if the experience starts out virtual … it seems so many do …..a hypnotist has a much greater appeal. At least to me because they play with you both mind and body instead of you having to play with yourself at the direction and pleasure of your “Dom”. It’s a much more real experience than when one is directed to do x, y, z …’s still you playing with yourself. When you are kept on edge by your Hypnotist Master until you are literally squirming, begging for release…’s just a much more “real” experience . I began my journey out of curiosity, got a bit more than I bargained for and discovered a dynamic that I quite enjoy.

Okay now I understand better how y'all are using hypnosis in the dynamic. I did hesitate to put the question out there fearing you would think I wanted specifics, almost put a disclaimer.... ☺️ It ask if you would prefer privately.
Great minds..........
Thank you , ma'am.
FlyingAlan​(dom male)
2 years ago • Aug 15, 2022
FlyingAlan​(dom male) • Aug 15, 2022
OK, so I have followed this thread for awhile and figured I would finally throw my $.02 worth.

I have been interested in Hypnosis for 6 years so do not consider myself a "Licensed therapist", but I have a pretty darn good grasp of whats going on. Studied it and wanted to know as much as I could about it and have been using it all along. In my searching anytime I saw someone list Hypnosis as a hard limit i would send a respectful note and ask why for my own information gathering. 90% of the time it was due to someone that MISUSED the trust. It wasn't the Hypnosis that was suspect, it was the person using it. Almost ALWAYS was some asshat that abused someone. No matter HOW they abused someone, that's actually what they did. So if you don't do your due diligence and vet someone, what does it matter if they abuse you by shouting at you, or Hypnotizing you ? Either way it's fucking abuse.

Hypnosis is not going to make you not ever orgasm again, or orgasm at stoplights etc... The person in a Trance HAS to go along with it and it it's not reinforced, it fades over time.

I hypnotized someone about 4 years ago to help her with a divorce. She needed tools to help not waver when dealing with legal stuff. We also added a few things in for her to have as "fun" with self commands as well. She wanted those to work and enjoyed them. We went our separate ways and several years later ran back into each other. She told me that even the self orgasm commands faded after about 3 months and when I tried to give her a command, nothing happened. This from a woman that was able to orgasm from a text command and she WANTED that one to stay.

It seems to me "WITHOUT asking the concerned parties", that the negative comments too often come from those with no experience in the matter. I have helped a rape victim get over her abuser, I have helped people stay strong while dealing with lawyers and legal matters, I have helped much more than any imagined dangers and refuse to stop helping people with something that I was able to use to actually "give back" as well as use it in the bedroom which what got me started down this road. So just cause someone learned Hypnosis so I can make my partner cum with a text message or a simple command, doesn't mean she is at "risk" of who knows what sort of bad things might, possibly, have some sort of a slight chance of SOME-thing bad happening. Life if a fucking risk, too much Oxygen will hurt you just as much as anything else.

The short side is, if you haven't had it done to you, don't act like you know what your talking about. That's like taking advice from a marriage counselor that's never been married, I find it hard to put any weight into your words.
Sculpther​(dom male)
2 years ago • Aug 15, 2022
Sculpther​(dom male) • Aug 15, 2022
As I was reading through the comments, I almost quoted and, responded to some individual comments. One referring to individuals who practice hypnosis as part of the bdsm world as being an irresponsible amateur with an ego problem. Perhaps that individual would give us an overview of their diplomas affirming their documented expertise as being acceptable as a diagnosis of the aforementioned ego problem with nothing more to go on than a few lines of text in a forum post.

I agree with NCarraway who wrote "I don't recognise your view that 'anyone' offering hypnosis as part of bdsm, I.e. myself as an example, is an irresponsible amateur with an ego problem."

As I said in an earlier post on this subject, the mind does indeed have a safety valve that prevents that type of abuse in that, in actual hypnotism, the subject hypnotizes themselves. The tist is merely a guide into a state of relaxation that allows communication between the conscious and sub-conscious mind.

Attempting to hold an accurate discussion of all the ramifications of hypnotherapy in a forum like this is tantamount to explaining powered flight as "you pull back on the stick the plane goes up, push forward on the stick the plane goes down."

What I am surmising from the comments on this particular subject is that many of the posters to this forum know a little about the subject but very few know very much. Some have seen, or heard of, bad experiences which may or may not be factual but in order to determine fault or causality of anything like that, perhaps a bit more than hearsay should be provided.

It is amazing to me that so many clear thinking, clear headed, members of the kink community are taking such a superstitious stand regarding one of sciences (yes I said science) most ignored and misunderstood methods of dealing with the mind.

Let's just bring out a handful of mind altering drugs in order to fix the patients problem. Throw enough drugs at the symptom and no one even needs to be concerned about the deeper lying disease which is causing the symptoms.

In all seriousness friends, the amount of information available on hypnosis in Amazon alone will boggle the mind. Yet all of what has been bandied about in this forum is conjecture, supposition, and supported by very little fact, nor is there any bibliography available regarding where this vast knowledge, being offered as fact, originated.

There are lots of mind control techniques being employed today, the one more insidious and invasive being Mask Mandates. The Arab nation years ago used masks to control their captives and demoralize them in order to keep them under control.

My point is simply, think for yourself, crack a book on your own, and don't accept everything you hear at face value. This is the information age after all.
2 years ago • Aug 16, 2022
I'mME • Aug 16, 2022
FlyingAlan wrote:
OK, so I have followed this thread for awhile and figured I would finally throw my $.02 worth.

I have been interested in Hypnosis for 6 years so do not consider myself a "Licensed therapist", but I have a pretty darn good grasp of whats going on. Studied it and wanted to know as much as I could about it and have been using it all along. In my searching anytime I saw someone list Hypnosis as a hard limit i would send a respectful note and ask why for my own information gathering. 90% of the time it was due to someone that MISUSED the trust. It wasn't the Hypnosis that was suspect, it was the person using it. Almost ALWAYS was some asshat that abused someone. No matter HOW they abused someone, that's actually what they did. So if you don't do your due diligence and vet someone, what does it matter if they abuse you by shouting at you, or Hypnotizing you ? Either way it's fucking abuse.

Hypnosis is not going to make you not ever orgasm again, or orgasm at stoplights etc... The person in a Trance HAS to go along with it and it it's not reinforced, it fades over time.

I hypnotized someone about 4 years ago to help her with a divorce. She needed tools to help not waver when dealing with legal stuff. We also added a few things in for her to have as "fun" with self commands as well. She wanted those to work and enjoyed them. We went our separate ways and several years later ran back into each other. She told me that even the self orgasm commands faded after about 3 months and when I tried to give her a command, nothing happened. This from a woman that was able to orgasm from a text command and she WANTED that one to stay.

It seems to me "WITHOUT asking the concerned parties", that the negative comments too often come from those with no experience in the matter. I have helped a rape victim get over her abuser, I have helped people stay strong while dealing with lawyers and legal matters, I have helped much more than any imagined dangers and refuse to stop helping people with something that I was able to use to actually "give back" as well as use it in the bedroom which what got me started down this road. So just cause someone learned Hypnosis so I can make my partner cum with a text message or a simple command, doesn't mean she is at "risk" of who knows what sort of bad things might, possibly, have some sort of a slight chance of SOME-thing bad happening. Life if a fucking risk, too much Oxygen will hurt you just as much as anything else.

The short side is, if you haven't had it done to you, don't act like you know what your talking about. That's like taking advice from a marriage counselor that's never been married, I find it hard to put any weight into your words.


I am point blank asking who you are speaking to when you said, if you haven't had it done blah blah blah.

I'm an up front and direct person. I'm not sure who your tone in your comment is directed to. [I can't be positive because I don't know the history between some of the players here]

See that's why I am directly asking you.
FlyingAlan​(dom male)
2 years ago • Aug 16, 2022
FlyingAlan​(dom male) • Aug 16, 2022
Usually I try not to actually call someone out by name because then the point tends to get lost in a flame war and nobody learns a thing. So I will admit it is sort of generalized to a degree so as not to feel like I am attacking one persons point or view.

So to directly answer your question, My response would be to anyone that has little to no experience and then feeds into the general misconceptions that surround Hypnosis. I don't claim to be an expert, But I do have several years of experience. I have helped my slave out with some previous trauma and I have helped another sub out with some long held issues. My sub was raped when she was 12 and he taped her up with 2" clear packing tape. She couldn't even look at the stuff and thru working thru there issues with some help from Hypnosis, we have been able to completely change her phobia of it. I'm sorry if someone thinks it's all voodoo and dangerous, her life is dramatically better because I knew about Hypnosis. I will take that over an uninformed persons worries any day of the week.

Now having said all of that, I also know that a lot of piece of shit Dom's out there have used Hypnosis to there sub's detriment and broke trust with them using Hypnosis. Whats the difference if they abused them with Hypnosis, or words, or fists ?? In either case, the asshat is the problem, not the Hypnosis. I can't stand any Dom that changes D/s to abuse and thinks it's the same thing. If your willing to do that, you a POS not matter which tool you use to abuse your sub. Just like prescription drugs, counseling, and all sorts of scientific advances, it helps dramatically more people than it hurts. To tell people that a Dom cant know what he is doing with Hypnosis just because he isn't "Certified" or something is just not honest advice. If you have had a bad experience with Hypnosis, I am willing to bet that most of the root problem lays with the Hypnotist, not the Hypnosis. If you have had a bad experience with Hypnosis, I'm sorry for your experience, it's been a marvelous tool for us and I can give a dozen times when people have thanked me for helping them out with something. Sorry, but definitely not sorry..............................