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2 years ago •
Sep 13, 2022
Re: Social Accountability
2 years ago •
Sep 13, 2022
I'mME • Sep 13, 2022
testosteroneandtacos wrote: I hadn't noticed this topic. Let me know if there is a thread already. And please lend leniency in typos. Typing on a phone is a real bitch ? The synopsis being social accountability for evaluation of personal dynamics. Is, are, should an individual, couple, or group be felt to legitamize, defend, or validate the dynamics of their relationships, and if so, in the presence of which conditions?
As we all know, BDS&M involve relationship dynamics which are idealy practiced with very clear standards. Physical and control factors involve depth of communication, coordination, and agreement. We also all know that the nature of relationships in and out of BDSM can slip or nose dive into unbalanced, unhealthy, or abusive dynamics. When people involved with certain lifestyle traits are made aware to others in the community, then there is a community aspect to the nature of that relationship. That's an immutable constant of humanity. We're very social. How that interaction plays out with certain individuals or cultures is likely to, and does, vary. In many circumstances a role of social accountability plays out in these interactions. It may present in different ways. Such as quiet and non-confrontational whispers among others in the community, which may sway social standing. Perhaps outright criticism or even a demand to defend a case for behaviour. In some places your intimate relationships make your partner/s strictly your property, unaccountable to outside standard. Most likely a couple or group will be held to social input and evaluation. The important part here, is that one does not have the power to dictate the standards of interaction any more than a ship tells the sea how to behave. On par with common human psychology, those standards will have more interest and integrity depending on whether they are directed at or away from the person of attention. Look at them, don't look at me. We can all come up with a myriad of personal or social situations where that has been apparent. Emboldening self righteousness of scrutinizing another, or searing pressure from being the focus of evaluation and judgement. The fuzzy facts here are that people in general care. They want to know that, to a degree, others are safe. If they suspect unhealthy dynamics or abuse, they have an emotional urge to identift or help resolve that. Even if they struggle with that management in their own relationships. Of course there are some who want others to suffer, and so promote poor behaviour, or desire others be held to rigid socio-religous standards for every thought and action. Mostly, people simply need to have a reason to believe the people in their community are in safe relationships. So, the hairy beast in the corner. How do we all manage validating the dynamics of our relationships and behaviours amongst and outside the BDSM community? How does a person, or couple provide evidence of safety and health, and when is it appropriate they feel a requirement to do so for others in a social setting? Let's make clear all dynamics are on the table. Fling, poly, monogamous, group, and amongst all forms of role dynamics. Even master/slave. testosteroneandtacos, These people you are writing about that want/need to know everyone else is safe. Are we talking about in just this community, as in dungeon and events? At the end of the day, there will be abusive [people everywhere, some may be out in plain view [just because Mary and Bob Smith do not like the way they do something] some may be hiding behind the words Protector, Dungeon owner, mod, some may belong to platforms such as TheCage, we can not control others. We can control ourselves and make our position known, in the end many people are NOT willing to do that these days. I do not live my life caring about what others think or their opinions on how I choose to live. What they going to do Kick me out of the country club? Lol, I have been kicked out of some very classy places and some holes in the wall. The sheriff's department did one time threaten to try and keep me off the lake [300 plus square miles of shoreline, LMAO] here where I live, if I didn't behave. In the end, I stood my ground for what I believe in, what allows me to lay my head down and sleep like a baby. You don't owe anyone any explanations of anything. I'd you feel you so, then perhaps you need to look inward at yourself and/or the relationship. Own who you are. |