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Crossing a line?

Dromus​(sub femme)
1 year ago • Feb 18, 2023

Crossing a line?

Dromus​(sub femme) • Feb 18, 2023
Two years ago, I found that I was sexually attracted to blasphemy porn almost more than anything else. And I've been wrestling with whether or not to indulge in it, given the connotations attached to satanism and whatnot. "Will I be punished in some way if I indulge?" "Am I evil/immoral?" "Is there any safe way to indulge in this?" "Is this a gateway to satanism?" "Does this sexual attraction even mean anything?" These are a few of these subjects my mind has raced around. I would appreciate some input on this topic.
tallslenderguy​(other male)
1 year ago • Feb 18, 2023
Pre qualifier: acknowledged that this is just my view.

i think your conflict is a conditioned response.

i think all religious (or even non religious) belief, is just that. "Belief." I.e., it cannot be substantiated like we can other stuff through our senses. But there are some, who i think "cross [all] lines" (i.e, they are not 'just ' among the religious), who want/need to have an absolutist approach to their 'ism' and, for them it is no longer belief, but 'absolute knowledge.' i also think that many, if not most, in this mindset, are not even aware they are treating belief as anything other than belief. Yet, based on what they perceive as 'truth', they are willing to fly airplanes into buildings, or kill an abortion doctor, or impose their belief as 'truth' that all should conform to. They are willing to pass laws to make this happen, use all types of manipulation or coercion, violate anothers volition, and even take anothers life.

my guess is you are experiencing a conflict between reality and conditioning against that reality. I.e., there is some sort of need/desire in you that is being met, nurtured by "blasphemy porn." If i had to guess, i'd say your attraction is a part of you that sees differently than the way you have been conditioned and your fulfilling that need feels wrong because it goes against a conditioned belief in you.
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Miki​(masochist female)
1 year ago • Feb 18, 2023
Miki​(masochist female) • Feb 18, 2023
In other words the only line you would cros would be your own., Those who enjoy porn of that nature will like it while those who don't/despise porn ofg that nature--- won't give it a second thought, let alone even see/participate in it. For me it is not a matter of "conditioned belief" How or why one believes in something or against another is not relevant in my opinbion, it simply is a choice.

Probably too simplistic but the following conveys how I don't complicate matters of choice:

If one likes anchovies on their pizza, they will indulge. If they don't like those or even hate the thought, they won't go near it.
Island girl​(sub female)​{Yes owned.}
1 year ago • Feb 19, 2023
I think only you can decide if you are immoral, what your definition of that is, and even if that's important.

The other question is why... knowing why this is a turn-on would be a big help I think. Are you getting back at someone or some experience in your past? Is this some way to punish yourself, doing something you find totally reprehensible?

I think we all have "taboo" things that turn us on and I think a lot of those are based on our cultural upbringing. In the end, only you can determine your moral compass.
Kurai Mori​(dom male)
1 year ago • Feb 19, 2023
Kurai Mori​(dom male) • Feb 19, 2023
My two pieces of copper, for what they are worth...

You speak of 'crossing a line' - what is the 'line'? What is this boundary, that you are thinking of crossing? Is it physical? Is it mental? Imaginary? Societal? What is this border that is putting your life on pause for? And how is it going to impact you?

You mention 'gateway to satanism'... so, is drinking a beer or glass a wine a 'gateway to alcoholism'?

Sin is sin - if you believe in that ideology. Thinking about the cute guy and all the fun you could have together - is a sin. So, are you then a sinner? Because you have thought about it, but didn't act on it? Some of us would say, because we didn't act on our impulse - we didn't actually commit the sin. But it did cross our minds... and if you are dealing in absolutes... then you sinned.
As thoughts lead to words, which lead to actions... according to the narrative, I keep getting told. Is how that goes.

Will looking at blasphemy porn, cause you to cross over?
The only one who can answer this, is you. For you know yourself better than anyone.
As someone above asked - why are you drawn to it? Again, is this a curiosity? Is it a need to rebel? Trying to define who you are? Or worse case scenario - trying to impress someone else, by showing that you are open minded? Which there are better ways to do that...

A bad influence can be just that - bad.

You are young, still have a lot of life in front of you. Plenty of time to weigh the pros and cons of the decision. And if in the end this will balance out your life. Or make you lop-sided in some way... is like a broken record. Your choice to make - because it effects you.

We all have different experiences, we've all traveled different roads, the only common factor we have - is that we are all here.
MasterDaddyFrank​(dom male)
1 year ago • Feb 19, 2023
Hassan I Sabbah once said, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." OK, what is "The Law?" Therefore, what Is immoral? Is it okay to burn off the clitoris of a young girl because of social revivalism? Is it okay to give tax payer's money to the rich because you're bought off by corporations? Is it okay to force women to have babies that you don't want them to be able to care for? Are you seriously cool with driving to your mansions while lying to the the people who believe in you. Are you that much of a shithead? Yes, yes you are. Then, what is a "moral compass"? Do you understand the question? Do you understand what it means to be moral ?
House Talion​(dom male)
1 year ago • Feb 20, 2023
House Talion​(dom male) • Feb 20, 2023
If you have a problem with what attracts you it may be as simple as previously being unable to explore your sexuality.
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account
1 year ago • Feb 21, 2023
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account • Feb 21, 2023
Being accused of satanism is a big pile of crap. christian nationalist label anything they don't like as "satainist". Its a simple control issue. I have been putting up with it for decades now. Who is it you are fearing to offend, should you engage in this activity, you or some kid rapers who then hold holy mass on sundays?