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BAN SILENT BLOCKS!!!.. the site needs to be updated.

Literate Lycan​(dom male)
1 year ago • Apr 1, 2023
Literate Lycan​(dom male) • Apr 1, 2023
Good evening all. I guess I read the OP's intention slightly different than others, although I could be wrong. The OP didn't indicate who "silently blocked" him, just that he noticed it. He suggested a hypothetical solution but in his own words indicated it wasn't practical. I almost feel at heart he was venting his frustration at discovering someone blocked him with no provocation. The responses above from most are pretty on target. There are a myriad of reasons we might get the silent block, not the least of which whoever does the blocking just doesn't like us. Or as SBD indicated, it's a method of swiping left on a profile (not interested). I also didn't read where the OP was indicating the blocker was male or female - just that he had been blocked. (Hint, most of the Dominants who are active get blocked by at least one other Dominant here - and yes there may have been some laughing when we compared notes).

But very much like Defender above, the first time I found out I had been blocked was when I read a blog that I really liked and I went to hit the ol' heart button to show support. For some mysterious reason, the Cage must have been broken because it was greyed out. I deliberated on how I might fix this issue so that I could show a fellow Dominant support until I clicked on his profile and discovered he had blocked me. I was beside myself, wondering how on earth I had offended him until I discovered in discussions with other Dominants, that's his thing. He does it so other Dominants don't chime in on his blog because . . . well, I can only guess his issues.

I do agree with Miki: alluding to this being discrimination is a stretch. And although I can understand wanting to know why I was blocked by some (I'm certain there is a list of people who have blocked me and I most likely deserved it) it would also be a violation of the individual who blocked. They shouldn't have to give reasons, especially if they feel unsafe because of me. As others say, we just move on and enjoy life.

Although I understand your feeling. It is very much a slap in the face to receive the unsolicited "silent block". So maybe this Forum is just a venting of frustrations, which we do often in the Cage - from all sides.
1 year ago • Apr 2, 2023
MandatorySub • Apr 2, 2023
I think the "why people do it." is off base for this scenario.

My initial thought would be that someone posted something that is a huge red flag, triggering, offensive, annoying, irrelevant, or someone the blocker trusts on the site warns them of someone who displays predatory behavior.

The blocker does not owe a potential creep a chance. We don't owe anyone a chance.

If a block from someone you have never engaged with is damaging in this context - we do not share an understanding of what boundaries are. So, I would opt out of conversation anyhow.

Everyone is here for their own reasons. And chatting/introducing yourself/being heard is not a right....right?
Vhale​(sub female){Yes}
1 year ago • Apr 2, 2023
Vhale​(sub female){Yes} • Apr 2, 2023
Nobody owes anyone a conversation. I 100% have just blocked people because their fist message to me included lude or inappropriate content or pet names. I don't owe those people conversation I owe myself they respect of not responding.
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified member
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified member
1 year ago • Apr 2, 2023
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified member • Apr 2, 2023
I would love to see the coding to ban something like this.

But let's face a fact or two. If one says stupid things in a public forum and other see it, they are going to block you as they find you uncouth. Rather simple really. If your profile is all dick pics, not all are going to find this palatable, thus will block you. That is simple the way online life is. Learn to deal with it.

I've had it done to me on other sites and find it quite amusing the ones who block me assume I would write them to begin with.
1 year ago • Apr 3, 2023
autisticbarbie • Apr 3, 2023
OP is a real one and a good guy. But ER I totally disagree with you. Being a female on this site can be sort of overwhelming. Sometimes we gotta block or ignore people to just deal with staying here.
Sasa​(dom female)
1 year ago • Apr 3, 2023
Sasa​(dom female) • Apr 3, 2023
Why do so many "assume" here why people do that? They do it cause they can. I don't think it is a smart move, but that's up to them. People blocked me cause someone else told them some nonsense about me, and told me later. I don't enjoy gossip, by the way, and also not this one. If people want to hate the idea of you, so be it. There are millions of reasons in a society were people have a problem standing even the tiniest opposite views without blocking or shouting them down.
Anyway, it is probably for the better they block, or is their attention in any case important? Some block others cause they aren't the right material for the scammer... just a reason nobody thought about đŸ˜‰
SapphireEyes​(sub female){JoshuaD }
1 year ago • Apr 3, 2023
I will block as I see fit.
This is a fact of life.
It is ludicrous to expect anyone to owe you or anyone else anything.
If this is a recurring issue, then look at you and figure out why and embrace the lesson being given to you.
If I saw this hostility coming at me in a message, a block is a definite. No response required.
I owe nothing to anyone here, and vice versa.
Please find the positives in your day,.embrace them, and heal.

Little Vixie​(sub female){Mgh30}
1 year ago • Apr 4, 2023
I should not have to justify why I want to block someone. I get feeling hurt by being blocked but no one owes you an explanation as to why they blocked you. I will ghost block people when they make me super uncomfortable or I feel threatened in a dangerous way. I should not have to explain to the person that is making me feel that way why I do. This main post rubs me the wrong way
BunnyMuffins​(sub female)
1 year ago • Apr 5, 2023
BunnyMuffins​(sub female) • Apr 5, 2023
This is so odd to me. Why should a blocker be theoretically forced to converse with someone in order to block them? Isn't it worse for someone to send you 2 curt messages just so they can quickly block you? Why would the blocked person want to continue pursuing someone who is not interested? A person blocking you saves you time and effort so you can move on to someone who actually might be interested in pursuing a friendship, conversation, or more.

I truly do not understand.
Philly Belwas​(dom male)
1 year ago • Apr 5, 2023
Philly Belwas​(dom male) • Apr 5, 2023
I agree with many of the previous commenters. No one should be forced to communicate with someone they are blocking.

Whatever reason they chose it is their reasoning. Maybe they saw a red flag in the profile, a form post, blog comment. Whatever reason the blocker has it is their own right.

Not being able to block someone would a red flag for me in a site like this. For Doms and Subs blocking is a safety mechanism to eliminate communication with someone that is being/potentially a safety risk in the eyes of the blocker. Maybe they are being harassing, vulgar, creepy, or anything else you want to throw in here. Not having a way to safely and permanently revoke that persons access to you I feel like would drive many away from the site and community as they would feel too vulnerable and unsafe.

I know as a Dom I have had to block folks from being rude, vulgar, obnoxious, obscene or just plain bat shit crazy on this site.

There is a reason we have restraining orders and such in the real world. Sometimes words are not enough to deter and stop someone. You need a direct action like blocking. Even then that’s not enough at times. You can find several blogs, forum posts and such on here where people go to the extent of making multiple profiles to circumvent the blocking system and harass folks.

End rant….