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I'm More Than BDSM

11 months ago • Oct 17, 2023
I'mME • Oct 17, 2023
lambsone wrote:
No ImMe, they are telling me only that they want to interact online and "see what develops". One was preparing to marry me. The other would dodge my questions of wanting to know where we were at in our relationship just so I could be on the same page. I didn't want to push anything, just wanted clarity to know what I should expect. Hanging in limbo was killing me. I wasn't even sure we had a relationship. I thought I was just being "teained". But I still needed to know what he was thinking. Anyway one was very long distance and the other was within a few hours driving distance for both of us but we had yet to meet in person. Both seemed bored with me unless we were talking or interacting about BDSM. After awhile I just didn't sense any more depth in either relationship so I let them know that we didn't suit and moved on.


I know that feeling, of being treated like I'm something to tolerate unless it was about kink. If someone doesn't like the other aspects of me, doesn't want to enjoy something other than kink w me, that's a no go. I love myself, being continuously treated in that manner has the possibility of hurting ones self-esteem.

I think you know yourself and handled it well.

Perhaps more chatting in the beginning, seeing what they avoid answering, dodge, would help prevent some of it.

It's all so personal to the individual.
11 months ago • Oct 17, 2023
lambsone{countrySir} • Oct 17, 2023
Very true ImMe. Our individual psyches and backgrounds are so different. Both Doms would have made wonderful lifetime partners had the follow-through been there. But we cannot control another person, only ourselves. So, yes I had to make hard decisions but I believe it will be for the best in the end.
11 months ago • Oct 17, 2023
Notely • Oct 17, 2023
You got more years to come older are younger these days enjoy them.
Richlydefined​(sub female){Gardener}
11 months ago • Oct 17, 2023
lambsone wrote:
I guess the key SayYesMaam is to steer the conversation with these Doms elsewhere as best we can and if they don't take the hint, either block or don't answer them.

That really is the key, IME many tend to get aggravated when they notice you doing it too so never hesitate on the block button. I believe that most of us crave a deeper connection on some level but we hit that point at different times in our life so I struggle with this too because finding someone that you have a mutual attraction to, who is at that same point in their life, who shares similar values, wants a similar type of future as you, is willing and able to try to put in all the hard work that comes with a relationship with you AND is compatible with you on a kink level? There's so many points there that need to line up that it really isn't any wonder why it's so difficult.
Doesn't mean it sucks any less for those of us who haven't found it yet though.
11 months ago • Oct 17, 2023
lambsone{countrySir} • Oct 17, 2023
Very true Richlydefined. There's a lot to match up with. Almost seems impossible at times.
11 months ago • Oct 17, 2023
Notely • Oct 17, 2023
11 months ago • Oct 17, 2023
lambsone{countrySir} • Oct 17, 2023
Thank you Avonlea. I'll be taking a look at those references.
11 months ago • Oct 21, 2023
SamuelLL • Oct 21, 2023
What a cool madam! I hope you can find the one soon