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What really pisses you off?

Miki​(masochist female)
11 months ago • Oct 26, 2023
Miki​(masochist female) • Oct 26, 2023
I could write pages but I'll go with the top ones that come to mind.

It takes a bit to genuinely piss me off, so the below events merely serve to frost my little ass.


So.. John Q. Dickface gets on the elevator I'm riding on, I'm in a kind of short skirt so of course he not-so-furtively looks at my legs, well that's fine. I enjoy being gawked at. .. but then the sonofabitch rips a sharp fart and gets off the damned thing. Yes, of course I couldn't hear it but the evidence was overwhelming, and there were only two of us on the elevator at that time.---- and it gets worse, when I get off, people get on and the stench of his exhausted flatulence was still hanging in the air and they all looked at me. -- That sucked.

* * *

Or (yes this still happens in 2023) in a long line at the grocery store, and wouldn't you know it, freakin' Ma & Pa Kettle unload their 3 or 4 items at the register ... and proceed to write a fucking check. Of course they're blind as bats even with thick-ass glasses--- so it takes them forever to stare at the check 2 inches from their faces in order to write out the Pay to Order line and the amount.

* * *

When I was sexually active I'd have guys over for weekends or nights off to, well, y'know, get busy-- Well, one tool decides to get up, take a dump and then use up 3/4 of the fucking roll of paper to wipe his hairy ass.--- and if that weren't bad enough he gets up later to hang a leak, and leaves the damned seat up!!

* * *

Going down the highway on my way to work, cop has some dude pulled over and is at the window jawing at the speeder.. and all the rest of the assholes on the road slow down. I mean, really? Like the fucking flat-foot is going to drop everything, let that zero go and chase the rest of us down? Come on, people!!

* * *

Lastly.... Clowns. I mean actual clowns.

They don't frost my ass as much as they scare the shit out of me, to this day. I mean.. the worst one of all? Fucking Bozo.. He should have been outlawed.

I can't believe they had a TV show long ago intended for kids.. I mean how many wonderful little tykes had nightmares because of that prick.

I could go on but walls of text and I don't mix.
Sweet Minx​(sub female){NotLooking}
11 months ago • Oct 26, 2023
Im back.
Rude ass people. In real life and on this site. I am submissive but not to everyone, not everyone gets that side of me. Not everyone gets my affection or time or attention either. I'm not your trash. I don't have to please random people. Grrrrr.
11 months ago • Oct 26, 2023
Sololoquy • Oct 26, 2023
People who are passive aggressive, narcissistic and/or have no self-awareness or willingness to take accountability.
11 months ago • Oct 26, 2023
I'mME • Oct 26, 2023
lambsone wrote:
Thank you ImME.

I can't tell you how many times I've experienced this in life. LOL.


At the age I am now, 54, I have experienced it many time. I will not play any games, I don't care who, what, when, where. I'm going to stand up for what I believe is right. It's called integrity, and the only thing if value I ow, well besides my ChooChoo, but I think she owns me, that little minx.
Steellover​(sub male)
11 months ago • Oct 26, 2023
Steellover​(sub male) • Oct 26, 2023
Miki wrote:
I could write pages but I'll go with the top ones that come to mind.
Going down the highway on my way to work, cop has some dude pulled over and is at the window jawing at the speeder.. and all the rest of the assholes on the road slow down. I mean, really? Like the fucking flat-foot is going to drop everything, let that zero go and chase the rest of us down? Come on, people!!
I could go on but walls of text and I don't mix.

I agree with a lot of what you said, but my take on the above: People generally slow down when they see flashing lights, for safety reasons. It's sort of ingrained in drivers; flashing lights could mean a driver stopped by the police or it could be an emergency with officers and fire/rescue personnel on foot in the road- so we tend to slow down to at least make certain it is safe to pass by. In this case, they want to avoid side-swiping the officer as he approaches the driver's side window to speak to the traffic violator he stopped.

As far as the toilet seat issue: This is something a LOT of guys are thoughtless and/or careless about, and it is worth mentioning here to all of you fellows out there, as a common courtesy thing. I've been guilty of this simply because I get in the habit of leaving it up, and forget. Though I still can't imagine going through half a roll of TP after one shit. That must have been one messy shit.
Miki​(masochist female)
11 months ago • Oct 27, 2023
Miki​(masochist female) • Oct 27, 2023
I miswrote that traffic bit and fucked up my point.

... I meant when the cop-and-driver are on the opposite direction of the divided highway. eastbound vs "westbound" "north vs south": before, like they think the cop will drop everything, hop in the cruiser, cross the median on the "pull-off" that they have on interstates where respective directions are fairly close. - The clowns on the opposte drection of the Interstate all slow to 55 or 60 where the limit is 65. Some are rubbernecking but most are just being ridiculous


And in keeping with the topic-- one more thing that drives me bananas: Dumb-ass criminals. Plenty of examples--- like the ones running dope or guns up to Vermont from CT or New York--- They have all kinds of contraband in their car but they are

A) speeding more than 10 above the limit
B) have a headlight or tail light out and
C) have a loud exhaust. Why not just flag the fucking cop down "Here I am, lock my ass up!"

But one dude took the cake last summer.

He had a bench (default) warrant for his arrest for ditching his court appointment--- issued in 2013..

So the asswipe gets bagged just north of the last Massachusetts exit for.... doing 85 in a 65 zone. Duhhh

Did he actually think the damned warrant would just go away?

I do NOT condone criminal activity and glad for every one of these bone-heads they catch, but still, that jackass should get 50 years just for being stupid, never mind the charge whose court date he decided to blow off.

Oh and he didn't have a license.

Dumb and Dumber
11 months ago • Oct 27, 2023
ThomasVa • Oct 27, 2023
People that litter. Not just litter but unload their vehicle before getting on or when getting off of an interstate. I would hate to see your house/apartment, yard or desk.
tallslenderguy​(other male)
11 months ago • Oct 27, 2023
Miki wrote:
I could write pages but I'll go with the top ones that come to mind.

It takes a bit to genuinely piss me off, so the below events merely serve to frost my little ass.


So.. John Q. Dickface gets on the elevator I'm riding on, I'm in a kind of short skirt so of course he not-so-furtively looks at my legs, well that's fine. I enjoy being gawked at. .. but then the sonofabitch rips a sharp fart and gets off the damned thing. Yes, of course I couldn't hear it but the evidence was overwhelming, and there were only two of us on the elevator at that time.---- and it gets worse, when I get off, people get on and the stench of his exhausted flatulence was still hanging in the air and they all looked at me. -- That sucked.

* * *

Or (yes this still happens in 2023) in a long line at the grocery store, and wouldn't you know it, freakin' Ma & Pa Kettle unload their 3 or 4 items at the register ... and proceed to write a fucking check. Of course they're blind as bats even with thick-ass glasses--- so it takes them forever to stare at the check 2 inches from their faces in order to write out the Pay to Order line and the amount.

* * *

When I was sexually active I'd have guys over for weekends or nights off to, well, y'know, get busy-- Well, one tool decides to get up, take a dump and then use up 3/4 of the fucking roll of paper to wipe his hairy ass.--- and if that weren't bad enough he gets up later to hang a leak, and leaves the damned seat up!!

* * *

Going down the highway on my way to work, cop has some dude pulled over and is at the window jawing at the speeder.. and all the rest of the assholes on the road slow down. I mean, really? Like the fucking flat-foot is going to drop everything, let that zero go and chase the rest of us down? Come on, people!!

* * *

Lastly.... Clowns. I mean actual clowns.

They don't frost my ass as much as they scare the shit out of me, to this day. I mean.. the worst one of all? Fucking Bozo.. He should have been outlawed.

I can't believe they had a TV show long ago intended for kids.. I mean how many wonderful little tykes had nightmares because of that prick.

I could go on but walls of text and I don't mix.

lol, This thread found your on button Miki, i've never seen you write so much. You usually have an aversion to longer posts. icon_wink.gif