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Your Take on Being Taken

10 months ago • Nov 25, 2023

Your Take on Being Taken

lambsone{countrySir} • Nov 25, 2023
I asked my Master today if he'd ever taken any of his prior subs. He was confused and agreed that I should ask the community here what "being taken" means. I'm guessing it involves sex in some way and possibly CnC. Or a primal capture situation. Or sex without lube or being mentally/emotionally ready for it. But I don't know. If you have taken your sub or as a sub been taken, will you share what was involved? I'm guessing it's different for everyone. My Master is interested in your answers also. Thanks in advance.
Miki​(masochist female)
10 months ago • Nov 25, 2023
Miki​(masochist female) • Nov 25, 2023
There are two distinct "takes" on "being taken". At least as far as my experience goes.

One would be, "Don't bother asking him/her out. (S)he's taken" meaning the object of one's curious desire is seeing someone already and would likely decline a date request. (if they don't and they're "taken" watch out. Roving eyes or fluid relationship... "Easy Come, Easy Go" --- Unless one is just looking to play the field.)

The second seems to be what you're driving at. No special meaning really, from my experience anyway. "He took me" simply means he got in my pants. Got me between the hot sheets, etc. But it also seems that expression would be part of a greater dialogue. "We went (here and there) saw (this and that) we went to his place, and we were watching (movie or other program) and he took me right there on the couch.

There might be more recent applications to this, but of those I remain unaware. Words and expressions seem to change as fast as the weather.

In general, I've never written that phrase when describing an experience to a close friend who might be curious as to "how the night went". Again, to me, it seems more literary. It'll likely be more common in steamy novels and such.


Now for someone else to chime in. Again, my take is only what I know, and as someone who's been "not available" a few years now, I might be out of the loop.
10 months ago • Nov 25, 2023
lambsone{countrySir} • Nov 25, 2023
I guess I better clarify. I mean sexually taken by your partner or you took your partner sexually. In a primal sense if you will, whether they were expecting it or not. Still in a safe, sane, consensual environment. You knew they'd be open to it. In a way that they couldn't resist your attempts to take them. It could be at home or in the woods on a camping trip, etc. Maybe you woke them unexpectedly and forced yourself on them, or engaged in play rape. Stuff of that sort. Did you dress a certain way, play certain music, talk a certain way to them, etc.
10 months ago • Nov 26, 2023
LordofPain56 • Nov 26, 2023
The only thing that came to mind immediately is "Taken-in-Hand", which is more associated with Christian BDSM. If you go the internet and google that term, it should pop up with several good articles that one who wanted to learn about it might find it interesting. I think you'd find many 1950's BDSM lifestyle folks follow that philosophy, but it doesn't seem to be very popular with BDSMers today.
Miki​(masochist female)
10 months ago • Nov 26, 2023
Miki​(masochist female) • Nov 26, 2023
lambsone wrote:
I guess I better clarify. I mean sexually taken by your partner or you took your partner sexually. In a primal sense if you will, whether they were expecting it or not. Still in a safe, sane, consensual environment. You knew they'd be open to it. In a way that they couldn't resist your attempts to take them. It could be at home or in the woods on a camping trip, etc. Maybe you woke them unexpectedly and forced yourself on them, or engaged in play rape. Stuff of that sort. Did you dress a certain way, play certain music, talk a certain way to them, etc.

I see. Well, this is the first time I've really seen it outside of literary works. I'm sure the expression is out there but in the proper light of consent... it doesn't fit for me outside of romance novels and shit. "Take" in the sexual sense means "Ready or not, here I cum" and little room is left for dispute.

But that's just me.
10 months ago • Nov 26, 2023
I'mME • Nov 26, 2023
LordofPain56 wrote:
The only thing that came to mind immediately is "Taken-in-Hand", which is more associated with Christian BDSM. If you go the internet and google that term, it should pop up with several good articles that one who wanted to learn about it might find it interesting. I think you'd find many 1950's BDSM lifestyle folks follow that philosophy, but it doesn't seem to be very popular with BDSMers today.


TiH, HoH, dynamics are thriving these days.
    The most loved post in topic
ControlYourHole​(dom male)
10 months ago • Nov 26, 2023
ControlYourHole​(dom male) • Nov 26, 2023
LordofPain56 wrote:
The only thing that came to mind immediately is "Taken-in-Hand", which is more associated with Christian BDSM. If you go the internet and google that term, it should pop up with several good articles that one who wanted to learn about it might find it interesting. I think you'd find many 1950's BDSM lifestyle folks follow that philosophy, but it doesn't seem to be very popular with BDSMers today.

I will look this up- thanks for posting👍I kinda felt like me & my wife were almost the only couple that realized that a Biblical marriage is the strictest/most committed type of D/s dynamic out there (note how Sarah became the mother of a whole race/nation all because she trusted her husband and called him Lord🔥🙏)…so hearing that “Christian BDSM” is something other people are into is cool haha. I HAVE met Christian subs on here so I know others may take interest too
dollMaker​(dom male)
10 months ago • Nov 27, 2023
dollMaker​(dom male) • Nov 27, 2023
Taken in Hand tends to be domme lead dynamics, with an emphasis on disciplinarian energy, Head of House can be anyone, more Christian focussed tend to fall under the surrendered or submissive wife, more recently tradwife, or male head of house, however the emphasis is on wife in the title, and marriage as the foundation start of point, as conservative Christian orthodoxy requires marriage for any sexual activity to not be viewed as sinful, and many view bdsm while not necessarily having penetrative sex as a part, to still have sexual energy at its heart, and any arousal is sexual, ergo bdsm outside marriage is sinful. Not my view, but that of Christian orthodoxy, which in many cases would, regardless of marriage, label as perverse, and those engaging in it as evil perverts. I want to be clear here these are not my thoughts, and I don’t think that is the case.

I will though call BS on those claiming that a Christian marriage is the strictest type of D/s, plenty of non married, non religious, non cis straight people living D/s dynamics just as valid and strict.

In regards of the op’s question taken can mean taken sexually to consumate the dynamic, surrender, but to my mind being taken does not have to be sexual, but more a transition born out of surrender from being free to becoming, committing to be the sub of the dom, or slave of a master, or doll of a doll maker etc, there being a taking element at that point.
10 months ago • Nov 27, 2023
lambsone{countrySir} • Nov 27, 2023
Thanks dollMaker for your perspective and thoughts. You are right about the Christian perspective seeing BDSM as perverse. That saddens me because I have Christian friends who told me straight up that they didn't want me talking to them about it. And I would never mention it at church, especially since they have sexual addiction and porn recovery groups for men and women. But I know how bonding play can be in a committed relationship. And I couldn't marry someone who was vanilla only. Although I do want vanilla mixed in for a whole relationship.