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Question For The Alphas Out There

simplylaura​(sub female){djinni}
3 months ago • Mar 16, 2024
The only time I've ever taken the qualifier "alpha" seriously is in the context of rank in multi-partner relationships, or puppy packs. I've served in a position that was technically an "alpha sub" position because I was the highest ranking but I'd never identify myself as such ("hi I'm Laura, soandso's alpha sub" ugh super cringe) nor would my partner have allowed that. It was a private moniker that denoted my standing in the relationship, not my self-perceived boss-babe vibes.

In the same vein, I don't think it's cringey or red-flagy when pups and trainers use it. There's research about alpha wolves/dogs not actually existing, but it's a part of their culture based on perceived information at the time, and pups are too cute to argue with anyway.
3 months ago • Mar 16, 2024
lambsone • Mar 16, 2024
Thank you for your contribution simplylaura.
3 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
MadPoet • Mar 17, 2024
Do we all agree with the fact that the idea of “alpha” is just a social construct right? Actually the idea of an alpha male is demonstrably false, that’s the fallacy of false dichotomy, and as is stated is a fallacious assumption based on stereotypical male conceptions, mostly related to misogynistic behaviours rather than any real phenomena.
3 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
lambsone • Mar 17, 2024
Well Madpoet. I didn't limit my questions to Maledoms. I was looking for answers from all people who considered themselves Alpha in thuis lifestyle.

Also in my original questions, I asked those who were Alpha to explain why they considered themselves to be Alpha. That was the original point of this thread. However it quickly turned into negative opinions regarding those who call themselves Alpha or think of themselves as an Alpha.

So, we all see ourselves as something and this helps to clarify how we feel about ourselves and how we interact with others.

Luckily a few Alpha people gave me a peek into the psyche of an Alpha person in spite of the criticism. I personally don't believe that any of us should be criticizing the choices of others. Especially in a place where most people want their life-style to be accepted and feel safe reaching out.

And who are we to judge another and tell them who they are?
3 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
MadPoet • Mar 17, 2024
lambsone wrote:
Well Madpoet. I didn't limit my questions to Maledoms. I was looking for answers from all people who considered themselves Alpha in thuis lifestyle.

Also in my original questions, I asked those who were Alpha to explain why they considered themselves to be Alpha. That was the original point of this thread. However it quickly turned into negative opinions regarding those who call themselves Alpha or think of themselves as an Alpha.

So, we all see ourselves as something and this helps to clarify how we feel about ourselves and how we interact with others.

Luckily a few Alpha people gave me a peek into the psyche of an Alpha person in spite of the criticism. I personally don't believe that any of us should be criticizing the choices of others. Especially in a place where most people want their life-style to be accepted and feel safe reaching out.

And who are we to judge another and tell them who they are?

I’m not criticising anyone but stating a fact, someone can consider themselves as they want but the truth is, there’s no such thing as alpha o beta males, thats simplistic way of thinking that set aside the multi dimensionality of masculinity. If you consider yourself to be a hammer clearly in your mind the only thing you see around you are nails, but is that the case? Certainly not and that’s my point , reducing masculinity to this funny level of duality is just nonsense and non existent.
And anyone who can thing about themselves as alpha or any similar idea is just plain and simple egotistical behaviour rather than anything real or related to reality.
Like I said I’m not judging anyone, but stating facts and facts most of the time are uncomfortable.
3 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
lambsone • Mar 17, 2024
Are we all comfortable with:
1. Submissives identifying as submissives?
2. Slaves identifying as slaves?
3. Dominants identifying as Dominants?
4. Etc.

Some believe we should dispense with all labels, but as it has been pointed out in other threads, that if we don't let others know what our tendencies are prior to establishing a relationship, it can have some very unhappy results.

Labels help to explain who we are. I don't see anything wrong with someone who identufies as an Alpha, whether others believe the term or the reality of it exists.

There are a lot of things people identify as here at the cage. I find that it's best to let them explain what goes on in their own psyche rather than try to judge it for myself. I'm not in their body nor in their brain. I haven't walked in their shoes. They have to be comfortable in their own skin. I don,'t say anything negative about how they choose to identify. It isn't my right.
3 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
MadPoet • Mar 17, 2024
lambsone wrote:
Are we all comfortable with:
1. Submissives identifying as submissives?
2. Slaves identifying as slaves?
3. Dominants identifying as Dominants?
4. Etc.

Some believe we should dispense with all labels, but as it has been pointed out in other threads, that if we don't let others know what our tendencies are prior to establishing a relationship, it can have some very unhappy results.

Labels help to explain who we are. I don't see anything wrong with someone who identufies as an Alpha, whether others believe the term or the reality of it exists.

There are a lot of things people identify as here at the cage. I find that it's best to let them explain what goes on in their own psyche rather than try to judge it for myself. I'm not in their body nor in their brain. I haven't walked in their shoes. They have to be comfortable in their own skin. I don,'t say anything negative about how they choose to identify. It isn't my right.

I’m not saying anything negative, that’s your assumption and has nothing to do with me or what I said, you’re assuming that stating a fact is negative thing and that’s related to your psyche to your preconceived ideas and beliefs but nothing to do with reality, and I always expressed clear that I’m talking about the multidimensional reality of masculinity not the fantasies that anyone can have and I’m ok with that. That’s exactly why my first comment was a question based on reality not an assertion based on opinion.

You’re free to keep thinking that I’m attacking something but that’s not the case if someone feels attacked maybe their beliefs are not that strong.
3 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
lambsone • Mar 17, 2024
In my internet research I find that some believe Alphas to be a fact and others believe it not to be. So ... we will just have to agree to disagree.
3 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
MadPoet • Mar 17, 2024
lambsone wrote:
In my internet research I find that some believe Alphas to be a fact and others believe it not to be. So ... we will just have to agree to disagree.

I’m not talking about beliefs but facts, I’m talking about the psychology of the terms not the personal fantasies which are perfectly acceptable and understandable but they’re fantasies and not reality.

Masculinity or femininity are multidimensional not enclosed to a rudimentary concept that is more related to other animals and even in those cases the idea is highly disputed but not in humans, we don’t have that category of alpha or beta, and in a huge proportion those who call themselves alpha are into the category of narcissistic personality psychologically speaking and my advice is always staying far away from narcissists.
3 months ago • Mar 17, 2024
I'mME • Mar 17, 2024
MadPoet wrote:
Do we all agree with the fact that the idea of “alpha” is just a social construct right? Actually the idea of an alpha male is demonstrably false, that’s the fallacy of false dichotomy, and as is stated is a fallacious assumption based on stereotypical male conceptions, mostly related to misogynistic behaviours rather than any real phenomena.

The way the question was framed, one might fall into that opinion. However, women answered and related the term to themselves.