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TopekaDom​(dom male)
1 month ago • Jul 14, 2024
TopekaDom​(dom male) • Jul 14, 2024
Sweet Escape wrote:
I also don't understand when Doms say the sub should put their name/taken/owned in their profile but the Dom doesn't change his. Huh, why?

Because the Dom/me is the one doing the owning? You know, cuz the Dom/me is the leader in the relationship. I would think that being co owning is like kinky vanilla instead of D/s. But that is just me.

Or the fact it might stim from the old time thing of the woman taking the man's name in marriage.
Sweetlydepraved​(masochist female){Owned}
1 month ago • Jul 14, 2024
I agree with him on the name tag thing. I would personally be embarrassed if my Daddy put my name on him, because I do not own him. I think this is a Cage specific phenomenon though because so many do that thing where they have multiple relationships without telling the other. However, I think it’s up to the individuals and it doesn’t always mean something funny is going on.
1 month ago • Jul 14, 2024
lambsone • Jul 14, 2024
Promised sounds like a completed decision has already been made and not being considered any longer. Property referring to owning someone. So it sounds to me as though they are already the Dominants property and no further decision needs to be made. A done deal. My impression when I hear it.
1 month ago • Jul 14, 2024
I'mME • Jul 14, 2024

To be under Consideration used to mean that there would be a collar at the end of the time period.

Is this what you are referring to?
I like much of the what you call old school. People don't respect history, that's why they always repeat it.

I understand things evolving, but when people don't the time to understand where something comes from how can someone =stomp their feet and say something is better? Better than what?

Now we both know that the word Consideration has been misused.

Maybe you could explain in Topeka fashion, what Consideration means (or used to mean) ?

Promised property, PP

I decline to answer on the grounds it may incriminate me.
1 month ago • Jul 14, 2024
I'mME • Jul 14, 2024
Words and their definitions do not change and they shouldn't. .When people say language expands, that is not what is meant. New words come , new phrases, it doesn't mean to appropriate words that already have a meaning doe something else.

If that's the case, then contracts, laws, and other things HAVE NO MEANING.

This notion has flourished bc. it was allowed to by TPM, but to another end. Now they have started going inside laws and changing the definitions of words already contained.

See how things work in the world!
TopekaDom​(dom male)
1 month ago • Jul 14, 2024
TopekaDom​(dom male) • Jul 14, 2024
I'mME wrote:
Maybe you could explain in Topeka fashion, what Consideration means (or used to mean) ?

Some Dom/mes use Consideration collars to say they are interested in a given s type.

However, like many a thing in the lifestyle, it can be abused. InstaDom/me like to hand them out to try to keep a group of s types around before they pick one.

Or just to look cool.

To me, it is a case of shitting or get off the pot.
1 month ago • Jul 14, 2024
I'mME • Jul 14, 2024
TopekaDom wrote:
I'mME wrote:
Maybe you could explain in Topeka fashion, what Consideration means (or used to mean) ?

Some Dom/mes use Consideration collars to say they are interested in a given s type.

However, like many a thing in the lifestyle, it can be abused. InstaDom/me like to hand them out to try to keep a group of s types around before they pick one.

Or just to look cool.

To me, it is a case of shitting or get off the pot.

😂🤣 InstaDom... That is how I knew you were kidding.