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Stupid Questions For Men

Literate Lycan​(dom male)
1 month ago • Sep 11, 2024
Literate Lycan​(dom male) • Sep 11, 2024
Good morning,

In response to the three sets of questions asked, I would respond:

I've had my penis my whole life. It's a part of me. 😏 I have urges that I never thought would lesson. And they haven't. I love them. I stay healthy and fit so I can keep those urges as long as possible. Although other men may feel it doesn't drive them, I'd say my urges which often manifest through use of my penis do drive a great many things. It's the more mature aspect of me that keeps it all in check so that I'm not just some horny beast (with everyone all the time). But I enjoy having it, touching it, using it, feeling it hard throughout the day, sliding into a woman in any way imaginable. Feeling the full thrust and driving in deep until I "bottom out" and hear the delicious wince from my partner, effectively using it and other aspects of myself (fingers, hands, lips, tongue) to elicit a positive response and bring my partner to higher levels of pleasure, knowing full well that although all of me can do good things, ultimately it matters to the females I know that I use my penis sooner or later (sometimes sooner and later 😉) I will say that although I enjoy cuming, it isn't the aspect that I enjoy most. It's everything up until then.

As for peeing while hard, it's easy. The hard part (pun intended) is aiming. I wake most mornings with the "morning wood" - a product of remaining in shape both physically and mentally. It's the BEMHO (Basic Early Morning Hard On). Suffice it to say, I must wait and let that sucker (again . . pun intended 😏) naturally deflate or I run the risk of pissing on my chest if I'm standing.

I fall to the left. It's not a decision I made but my anatomy. Who knows why some men fall left or fall right. Is it because I'm right handed? 😳 But typically (not always) I find myself down the left side.

Orgasms: They come great and small. Lately I wound up discovering the most intense orgasm I had caused me to growl and kick my feet without realizing I was doing it. Pretty intense and lasted for quite a while (in my head at least . . it might have been seconds in real time). Regardless, I've had some that were less explosive but still quite enjoyable. Some orgasms created a small lake of goo while others were less than a spit (so to speak).

I hope I have adequately imparted my perspective on the various questions. Thank you for inquiring.

Have a splendid day!
Max Heathen​(other male)
1 month ago • Sep 11, 2024
Max Heathen​(other male) • Sep 11, 2024
A penis seems to be very important to a man. I'm guessing there might be some psychological connection as well, but I don't know what it is. I'm wondering how men think/feel about their penises, erection, cumming, thrusting, other? Any takers?

Me and my penis have a long and solid connection with one another. It's been there for me since day one. 😂.
Hell, I love my penis so much I wish I was endowed enough to do as I've been told many times before... "Go fuck yourself!" Gawd I wish I could! Nobody loves me more than me, yet I'm denied the experience... So sad... My sexy ass is just a couple inches away and there ain't dick I can do about the situation...

As one who has been two steps shy of a nympho for most my life, I've cum to rely on its opinion as to where we should be.
Amazingly enough, looks are a starter but character means everything because he's become a snarky lil bastard... If I'm in a situation and I can't seem to to find a reason to rise to the occasion, chances are it's my penises way of saying "DUDE, are you sure you want to connect to... This?!?". Which is rather hilarious considering the places we've been together and depths we were once willing to go, just to get that much needed fix that would explode in my head, just as much (if not more) than out of his.
Makes me ponder from time to time... ED, while it may be due to blockage or other reasons for some, it's also a good indicator that there is a problem with emotional connection to the one I'm with. They might be dead sexy and I may love anal, but I'm not for being shit on and afterwords expected to reward them with what the years of experience and study has honed into an art.

While some may just derive pleasure and fun with their tool, I feel it goes much deeper than that. Mine comes with a self truth indicating rod that some days I just have to choke slam into shaken baby syndrome before forcing him to submit to the lie.
(And all puns above, intended 😂)

Max Heathen
Max Heathen​(other male)
1 month ago • Sep 11, 2024
Max Heathen​(other male) • Sep 11, 2024
I have two questions: how hard is to pee while hard? Which is the preferred pant leg to adjust it to? I've heard there is a preferred pant leg or side.

For me, it's easy to pee with it hard. The stream just comes out a bit more intense and sometimes in a pulsing rhythm, but the aiming part can be a bit tricky, hence I'm happy that the shower can serve more than one purpose. 😉 A slight outward stance and repaint the shower wall.💦

I'm left handed most the time so I go to the right as it makes it easier to withdraw and replace when wearing clothing.

1 month ago • Sep 11, 2024
lambsone{countrySir} • Sep 11, 2024
@LL and Heathen

Thank you for all that detail and the humor.

I'm going to print out the whole discussion and reread it. It has been very helpful and insightful with everyone's questions and answers.
1 month ago • Sep 13, 2024
Kelpi • Sep 13, 2024
lambsone wrote:
I have a question:

A penis seems to be very important to a man. I'm guessing there might be some psychological connection as well, but I don't know what it is. I'm wondering how men think/feel about their penises, erection, cumming, thrusting, other? Any takers?

Yes he does tend to be our best friend most of the time as we hit our teen years to late 50's early 60's. Though there has been times he has been treated rather badly. Being forced to go places he did not want to go or having to leave a nice warm spot earlier than he wanted. At times being subjected to extreme temperatures on the odd morning after while trying to find find a vehicle I forgot I had left home the night before. Let us not talk about the accidents we have had because of a often misplaced phrase or the overlie phrased that has caused so many videos to go viral ..."hold my beer".
Yes as we men get older we seem to change or way of talking to our buddy from when we are young "dude it is 6:30 and we have to get to work can't you just calm down?". To when we get older it is more like "come on how can you not want this? Don't make me get the blue pills again".
Yea we have our ups and downs as with any friendship but we stick with each other no matter what. Friends till the end.
1 month ago • Sep 13, 2024
Kelpi • Sep 13, 2024
bdsamworld wrote:
I have two questions: how hard is to pee while hard? Which is the preferred pant leg to adjust it to? I've heard there is a preferred pant leg or side. 🤔

Stiff as a board and no way to turn it down is hell. this is why I loved living in the country. All I had to do was step outside and open the robe. My ex laughed at me when she first saw me do it. I told her it was her fault for being so hot. She reminded me it was not her who got drunk with her dad could barely crawl up the hill to get home.
For me left side. I use to ride a tn speed and it was easier to keep it to the left to get on the bike.
1 month ago • Sep 13, 2024
Kelpi • Sep 13, 2024
aPeepingMom wrote:
I have a question about male orgasms.

For context, as a woman I can have different types of orgasms. Some are light and floaty while others are incredibly intense, some make me squirt while others do not, some are short while others are long, etc.

When a man orgasms, does it feel the same (or similar) every time? I ask because the outcome for men is the same *(cum) but it's not always the same outcome for me.

Very good question. Yes like women I have had some mind blowing ones and some that where less than ok. Most of the time it was who I was with.I once dated a woman who when we had sex was all geared up to go till she laid down. It was like having sex with a corpse. No movement no sound just there. After I was to how much she enjoyed it and wanted it again soon after. Never found out why she was like that. Now my ex and I often came together and it was so sweet. I could tell you more but I don't like thinking about her back then tends to make me want to call her and that's a no no.
Max Heathen​(other male)
1 month ago • Sep 14, 2024
Max Heathen​(other male) • Sep 14, 2024
aPeepingMom wrote:
I have a question about male orgasms.

For context, as a woman I can have different types of orgasms. Some are light and floaty while others are incredibly intense, some make me squirt while others do not, some are short while others are long, etc.

When a man orgasms, does it feel the same (or similar) every time? I ask because the outcome for men is the same *(cum) but it's not always the same outcome for me.
For me it can depend on many causes but organisms have several different ranges for me. As a masochist, pain can cause a very intense orgasm that leaves me hard and desiring more. As. Sadist, it's more mental with very little need to actually cum... Something about the screaming, crying, moaning as they riggle and beg for more till I'm there... Then it's like something explodes in my cranium, everything becomes flashes of red and the craving to bite hits. That bite... Omg... It's better than most ejaculation I ever have.
I've had "necrophilia" experience and that was amazing due to the ice and the way she moaned as her body went through the temperature differences of the ice soak straight into sexual activity. I think I would have enjoyed it a bit more if she would have been more involved but that would ruin her craving to be "a corpse"... In the end, it wasn't a hard escalation but it was a very sensual release that brought us closer together.

Ultimately I think there is a mix of mental, sensual and physical that decides the experience/sensation and I've had a few that seemed like a waste of time and effort 😂, as well as some that I simply fizzled out due to how boring of a fuck it was.
Hope this answers the curiosity.
Miki​(masochist female)
1 month ago • Sep 14, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Sep 14, 2024
What the fuck did I just "walk" into? "Questions for Men" and just about all the replies on here I'd not have expected. (paraphrase) "My dick is my friend..." etc. Good grief. Glad I don't have one. But, to be fair, question asked and answered and that I knew next to nothing of this "bond" just took me by surprise. Here I was thinking the hand was the true "Man's Best friend"

Orgasms for me.. most are intense, especially mixed in with some pain or better still humiliation but even non-kinky sex is (was) good enough. I think the biggest difference is I, like many women if in the proper frame of mind for it, can orgasm more than once in a single fuck, especially if the dude had a couple beers or something so it takes longer to pull the trigger-- but they only get one.


But most of all, wandering into this Sausage Admiration Page seems to be a coincidence as earlier this evening, in the break room I happened to see a "ridiculous at first" commercial featuring a bowl of carrots with one of them bent and I knew right away what that shit was about.

Dudes packing bent carrots (bananas are bigger and better) actually have a medical issue called "Peyronie's disease" and the handy dandy Pharma industry's got a non-surgical solution for that already. (Called Xiaflex. Never saw this ad before) ---So, without diving into a search engine and learning about the disorder, .do a lot of men out there have this and does it really impede the sex life as much as I think it would?
I mean I have been boinked by dudes with slightly bent hammers and it was actually quite stimulating for me compared to the guys on the straight and not-necessarily narrow--but I imagine if the snake becomes a Sidewinder, it could be problematic for giving a good fuck.


Now.. That's a Silly Question for Men!!!

@ LL, Hey werewolf-dude.. Never saw your "Highly informational" post coming after all the normal correspondence we do.

Sheesh... But it called to mind earlier Overnights when the guy got up to take a whizz early the next morning but had a woody that wouldn't soften up. He didn't bother to close the shithouse door so I saw his solution to taking a leak in that condition. The guy stood 3 feet away from the toilet to make sure the other end of the stream landed in the fucking bowl.

Though I knew it was a serious issue for the First Pee of the Day I laughed my ass off at the ... risible sight. I mean... you can't un-see that shit!