Heero(dom male)
2 months ago •
Sep 27, 2024
2 months ago •
Sep 27, 2024
First of all, my heart goes out to anyone suffering from the issues mentioned here. They're actually quite common, and in my time in the kink community, the same or similar things have happened to me often. So, even though I am currently speaking from the other side of this issue, I really do get and appreciate the frustration.
All that being said, I do want to give some admonishment.
Losing hope or getting frustrated is pretty much never a winning strategy.
Taking a break, fine. Changing your approach, fine. Reassessing or reprioritizing your goals while still seeking to fill the same void, but perhaps in a different way, fine. Giving up...no. This just puts you in a "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take" scenario, and you're just guaranteeing that you are never fulfilled. Having a positive chance at something good is better than having zero chance.
There is another thing that we often forget when going through something like this. And it may sound a bit dismissive or ludicrous at first, but stay with me. It's not personal. It's math.
The not personal part is hard to swallow, because of course this is a very personal thing for you. But just putting things in perspective and understanding what you're up against is an important awareness that I find can help you stave off frustration and hopelessness.
(Things can get complicated when considering orientations and the various things people seek that are personal to them, but I'm a heterosexual male and would seek relationships with females, so I will break some things down from that perspective. But the considerations, and often the math, will look similar in other scenarios.)
1. Almost by definition, good things are rare and hard to come by.
If you're not looking for something casual/easy/low-value, you should expect to have a longer and harder search. It's just not very likely to go the other way. Some people get lucky, but it's almost like winning the lottery, and the expectation that you'll be the lucky one who finds what you want right away should not be there. A LOT of emotional turmoil comes from mismatched expectations-to-reality.
2. The math: Men outnumber women on sites like this, and pretty much every dating site. By a LOT. And the average male on such sites is going to be more interested in play and casual activities.
What does this mean for a man seeking something deep and fulfilling from a woman? Well, most of the good ones are taken by the time you show up. Yes, new people are entering the scene at any given time, but the "good ones" entering are rare ("good" being defined here in terms of what this thread is about--"high value" individuals looking for something deep, long term, and non-casual.)
What does this mean for a woman seeking something deep and fulfilling from a man? Well, the likelihood you will engage with such a man by chance is small, because there are a LOT of men and most of them will not fit that criteria.
3. The above issues get compounded because you're in an online venue. The anonymity and ease with which someone can just disappear or be an asshole without any real consequences reaching them simply make those things more likely. Water flows downhill; most people will not fight the convenience for bad-acting that an online platform provides. Most people will not have that strength of character. And a lot of people will never really even see you as a real person--just texts or images or video on a screen, and their brain never computes that they're hurting another human being on the other side of that screen.
The above sort of tells you that you should expect an uphill battle. Expect and accept that most people will not fit the criteria you seek, even when they may appear to do so at first. It's not personal, it's not the universe being against you, it's not that these things aren't meant for you, it's not that there's no one out there for you, it's just the math. Most people are not looking for or are otherwise unable to give you what you seek. When you get that through your head, you'll realize that all these misadventures are just likely outcomes and a cost of doing business.
Setting your expectations this way is great for a few reasons. But here are too...if you find such a connection quickly, then the joy of being so lucky would be so unexpected and hence awesome. If you find someone after many misadventures, there will be a sense that you worked hard to get to this person, it would actually be way easier to appreciate and value them for the rarity they are and it'll hence be awesome.
Yes, as I have said before in many of my forum posts, ghosting and all that stuff is immature and in bad faith. But people are immature and act in bad faith, what are you going to do about that? Nothing you can do but roll the dice on a promising prospect once more. Perhaps after taking a breather.