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Deep Throating

lambsoneVerified Account
lambsoneVerified Account
5 months ago • Oct 5, 2024

Deep Throating

lambsoneVerified Account • Oct 5, 2024
I have been reading an excellent article on deep throating. And I also have a chart previously shared here on how to train yourself to deep throat. However I thought I would ask a few questions here of those who have experience with it.

- is it reasonable to expect a person to take a penis or dildo down so far into their throat that the balls touch the face of the giver? Or is this too far?

- regarding the first question, is it a common thing for this deep type of throsting or do most people go only up to their gag reflex?

- can a receiver be satisfied with partial throating but not up to the balls?

- do you typically use hands also during deep throating? Like when you take a break and the penis or dildo is out of your mouth?

- would prolonging the amount of time you spend deep throating be what most people do or is a shorter time better?

- are there any special thoughts, feelings, or sensations the giver and receiver have that helps increase their pleasure?

- what can you do to overcome fear of deep throating? Is there something in particular that you focus your sight, mind, or emotions on that causes you to relax whether receiver or giver?

- is there anything else you would like to share about the deep throat experience? Or maybe things that a newbie deep throater should know?

I don't expect anyone to answer all of these questions. Just answer the ones that you want to answer. Thanks in advance.

TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account
5 months ago • Oct 5, 2024
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account • Oct 5, 2024
I know a 50 plus year old camgirl who can take a 14 inch dong all the way.

Though it was a double dong without the fake balls.
lambsoneVerified Account
lambsoneVerified Account
5 months ago • Oct 5, 2024
lambsoneVerified Account • Oct 5, 2024
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account
5 months ago • Oct 5, 2024
TopekaDom​(dom male)Verified Account • Oct 5, 2024
lambsone wrote:

Yes, and that was an older clip when she was much younger. She can still do it into her 50s.
Miki​(masochist female)
5 months ago • Oct 5, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Oct 5, 2024
It's a a process. Decades ago I first started working to get past the gag reflex with bananas.

The only "fear" regarding DT was of heaving the technicolor yawn (thanks, Alf!) all over the guy's junk and feet.

After enough bananas I ventured into my first on-knees (as opposed to sitting on a bed. It keeps them harder, longer and I enjoyed the vulnerability of being on my knees.) -- DT blow job. There was some gagging at first but no hurling nasty barf all over him. But everyone's experiences are different. Some have stronger gag reflexes than others-- some of those reflexes can't be overcome. But the name of the game was to get the dude to cum sooner rather than later and shoot the jizzum straight down my throat. I learned to like the taste of the Man-naise but that depends on what the guy ate earlier. Certain foods make the baby batter taste lousy enough to cause gagging on its own. (The broccoli and cauliflower crowd) Asparagus is another food that makes a wad go wicked.


As for "partial DT vs "balls deep", only the dick-slingers can tell ya for sure, but from my experience, they liked "balls deep" in receiving head a lot like they liked going "balls deep" when pounding my ass.


The hand job in between gulps were more to keep him "up" to the moment at... hand, but usually anticipation of going back in was sufficient. But the air breaks are necessary because having a wanger in my throat is the same as choking.

And of course, there were more than a couple bozos who would grab my head and not let me back away and breathe. It probably have turned the pricks on...

No matter. They were "schooled" with a light but memorable rake-job on exit. That made them hesitant to stick their pokers in my mouth again even for a traditional blow job anywat and they all disappeared thereafter but that was fine with me. They were probably closet sadists. Sadists are scary.
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lambsoneVerified Account
lambsoneVerified Account
5 months ago • Oct 5, 2024
lambsoneVerified Account • Oct 5, 2024
Interesting Miki. Thanks for shating.
Steellover​(sub male)
5 months ago • Oct 7, 2024
Steellover​(sub male) • Oct 7, 2024
I suppose it would depend on the size, woudln't it?

I've been ordered to deep throat an artificial 7-incher before (and succeeded, much to her delightful squeals...) but I doubt I could do anything larger. She would have to be patient about training me for that. Especially a, well, non-artificial one. I would expect She would want me to practice a bit more before ordering me to do that.
5 months ago • Oct 8, 2024
TwinkleEyes​{n/a} • Oct 8, 2024
Good questions Lambs.

Everyone’s anatomies are different. The cock and the mouth receiving the cock. Both affect the process.Their nerves are in different placements or they’ve had a trauma to their cock.

I’ve had cocks that were long and thin and others that were short and fat. I found short and fat harder to gulp up due to my small mouth. Too much hair tickled me to the point I couldn’t take someone to the base because it tickled me too much and I would sneeze.Positions also help or break the act.

I have found that each person with a cock enjoyed it being sucked differently. As well as different at different times. Some enjoyed a little teeth while others didn’t. Same thing with playing with their balls or sticking a finger up their ass. Some like it hard while others want soft.

Most enjoyed me slobbering all over myself and sometimes down to the floor. As well as the noises and my willingness to struggle. Have an ex partner who I talk with every week. He’s into spewing all over a girls face these days. When we were together I was to swallow every drop or get punished.

Have a ex D type who hung my head off the bed because he was wide and long. We tried all sorts of positions and this is how he could fuck my face to the base. Playing with my body and using the horse crop on my nipples and pussy. The pleasure helped me to take him all in.

I love playing with the balls sac. Sucking on them or just using my tongue. Yes, it is possible to make a cock cum with your tongue alone.

I’ve also practiced on bananas and different types of dildos. I found that with someone I could last longer and go deeper. I believe it had to do with the pleasure of the process.

I suggest practicing with your partner using different techniques in different positions. You’ll find what works for you both. The journey will be fun and enjoyable.

I find that when my mouth is moist with some slobber just straight face fucking works well. I had to get over being embarrassed and letting my slobber drench my body if necessary. I also find that when a guy is hydrated it’s easier to swallow their loads. Individuals who drink very little water, mostly soda and coffee having clumpy gross loads. I’ve had submissives of mine drink pineapple juice for a 3-5 days before a meetup too. Made them ? tasting.

My biggest fear was performance. Then I realized it was a pleasurable process and to start listening to their bodies. When do they do a deep inhale? Moan, twitch, grab my head, squeal, squirm, and so on. That tells me what I’m doing is giving them pleasure. This gives me pleasure. Once I started using edging practices it also brought another layer of success. Regardless of their title.

Happy mouth hugs to you and your partner. May it be a wet orgasmic journey for you both.
lambsoneVerified Account
lambsoneVerified Account
5 months ago • Oct 9, 2024
lambsoneVerified Account • Oct 9, 2024
Kudos. I can only do about 3.5 inches before starting to gag and throw up.
lambsoneVerified Account
lambsoneVerified Account
5 months ago • Oct 9, 2024
lambsoneVerified Account • Oct 9, 2024

WOW, a lot of experience.

I figured it would be different with a real cock rather than a dildo. I have some experience with orally pleasing a partner but that was a long time ago and when we tried deep throat it didn't go so well. We never made an issue out of it thankfully.

But now I'll be getting another opportunity in real time soon. And we'll see what happens. I'll be expected to deep throat and get better at it over time. I'll probably be super happy once I can do it proper.