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How did you get started.

1 week ago • Mar 15, 2025
I'mME • Mar 15, 2025
LongerJohnny wrote:
With my weiner.

Not with your WEINER!
1 week ago • Mar 15, 2025
I'mME • Mar 15, 2025
MissBonnie wrote:
My origin story is little odd. I didn't have the normal childhood. I was way to young and way to confuzzled. However I wouldn't change it, if I could.

I remember always feeling different and gushing and not fawning over the same things as my female friends. The standard back story like most Dommes of my age, fascinated by wonder woman and her lasso or cat woman controlling her minions blah blah we kinkseters all have something similar, something that resonated within us. I seemed to always root for the villain if they got evil LOL I learnt fast to keep my mouth shut around other my age.

any way I was just a pre teen and in a school play. I was playing a motorcycle gang member that had to tie up guy for knocking over a bike. I got to do that for a few weeks of rehearsals and a week of the performance. I was in heaven, rope did something to me. Pushing a male around did something.

Then a new family moved in down my street. OH MY they all ride motorbikes! I made friends, my mind i hadn't connected Femdom and maledom are different or that was no family, it was motorcycle gang LOL. I was young and dumb! (good private school catholic girl gone bad) I was VERY naive and trusting! but I had a wild streak that loved adrenaline and fear.

Long story short I ended up serving the club owner (much older) as a submissive.....was it a good experience? Far from it, it was STUPID. Needless to say that didn't last long (I can't remember just how long but under a year) and Then I convinced my then Master to give me a go at his single tail! Lets just say he enjoyed his knees more than me. Well of course didn't last long when I figured out there was a reverse of (bad)Maledom (maledom isn't bad, he was just bad) but back then it didn't have the names it has now. There was no one to talk too. You had the library*. I then had something new to learn about. All my beginning was pre internet early eighties. I started with magazine contacts and phone box cards, wow that was fun, NOT. I haven't stopped learning since. Femdom/BDSM then became all I've ever known.

*Like TopekaDom, I found my final groove with the internet but I was UseNet, bboards and newsletter/s. The first usenet BDSM newsgroup,, was created around 1991 ish. The term BDSM itself was apparently first recorded on a post in in 1991. Yep I walked with Dinosaurs, oh wait I am one.

Enjoyed reading this. Motorbikes brought a flood of memories back.

Sighhhhh, Wouldn't trade those days for anything.

I was wild w crazy hair, but if a situation arise that needed reasoning calm .
Believe it or not, the 17- 20 something yr old me also filled that role w/ a bunch of hard-tails.

LongerJohnny​(dom male)​{B&C}Verified Account
1 week ago • Mar 16, 2025
LongerJohnny​(dom male)​{B&C}Verified Account • Mar 16, 2025
I'mME wrote:
LongerJohnny wrote:
With my weiner.

Not with your WEINER!

What better way? Like compass it pointed me truly and directly up and into my first experience 😄 🤣 😂
SayYesMaam​(dom female)
6 days ago • Mar 16, 2025
SayYesMaam​(dom female) • Mar 16, 2025
I did not "get started." If you are asking when I " became " dominant, I never "became" dominant. I was always dominant, but I did not know that term or what I was. How did I find out? It was when I was trying to figure out why my relationships were not working, why my longest relationship was 6 months, and why I was never happy in my relationships. That was when I stopped trying to please the entire world by being "traditional" and decided to be myself. I am dominant!
Steellover​(sub male)
5 days ago • Mar 18, 2025
Steellover​(sub male) • Mar 18, 2025
I suppose, then, on that note I was always submissive, but there were certainly a few experiences along the way that shaped me to be this way.

I was always raised to be attentive to other people's needs, and to be generous, kind and considerate, and to aim to please. These were just the values that were drilled in me. But there were some experiences too. There were also a couple times when, when I was young and wanted to hook up with a woman, I would try to make the first move, and it would backfire horribly. Then, I became conditioned to letting my partner take the lead, so there would be no ambiguity or confusion- let me know what you want me to do, how you want me to treat you, so I can make you happy. Maybe part of it with me is, I guess I have a hard time "Reading" people, so I feel awkward taking a dominant or aggressive role with the opposite sex. So these traits, and these non-sexual (and not always positive) experiences certainly shaped me, but it took some real exposure to the more extremes of BDSM to really awaken it in me.
JaredMayer​(dom male)
4 days ago • Mar 18, 2025
JaredMayer​(dom male) • Mar 18, 2025
I discovered my perverted self back in the late 90s when I first got the internet as a teenager and found myself super intrigued by watersports (which I watched gradually unblur as the jpegs loaded). From there I found all sorts of things that intrigued me, eventually discovering various D/s and M/s lifestyles through personal websites that pre-dated things like MySpace.

I carried that part of me inside with shame for a long time and I don't think I ever really believed the things I read about the lifestyle. I had my first relationship in my mid thirties, and I remember clearly the day we were talking about D/s and she said I could slap her if I wanted. I did, she smiled, something in my stirred.

My next relationship was with a much more submissive woman and I got to explore a lot more than just some light impact play and it was glorious. We both wanted to have a threesome, so I joined Fetlife to try and find a unicorn, but instead ended up enthralled by the stories of other people's D/s and M/s lifestyle dynamics (we were only D/s in the bedroom). I ended up having some long chats with real-life self-identifying slaves and our interactions really cemented my identity as a dominant and sadist.
A Minx
1 day ago • Mar 21, 2025
A Minx • Mar 21, 2025
This forum question is intriguing to me as no two us are alike, right?! What is interesting to me is how most people identified quite early on (without naming/being able to name) their sexuality and even if they were/were not sexual at the time. That is fascinating and shows me some of the nature vs nurture of our sexual predilections.

I guess I was about 12-13yo when my bestie invited me to a sleepover at her favorite Aunt's and then finding out why was so eye opening to such a sheltered and catholic damaged young girl. Her Aunt must have been a freak (lol)! She had a treasure trove of "dirty" literature, juicy magazines and very naughty toys. My super uptight parents owned none of these things and sex was never a topic of discussion at our house.

Whenever we stayed over, we would cook dinner together then after her Aunt went to bed, bestie would sneak into some unknown closet space and break out the reading material and man 'o man we'd be up all night! These were not romantic novels, they were raunchy and much more. I remember one story that even included beastialty and I was confused and riveted all at once. I knew a lot of it was not for me but I just had no clue how diverse sex could even be.

After reading such graphic stories about ways to please a man and the many wanton/willing women I would often think 'where do I sign up for this?'! I was not sexually active but for a young girl with a vivid imagination, I just could not wait to get older and experience these things myself!

When I came across a boyfriend's Playboys and other magazines of that ilk in my late teens and early 20's, I found myself just as captivated by sex and sexual materials, I was interested in all kinds of "perverted" play and how other people did IT! The more unusual, the more interested I became. My first love was pretty kinky for an 18yo and I loved, enjoyed and learned a lot from him. I have continued on my kink path ever since.

Those first sex novels really gave me a good knowledge base and even a boost of some confidence to try new things as you may never know what you will like until you try it (at least) once!

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