MissBonnie wrote:
My origin story is little odd. I didn't have the normal childhood. I was way to young and way to confuzzled. However I wouldn't change it, if I could.
I remember always feeling different and gushing and not fawning over the same things as my female friends. The standard back story like most Dommes of my age, fascinated by wonder woman and her lasso or cat woman controlling her minions blah blah we kinkseters all have something similar, something that resonated within us. I seemed to always root for the villain if they got evil LOL I learnt fast to keep my mouth shut around other my age.
any way I was just a pre teen and in a school play. I was playing a motorcycle gang member that had to tie up guy for knocking over a bike. I got to do that for a few weeks of rehearsals and a week of the performance. I was in heaven, rope did something to me. Pushing a male around did something.
Then a new family moved in down my street. OH MY they all ride motorbikes! I made friends, my mind i hadn't connected Femdom and maledom are different or that was no family, it was motorcycle gang LOL. I was young and dumb! (good private school catholic girl gone bad) I was VERY naive and trusting! but I had a wild streak that loved adrenaline and fear.
Long story short I ended up serving the club owner (much older) as a submissive.....was it a good experience? Far from it, it was STUPID. Needless to say that didn't last long (I can't remember just how long but under a year) and Then I convinced my then Master to give me a go at his single tail! Lets just say he enjoyed his knees more than me. Well of course didn't last long when I figured out there was a reverse of (bad)Maledom (maledom isn't bad, he was just bad) but back then it didn't have the names it has now. There was no one to talk too. You had the library*. I then had something new to learn about. All my beginning was pre internet early eighties. I started with magazine contacts and phone box cards, wow that was fun, NOT. I haven't stopped learning since. Femdom/BDSM then became all I've ever known.
*Like TopekaDom, I found my final groove with the internet but I was UseNet, bboards and alt.sex alt.sex.bondage newsletter/s. The first usenet BDSM newsgroup, alt.sex.bondage, was created around 1991 ish. The term BDSM itself was apparently first recorded on a post in alt.sex.bondage in 1991. Yep I walked with Dinosaurs, oh wait I am one.
Enjoyed reading this. Motorbikes brought a flood of memories back.
Sighhhhh, Wouldn't trade those days for anything.
I was wild w crazy hair, but if a situation arise that needed reasoning calm .
Believe it or not, the 17- 20 something yr old me also filled that role w/ a bunch of hard-tails.