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Blog Posts

5 years ago • Nov 30, 2018

Blog Posts

DrWakko • Nov 30, 2018
Is there any way to label or identify blog posts. For example journal, erotica, general, etc.

I enjoy reading blogs but I'm not a fan of reading erotica and it would be nice to skip over those posts.
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5 years ago • Nov 30, 2018
Bunnie • Nov 30, 2018
I agree... and it would be nice also, from a blogging perspective, to be able to categorise them.
5 years ago • Dec 1, 2018
Villanelle​(staff) • Dec 1, 2018
Thanks for the suggestion - we'll definitely see what we can do about categorization of blog posts in the future icon_smile.gif
5 years ago • Dec 3, 2018
LotusBot • Dec 3, 2018
I agree completely. I dont always want to read Erotica. Tags or sub categories like the forums would be a great idea.
curiouskittyy​(sub female){GentlemanX}
5 years ago • Dec 3, 2018
I think it would also be a good idea to have a search function for the blog categories. Like we already have for the forums. It’s just because there seems to be more and more people blogging lately (which is great) but I tend to miss quite a few when they vanish from the first page.