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4 months ago • May 13, 2024


farashacaveluv • May 13, 2024
So my dom play partner and I recently had a session where we pretended I was a sex worker and he would send me some money via one of the apps. He was already gonna give me some money to help with getting a rideshare home since I live about an hour and a half away which is normal. We'd just not built it into our fun before. Was wondering what folks think of this fetish. I'm totally fine with that, but was wondering how many others have done things similar.
SageFlame​(sub female)
4 months ago • May 13, 2024
SageFlame​(sub female) • May 13, 2024
I have not done this. I might find it fun if the roles were in characters other than our own. Role Play is a way to tap into the creative and kinky mind at the same time. Developing a back story might be a way to farther get into character. In any case, You do You!
Miki​(masochist female)
4 months ago • May 13, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • May 13, 2024
Nothing wrong with that as a role play adventure since he was going to give that to you anyway and it's not actually a pay-to-play action.

That is up to the individuals involved as well, though.

Whatever rocks the boat.
Steellover​(sub male)
4 months ago • May 13, 2024
Steellover​(sub male) • May 13, 2024
Although a different dynamic (malesub vs female domme) I would love to engage in this type of play; to be cross-dressed in a slutty manner and subsequently "pimped out" by my domme. That would be hot!
I would, of course, turn over any "income" to her- or she would have to "Smack da ho" (me) as punishment!

Basically, I can think of several fun scenarios based on this type of dynamic...
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}
4 months ago • May 14, 2024

Re: Question

farashacaveluv wrote:
we pretended I was a sex worker and he would send me some money via one of the apps.

Just legally (not judgmentally a little role play never hurt anyone) I would be careful on how you word this on the apps you use as solicitation in some countries or states can be illegal or even criminal....they don't know your role playing and it is often hard to prove you are. I have heard of people putting "for sex" in notes area of banking apps as a joke, when transferring money and it being "legally" questioned.
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}
4 months ago • May 14, 2024

Re: Question

MissBonnie wrote:
farashacaveluv wrote:
we pretended I was a sex worker and he would send me some money via one of the apps.

Just legally (not judgmentally a little role play never hurt anyone) I would be careful on how you word this on the apps you use as solicitation in some countries or states can be illegal or even criminal....they don't know your role playing and it is often hard to prove you are. I have heard of people putting "for sex" in notes area of banking apps as a joke, when transferring money and it being "legally" questioned.

and yes its an idiot I know personally who may or may not be one of my offspring LOL Nothing came of it "legally" but he was warned to keep his jokes out of banking and if it happens again it would be reported.
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Miki​(masochist female)
4 months ago • May 14, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • May 14, 2024
Oh.. I had not thought of the legal/banking angle. Nope, stay the hell away from that. If you pretended what he sent you, which he was going to for regular purposes, was pay to play-- but did not label it as such, just role play the grocery payment as something else, yeah you'll be fine.

But if you were to even remotely indicate the paid play angle on an official transaction--- it'll be as good as bringing an un-tied bag of snakes into your living room.
Garv​(dom male)
4 months ago • May 16, 2024
Garv​(dom male) • May 16, 2024
Times have changed, the smart ones will charge to "chat with or to be a companion for dinner" and any sexual encounter would be free should that happen.
It's a strange world out there, things aren't always as they seem.
Should there be any request for "tribute" or payment, ghost them....
The F​(dom male)
4 months ago • May 16, 2024
The F​(dom male) • May 16, 2024
There might be an angle which may have crossed your mind... If that in fact turned him on, was this just a sudden urge which will pass or a potentially regular habit (old, new or renewed) ?... If the latter, how would you feel about it ?... Worth a more in-depth conversation ?... Possibly.