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Soooo Squirting...

6 years ago • Jan 8, 2018
Donovan • Jan 8, 2018
Regarding the squirting discussion. Some five months ago I began a relationship with a woman half my age. It was purely sexual attraction but learning of my penchant for something out of the ordinary she embraced the kink in me. The first time we had sex, on the first meeting actually, she 'gushed' as she referred to it, I was performing oral on her st the time and it was copious. There was a sweet, not unpleasant odour to it and definitely did not taste or smell of urine. She said it was not unusual for her if she received the right stimulation and she has gushed every time we have had sex, sometimes three or four orgasms in a row, always quite copiously. Read from that what you will.
sweet november​(sub female)
6 years ago • Jan 9, 2018
"The greatest prison people live in is the fear of what other people think"- author?

And that freedom of speech thing...well freedom of speech does not come without freedom of consequences.

To anyone self conscious of this, focus on the positive and good advice in this post.

Doctors and "experts" don't know everything, either, ohhh they sure don't. They "study"and "practice" their profession.

Loved the honest, experienced and learning replies. <3
6 years ago • Jan 9, 2018
Hawkeye • Jan 9, 2018
@ Marsha
Actually, in the United States anyways, freedom of speech absolutely means freedom of consequences.
sweet november​(sub female)
6 years ago • Jan 9, 2018
Nope, Hawkeye, technically not true. U.S. Government isn't going to come in and save your job for hate speech, etc....
So, there are always consequences.
This is a lazy man's argument.

What you say always has consequences, personal consequences, nowhere did I say that government would not allow freedom of speech.

(**special circumstances :threatening the President. Try hate speech at a job. Try threatening someone's life....all speech, all have consequences that the US government will NOT step in and fight for your right of Freedom of speech, what do the Miranda Rights say? )
6 years ago • Jan 9, 2018
Hawkeye • Jan 9, 2018

I stand corrected. You have certainly proven your point. Well done.
Bella duPuy​(sub female){Not lookin}
6 years ago • Jan 9, 2018
Ninety percent of this post is #Awesome!

The topic/query Fantastic, and is one that i have myself. i only found out about this obviously wonderful phenomenon a couple years ago - before i even understood that i am a submissive.

Thank Y/you all who responded to the query with all of your delicious experience, expertise, technique & finesse lol im9 here taking copious notes ...

i have so much to learn ... and experience #yeay ...

my Sir, where are You? i am here ...

(Great job defending our safe place)
lil_dirtysugar​(sub gender fluid)
6 years ago • Jan 10, 2018
There is nothing sexier then watching a beautiful woman in the throws of passion taking that step. So many get there but because it's so intense shy away and don't give themselves over. Every goddess can squirt. i just luv when im lucky enuf to be told to catch every drop
Lucia​(sub female){not lookin}
6 years ago • Jan 11, 2018
I've been holding this comment back because of the tangents this thread got onto, and would like to say once more with feeling that every person is different and that's a-ok.

But from my personal experience, a vast majority of squirters I know and have had in depth conversations about it with are folks who first squirted later in their sexual lives during some kind of epic watershed unusually-good-experience moment, and then after the first time it became normal for them (like TakenLower, Silver, and Kinkylocs it seems). That's why I've mainly come to believe that it's about the right level of natural inclination toward squirting combined with the right headspace more than any kind of technique. It's possible that there's some physical factors of becoming more relaxed after experiencing many orgasms over time, or changing hormonal responses throughout life affecting the development of fluids in that gland, or or I have no idea what else. But the most universal answer to "how to make a woman squirt" is "make her feel safe." Shame can be a reason for making yourself try and shut it down, but so can a simple nervousness of how intense it is. An extreme experience requires an extreme level of comfort, safety, and horniness. Basically the same as all BDSM. So not to beat a dead horse but my practical advice for anyone seeking squirters as partners is to seek out the like-minded as you do with any kink, and then just pursue your partnership respectfully and appropriately according to RACK and SSC and if the woman is a squirter she will squirt when the time is right.

I'm not going to respond to anyone challenging this comment with trollishness but I should explain that although I understand my personal experience is not a valid scientific sample size, it's fairly valid to offer because I am a former sex worker who currently does sex positivity activism work, so the number of folks I have talked to in depth about squirting (and other things) is unusually large- and a diverse group of humanity. Conversations like this are a daily norm for me. No, none of the groups I work with have done academic studies of squirting, so this is just me sharing a perception based on my experiences, but I'd put it at about 80% of squirters I've ever spoken to/been with fit the above description.