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Gift for Someone New to Rope

Emmy Loohoo​(sub female)
5 years ago • Nov 29, 2019

Gift for Someone New to Rope

Emmy Loohoo​(sub female) • Nov 29, 2019

My (adult) daughter mentioned that she's interested in rope play with her sub. I would like to buy her some rope, shears & educational material to get her going. I'd love to hear any suggestions for supplies & resources. Also, what lengths are best to start someone's set?

Thanks for the help & happy whatever you celebrate!
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}Verified member
5 years ago • Nov 30, 2019
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}Verified member • Nov 30, 2019
Since your Daughter is a Domme and its a gift. I get you want safety etc but a Themed gift might also be nice. Why not go a Female rigger like Midori she has a few books like The Seductive Art of Japanese Bondage from Greenery Press, Monk also has some great starter kits called "Midori Essentials" (or others, they have great products and many video resources)

TwoKnottyBoys is also good if your after printed materials. There are also loads of videos online that will back up the written material.
Theres also a few really good knot bibles out there, the name escape me now!

Why not get her a rope class, let her explore the various types of ropes and styles for herself ~rather than purchasing what she may not like.
There are so many types on the market it can make your head spin, all do the same thing but ALL bring out different emotions, feelings and sensations in the submissive. For Eg a sensual Domme might prefer silks that glide and feel good on skin. A sadist might prefer jute or a sisal that irritate the skin. If your daughter is climate worried she might want ethically sourced cotton or sustainable hemp. I know I'm VERY fussy on my selection.
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Emmy Loohoo​(sub female)
5 years ago • Nov 30, 2019
Emmy Loohoo​(sub female) • Nov 30, 2019
Both she & her sub are much too introverted to ever go for a class. They are both book people, so that's the way I'll go. Of course, she'll be able to explore online as well.
I know the colors, styles & textures to choose. I guess my main question is the best length of the ropes & how many ropes to start with.
Dutchgirl​(sub female)
5 years ago • Dec 1, 2019
Dutchgirl​(sub female) • Dec 1, 2019
Book, “Showing You The Ropes” by Two Knotty Boys. Great step by step instructions with safety tips.
JohnBond​(dom male){Kitten}
5 years ago • Dec 1, 2019

Re: Gift for Someone New to Rope

Emmy Loohoo wrote:
My (adult) daughter mentioned that she's interested in rope play with her sub. I would like to buy her some rope, shears & educational material to get her going. I'd love to hear any suggestions for supplies & resources. Also, what lengths are best to start someone's set?

This is a pretty neat gift idea. I will make some suggestions here but if you have any other questions feel free to PM me!

I typed three pages of stuff up about rope types and sections before my kitten looked over at me and rolled her eyes. So I will just make a few recommendations heh.

Natural Fiber - (my preference)

I recommend 3-4 sections (hanks) of 8 - 10 meter (26-32 ft) of jute rope from MyNawashi (listed below). I prefer the 2 ply untreated rope but it requires a bit of work to break in (condition) but will be great afterwards. You really shouldn't wash jute though so if that is something you'll need then I might do hemp, cotton, or a synthetic. I tie with the same partner and just replace rope as necessary so it's not an issue.

You can Nylon (synthetic) as well as preconditioned Natural Fiber (Hemp and jute) from RopesByEDK for a decent price. I believe their hemp starts at $18 per 30 foot section for unconditioned and goes up from there. Broken and singed is typically how I use my rope and that's $21 dollars per hank of hemp from them and a bit less for jute.

Natural Fiber and Synthetic ropes tie a bit differently so you can look that up if you're interested or PM me and i'm happy to talk about it.

MyNawashi -
RopesbyEDK -

Safety -

Really any sheers will work. I have a very nice pair of RAPTOR sheers im fond of but they're not any better at cutting than the $12 pair with 2,000+ reviews from amazon.

Education -

I recommend videos for starting

Twisted monk -
The Duchy -
Esinem -

Twisted Monk and Eminem sell DVDs as well I believe, Douglas Kent has neat little books too. The videos and then pictures on fet have been what have kept me going for the most part. I really would highly recommend trying to work in a work shop but if that's not feasible it's alright. Being a part of even an online supportive community will help though.

for books I like Better Bondage For Everybody but the Midori books here are great references too as she's an incredible rigger. She's featured in quite a few of the twisted monk videos I believe.

I hope that helps some!

5 years ago • Dec 2, 2019
Justme26 • Dec 2, 2019
It looks like you have as much advice as you need, but I will just add my suggestion anyway: