Wow, so many wonderful, thoughtful responses. Thank you all. my question is not intended as a challenge or bait, as though i have a 'right' answer, rather an opportunity for discussing and, hopefully, better understanding.
IowaDom wrote:
I do indeed believe there is someone for everyone, for me, I must believe in it, or why else am I on this journey to find it? But .. that being said, I also beleive that societal norms and dictations of wat is or is not ok, compounded by our own blindness can prevent us from even seeing that person. We tend to build up an image in our minds of them, then start to measure all our contacts to that fantasy.
What i read here is you consider the fact that you search (or feel compelled to search?) as the reason you "must believe" there is "someone for everyone?" But, you add we social norms interfere... and "blindness." Why do you believe people are blind to seeing their 'someone"? What do you believe causes that?
Grey Eyes wrote:
"Is it magic? Well no, but perhaps something "someone" else engineered. A higher power that Iowa Dom mentioned? Maybe. It made no sense for either of us to be even looking seriously at each other's profiles. Yet we did...and how were we at the same place at the same time? Makes no sense."
So, you believe in a "someone else" or overall engineer, 'intelligent design' who has chosen? or designated? (don't want to put words in your mouth) a fitting mate? If so, can you explain what you attribute that belief too? Where the belief came from?
TheChimera wrote:
"I do not believe that there is "That special one for you" out there. And before I get tackled and jumped on - "You don't know what you're talking about"
"You just haven't found them yet" ... I feel that "That special one just for you" is more a romanticized way of trying to fit a square piece into a round hole. It's a form of self-sabotage to a degree...Any form of relationship takes work, dedication, and primarily - EFFORT to cultivate, nourish, and grow...Don't get me wrong. It's much easier to form a relationship with someone there's likenesses and compatibility with."
You'll get no jumping or tackling, not from this quarter anyway. If i read you right, you believe relationship comes "primarily" from "work." Yet you seem to also toss "compatibility" into the mix as well. What do you believe initiates a relationship? Not sure if my question is well put here, i want to understand what you believe attracts two people to each other initially? I.e., before the work and effort happens to cultivate? To what do you attribute that attraction and what kind of weight (if any) do you put on it and why?
MrE wrote:
"Hard things dissuade people well enough without adding to it, so I choose to comfort and be optimistic. Unless a person is looking for something extremely niche, than on a place like his with like minded people, I really think there is a great chance for everyone. Some people will search for longer, but with effort, hope and reasonable compromise over time, it should be possible, even probable. "
If i read this right, you seem to agree with TheChimera... that finding a mate is more a product of "effort" and putting oneself in a social setting with similar peeps to increase the 'probability" of that happening? What do you consider "reasonable compromise?"
Thank you for participating in this discussion everyone.