Kara wrote:
Maybe it's because you're one of a thousand guys on here sending Dommes unsolicited messages. You need to calm down. Try becoming known through what you post in the forum, on your blogs, or say in the chat room. Take classes and improve your skills. Get an idea of who you are and what you want....as a person and as a s type. Finally.....DO NOT message Dommes. If they are interested, they will come to you, either here on in your local community.
Kara is spot on. What kind of messages are you sending? If they are any less than a paragraph, honestly don't do it!!!!!!! sentences please
no really, please use sentences (oh gawd please do) and a few of them (sentences) if must contact a Domme. Talk about their profiles but for frack sake don't offer then your undying submission. you NEVER offer that until you've got to know them. I think a little differently than Kara but not that different that I disagree with her advise. My advise (in short hand) is do what she and tallslender suggests but also practice writing to a few Dommes but reach out as a "friend" (with no HIDDEN agenda other than friendship, if more grows perfect) learn to talk to women that are Dommes. Learn that they actually seek the same things as vanilla women do. They/we want relationship and commitmenttoo. Being Domme doesn't make us different, we just "love" a different way. Yes we all want "fun" but when you highlight your wanting "fun" it does tend to read as the ONLY thing you seek...and sweetie, no woman wants to be used for JUST fun! No woman wants to be JUST anything.
think of yourself like a product. You need to make it stand out on shelf. You need to makes sure its seen. If its not selling you need to take it down and give it a good and honest look over. If its not selling why? You've just had two people, now me tell you the same thing! Balls now in your court.
also look at your adverts, long and hard. They both scream "I'm confuzzled and very lost" We get your new to kink and there is no shame in that but saying that you also need to know who you are to the core. Right now a blind person can see, you don't know you. You just need to see that and your set. Your not a bad looking dude, your young, your a lot more things than you realize. If you put in the effort those things will pay off. Be prepared to spend hours a day looking and marketing yourself. Your one of millions, you need to stand out for all the right reasons. If you really are submissive then that effort will pay off. Dommes see right though those that aren't. If your after a good time and very little else...honestly walk away now. If you are serious maybe look into seeing a ProDomme to take off the edge, you'll either run off screaming into the night or it will cement your choices. Find yourself within the community. Find yourself sexually. find your submission and others will find you.
Just to cement what we're talking about....right now your advertising your a switch.. Think about how a Domme will view that? or that you just want some "fun" (Does she have no other value to you than your cocks pleasure?) If she is a Domme (her role is set, not fluid and your asking for a Domme in the add), she isn't a top (what you say your now looking for). You just took out 1/2 your potential market with a few short key strokes (unintentionally?). In the same advert you then say "Tbh I'm more of a sub myself, but I absolutely believe I'm capable of dominating ANY woman mwahahaha >
" that statement alone is enough to eliminate a great amount of the other half you had still looking for you! you also make a joke of it (scarasm doesnt read well in text) So your really saying to the reader SHE doesn't matter again and its a GAME to you. THINK from more sides than just the one. Your a "package" so your words are part of that too.
You got this! just refocus. Give it time. Give it effort. Invest in yourself and grow to realize this lifestyle isnt easy and there are not enough Dominant women..but if you want one, you need to do the hard stuff oir you get left on the shelf.
your on the right track..I know it all reads like we are down on you. We aren't! We wouldn't reply if we felt you where not worth the effort.