SageFlame wrote:
What makes it free?
God gave man freedom at creation.
Over the centuries, worldly kingdoms (the Babylonian empire, followed by the Medo-Persian empire, followed by the Greek Empire, followed by the Roman Empire) which was eventually snuffed out by the Ottoman empire, but a divided Roman empire remained all over Europe who's head was the Pope at the Vatican in Rome. The Papacy was the most oppressive of all. By contrast king Cyrus of the Medo-Persian empire was the first to grant freedom of religion to all people in the kingdom. The Papacy forbid anyone to have a Bible or even a portion of it, so that the peasants would be ignorant of the truth in the word of God, and would be forced to do as the papacy commanded. In the early 1500's, Martin Luther found a Bible chained to a church wall, broke the chains, read it and repudiated many of the churches teachings and the Protestant reformation was born. The Papacy retaliated and send millions of "heretics" to their deaths over a couple hundred years. In the late 1700's, Napoleon Bonaparte, king of France set out to conquer the world and brought an end to the dark ages of the Papacy for a while.
It was around this time that the founding fathers of our country sought to throw off the yoke of oppression and drafted a Constitution that included a Bill-of-Rights, restoring freedom of speech, religion, and rejected the caste system of the old world.
But in the past 100 years, we have seen more and more of our precious freedoms being eroded.
The United Nations is ever more encroaching upon our sovereign rights.
The FICA tax withholdings took away our freedom to choose our own retirement investments and savings.
Beurocracies embedded in the deep-state government tell us what we can and cant do daily.
Political correctness, shadow banning, and cancelling dictate how we are allowed to speak.
Obamacare took away our freedom to choose our own doctors and healthcare insurance and more than doubled the cost of health care.
Many high-profile injustices have been perpetrated against innocent people by the government.
The Constitution has been made void. The new-world order is here and there's far less freedom to be found than when we started.