At one time I was quite good at writing.. I was a salesman covering a large territory and started out with little notes across the bar to the one I admired the most. If received well, they would become more intimate as the pile of napkins grew. I figured out quickly that my effort brought results.
I graduated to letters as my writing matured and would send two or three pages to whomever I was dating at the time. It was mostly general stuff, how went my day, little comments about our time spent together and what I was feeling about her. The letters were always hand written using a drafting tool that kept the top and bottom of the letters the same.. It was all quite neat and tidy.
That ended up getting me married.
After my divorce, I tried it again. As I have gotten older, I have become a real stickler for spelling, punctuation and the general structure of writing. I would reread everything I had written over and over, editing as I went along, until it sounded correct in head (I am doing it right now
) It is very time consuming.
Most recently, I had spent about a week writing up four pages of personalized erotica and failed to notice that it was not automatically being saved. I zigged when I should have zagged and lost the entire document. I also missed the deadline I had promised to the sultry vixen I was pursuing at the time and lost the girl as well.
I have not written anything but vanilla crap on dating sites since.