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Gender identity ideology

Spellbound Wytch{Mr. Parker}
2 years ago • Nov 25, 2021
Spellbound Wytch{Mr. Parker} • Nov 25, 2021
simplylaura wrote:
WytchyWoman wrote:
simplylaura wrote:
I recommend you read the post I posted right as you posted yours.

I’ve been civil this whole discussion. It seems that isn’t your intention. Bummer.

I haven't been "civil" enough to suit you? I even excused myself in deference to your need to devote your time to moderating the thread. Not sure what more you expect me to do but then again, I lost interest already. At any rate, happy t-day!

Been a joy to discuss this with you. Have the day you deserve!

How cute. A bit of an amateurish effort but there IS a kinda "I'm trying really hard here" vibe going on with you. I'm confident you might pack a bit more punch when you've been at it as long as I have. icon_wink.gif
simplylaura​(sub female){djinni}
2 years ago • Nov 25, 2021
WytchyWoman wrote:
simplylaura wrote:
WytchyWoman wrote:
simplylaura wrote:
I recommend you read the post I posted right as you posted yours.

I’ve been civil this whole discussion. It seems that isn’t your intention. Bummer.

I haven't been "civil" enough to suit you? I even excused myself in deference to your need to devote your time to moderating the thread. Not sure what more you expect me to do but then again, I lost interest already. At any rate, happy t-day!

Been a joy to discuss this with you. Have the day you deserve!

How cute. A bit of an amateurish effort but there IS a kinda "I'm trying really hard here" vibe going on with you. I'm confident you might pack a bit more punch when you've been at it as long as I have. icon_wink.gif

Been at what? Derailing threads? Jumping in with a chip on the shoulder and passive aggression And I’m sincere in my wish for you to have the day you deserve. How you interpret that is up to you. I thought you were done with thread? You said that several posts ago?
DaddyPP​(dom male)
2 years ago • Nov 25, 2021
DaddyPP​(dom male) • Nov 25, 2021
*opens the door and welcomes the backlash
Seems that this thread has kind of devolved into a don't hurt people feelings thread. When did people become such pussies that they can't deal with other people's thoughts or words? Seriously, doesn't anyone remember sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me?
Don't folks realize that someone somewhere is offended by every single thing anyone could say? So what? If you get offended by what I say or think, tough titty. If I get offended by something you say, who gives a shit. I won't though, because words are just that, words, and I believe you are as entitled to your opinion as I am mine.

Don't like it? I don't care. And really, neither should you, but you are free to be who you want to be.
simplylaura​(sub female){djinni}
2 years ago • Nov 25, 2021
Words have meaning. It's why we use them. I'm sorry you don't think that, but I'm going to speak up when people say harmful things. Again, opinions are open for discourse. The validity of identities shouldn't be. Straight cis men never have their validity questioned. Neither should trans people. I provided plenty of resources about why that's not ok. My feelings aren't hurt by your words. My feelings are hurt by the sheer number of trans people who kill themselves because people say their existence is dangerous for human existence.

It's not about being snowflakes or whatever dog whistles you want to use. It's about being a decent person.
DaddyPP​(dom male)
2 years ago • Nov 25, 2021
DaddyPP​(dom male) • Nov 25, 2021
It is interesting that you say straight, whatever term, men do not have their validity questioned, while questioning their validity. Every person has something about them that either attracts or turns people away. See, and I get if other people do not feel the same, that is their right, I believe your feelings are your business, and mine are mine. I do not need to get up in everyone's business to validate myself. I do not need to get in everyone's feelings. I deal with mine my way. Now, I do take my partner or my child's feelings into account, because they are an extension of me. Even that though has its limitations, as does everything in life.

You say your feelings are hurt by the sheer number of Trans people who commit suicide. What about teenagers in general? Veterans? why is there a need to divide people into groups? My feelings aren't hurt by it, but it does sadden me that any person, for any reason, feels a need to end their life prematurely, and yes it is even sadder when that happens because of what someone else thinks. But I do not have special feelings for anyone just because of their sexuality, race, political leanings, or anything else. People are people. We are all alike, but we are not the same. That's OK, in fact it's awesome.
I really do not have any problem with anyone being who, or what they want to be, but I have a right to my opinion as much as anyone else.
simplylaura​(sub female){djinni}
2 years ago • Nov 25, 2021
DaddyPP wrote:
It is interesting that you say straight, whatever term, men do not have their validity questioned, while questioning their validity. Every person has something about them that either attracts or turns people away. See, and I get if other people do not feel the same, that is their right, I believe your feelings are your business, and mine are mine. I do not need to get up in everyone's business to validate myself. I do not need to get in everyone's feelings. I deal with mine my way. Now, I do take my partner or my child's feelings into account, because they are an extension of me. Even that though has its limitations, as does everything in life.

You say your feelings are hurt by the sheer number of Trans people who commit suicide. What about teenagers in general? Veterans? why is there a need to divide people into groups? My feelings aren't hurt by it, but it does sadden me that any person, for any reason, feels a need to end their life prematurely, and yes it is even sadder when that happens because of what someone else thinks. But I do not have special feelings for anyone just because of their sexuality, race, political leanings, or anything else. People are people. We are all alike, but we are not the same. That's OK, in fact it's awesome.
I really do not have any problem with anyone being who, or what they want to be, but I have a right to my opinion as much as anyone else.

I never presumed you are a straight cis man so there is no way I could have invalidated your identity. It was an example.

Second, just because I mentioned suicide in trans youth doesn’t mean I don’t care about other populations. Reductionist much? I mentioned them because they commit it over twice the rate of their cisgender counterparts. We aren’t going to see eye to eye on this given your “all lives” rhetoric, but the world would be a lot nicer if we considered the feelings of those who aren’t just “an extension of me.”
Sasa​(dom female)
2 years ago • Nov 25, 2021
Sasa​(dom female) • Nov 25, 2021
Why is nearly every second post ending in a kind of fight? And it has often nothing to do with the post - just egos, missunderstandings and whatever. How should people be heard when they don't listen what others have to say. We don't have to agree, but we have to listen. Excluding others doesn't make it easier to be seen and understood.
I am afraid when groups who had to stand on their own for so long not open up, they will only get what they expect anyway - prejudice and rejection. This includes all, also BDSM. But that are just my thoughts ... and you can now sharpen your knives

Last edited by * on Thu Nov 25, 2021 11:21 pm, edited 1 time in total
Spellbound Wytch{Mr. Parker}
2 years ago • Nov 25, 2021
Spellbound Wytch{Mr. Parker} • Nov 25, 2021
Sasa wrote:
Why is nearly every second post ending in a kind of fight? And it has often nothing to do with the post - just egos, missunderstandings and whatever.

What you're seeing is one particular person who's hellbent on quashing anyone who doesn't show what they believe to be the proper response to a question. Nothing more.
simplylaura​(sub female){djinni}
2 years ago • Nov 25, 2021
WytchyWoman wrote:
Sasa wrote:
Why is nearly every second post ending in a kind of fight? And it has often nothing to do with the post - just egos, missunderstandings and whatever.

What you're seeing is one particular person who's hellbent on quashing anyone who doesn't show what they believe to be the proper response to a question. Nothing more.

What you're seeing is transphobia in action and it being excused by cis people.

It's me. I'm the quashed.

I'm not silencing anyone. I've simpled replied. I did suggest that this thread be heavily moderated due to its potential to cause harm. Which according to people I've spoken to it already has.

I'm just asking people to be considerate. If you consider that silencing that says a lot about you and not me. ::shrug:: btw, I thought you were bored with this like 4 posts ago?
dollMaker​(dom male)
2 years ago • Nov 25, 2021
dollMaker​(dom male) • Nov 25, 2021
Appalling examples of trans phobic energy going on here, and 'what about' deflection. I am not surprised this stuff is rampant on this site, along with racism.

The only positive, is those of us who care can block, mute, and hide those who are flying their trans phobic red flags very high.