Sincorrigible(sub female)
1 year ago •
Sep 25, 2023
1 year ago •
Sep 25, 2023
I'm 54. Post menopausal, which came early.
There are physical issues that came as a result of that, and mental /emotional ones.
Physically, changes to a woman's body can be really hard to deal with mentally. I simply do not have the figure I used to have. Everything.. Shifts.... And that causes self confidence issues. I've found that that's affected my ability to let go. I spend inordinate amounts of mental energy trying to believe I'm okay/I'm attractive/I'm beautiful. Especially when being told so. I reject that information more often than not. And that causes engagement issues. It takes way more than it used to for me to believe a man saying those things. Because the default becomes 'you're just saying that to get laid/I'm not attractive'
Sex wise... Fuck me but there is nothing funny about not being able to fuck like you used to. I can't do rough. I can sometimes barely do 'normal'. My vaginal/labial skin is thinner. I can tear, bleed. And believe me, that is the WRONG kind of pain. If you are a sexual creature, that is VERY hard to deal with. Very. Even solo play causes issues sometimes (I never used to bleed with the insertion of kegel balls/dildoes). And did you know even receiving oral sex can fucking hurt???
And arousal is different, and.. Harder?? You don't get wet as much, or stay wet. And you need... Assistance. And there are just physical things you cannot do. I cringe looking back at things I did, knowing I just couldn't now. (but god damn it i will treasure that shit forever)
The way to deal with this: I'm slowly learning i AM STILL OKAY. I'm still sexual, I'm still sensual,, I'm still submissive. I think the trick is the same as it always was:find the right partner to interact with. Who listens, who is open to your sharing really quite sensitive info, and reacts appropriately. There are medical things you can do to help: vaginal creams, making sure you're prepped with good quality medically okayed lube (none of this fruit flavoured chemically corrupt shit... You have any idea how bad the cystitis can be from that crap?), maybe (true for me) ensuring your partner knows you need to be fastidious with hygiene : clean fingers, clean everything, regular urination during play. Antibiotics already prescribed in case of Uti. Etc etc etc..
I thought long and hard about posting this. Cos previous replies haven't been about the sex side per se. But if me being open about what I've experienced helps one single woman to feel better 'it's not just me, oh thank fuck', then I can wear the heart on sleeve vulnerability.
This can all be dealt with I believe. Just takes a shift in thinking. In us and in our partners.