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What really pisses you off?

Lady Kat​(dom female)
11 months ago • Oct 27, 2023
Lady Kat​(dom female) • Oct 27, 2023
Gods I could make a novel of a post but perhaps the one that set me off today is the worst.

People who bitch and moan about not being something but putting others down for the effort they expend on being that thing.

Like being a put together vintage dressed lady.
Miki​(masochist female)
11 months ago • Oct 28, 2023
Miki​(masochist female) • Oct 28, 2023
tallslenderguy wrote:

lol, This thread found your on button Miki, i've never seen you write so much. You usually have an aversion to longer posts. icon_wink.gif

Walls of text and I don't mix. Makes me more cross-eyed than I already am (slightly crosseyed, one would have to stare at me to notice)

Anyway indeed this is a thread straight from Hell's Handbook and got my wheels turning...

Let me add 2 more things that really grab my ass

People who stop and stand--- in the middle of a grocery store aisle, sidewalk or worst of all in a doorway--- They don't move. They're too busy dicking around with their phones.

A very close second-- Dorks who turn and start walking --- while still facing the other way jawing at some other butt-crack... I am a small woman, just a bit over 5 feet if I fuck around with my hair and make it stand up... and I lost count of how many times I have been knocked on my ass because someone wasn't looking where the hell they were going.

Sorry, I have extremely limited tolerance for imbeciles.
11 months ago • Oct 28, 2023
PrettyKittyUS • Oct 28, 2023
Boundary violations.
11 months ago • Oct 29, 2023
LordofPain56 • Oct 29, 2023
Miki wrote:
Or (yes this still happens in 2023) in a long line at the grocery store, and wouldn't you know it, freakin' Ma & Pa Kettle unload their 3 or 4 items at the register ... and proceed to write a fucking check. Of course they're blind as bats even with thick-ass glasses--- so it takes them forever to stare at the check 2 inches from their faces in order to write out the Pay to Order line and the amount.

Kindof reminds me of everytime I go to the grocery store, I always have about a half a dozen items and pay cash, and i would be there and gone if not for the people in front of me buying the whole store, but it doesn't make me angry. It has happened so many times now, I come to expect it. Besides that, If I get to the checkout at the same time as another person who has more in their cart, they are ALWAYS gracious enough to let me in front of them. So nice!

Miki wrote:
When I was sexually active I'd have guys over for weekends or nights off to, well, y'know, get busy-- Well, one tool decides to get up, take a dump and then use up 3/4 of the fucking roll of paper to wipe his hairy ass.--- and if that weren't bad enough he gets up later to hang a leak, and leaves the damned seat up!!

Not that there is any sex involved but I know a girl who visits here sometimes and when she goes to the bathroom, she uses at least half a roll of bathroom tissue at a time, whereas, I only use two squares folded over. Not that It gets me mad, but you can imagine my initial shock. Is that a difference between a guys stool as opposed to a girl?
11 months ago • Oct 29, 2023
I'mME • Oct 29, 2023
ThomasVa wrote:
People that litter. Not just litter but unload their vehicle before getting on or when getting off of an interstate. I would hate to see your house/apartment, yard or desk.


I can't abide a litter bug. Eventually it ends up in our water ways. It's lazy. There are literally trash cans everywhere. I better not see it, or I'm calling them out. Keep a plastic bag in your car.
There is a lot we don't have control over, but this isn't one of them.
I have noticed a decayed look in parking lots since crapdemic rolled around. Unkept weeds, trash in corners, and/or in the weeds.
11 months ago • Oct 29, 2023
LordofPain56 • Oct 29, 2023
Miki wrote:

People who stop and stand--- in the middle of a grocery store aisle, sidewalk or worst of all in a doorway--- They don't move. They're too busy dicking around with their phones.

Not that it makes me mad, but I have to wonder if some people would survive if you took their stupid cellphone away. Hey folks....theres a LIFE outside of those cellphones, ya know!
But I am one to talk. I've never even owned one. Sorry, I'm too busy actually living a real life and getting things done.
11 months ago • Oct 29, 2023
LordofPain56 • Oct 29, 2023
When I was younger, I used to get PO'd at a lot of stuff and even worse, I was terribly impatient, especially with myself. Around 35 or so years ago, I decided life was too short. I developed ways to improve my tolerance and patience. I will have to admit that I have come a long way since then.
You pick your poison. Then attack it with whatever spiritual devices you can muster and free yourself. After all, there are things we can't do anything about and there are people around us whom we have no business trying to change to make them more like ourselves.
Still can't get past stinking marxists trying to destroy this great country of ours though.