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Let's talk rimming

Sweet Minx​(sub female){NotLooking}
2 months ago • Jul 20, 2024
ByronDeSade wrote:
What a load of manure..."Harpie"?!!

Of course "I'mME", despite the fact you act like you're an Oxford D Lit, you don't even know that it's "Harpy" -- not harpie. DOH!!! Because you have no liberal arts education and therefore familiarity with ancient Greece ( although you are likely a bloviator on recycled grease). I'm not sure why you act so macho, or why you believe you're intellectually peerless, but yet are pointlessly hostile. I won't even probe why you festoon your page with Thomas Sowell. But having a horrible attitude doesn't actually make you superior.

Likewise, your snarling tracemate Miki​, another used up nag, is just as judgmental, insulting and nasty as you. In the "Taboo" thread she discovered that I had already blocked her -- based on her previous, dyspeptic screeds -- and went ape feces, challenging my right to do so, and then telling me I was not welcome and I therefore should leave. Yes, your highness!! Just for daring to block her glowering and narcissistic blather. And just like you, I'mME -- she truly believes she's of Nobel level intellect.

So, then Miki-Mouth fires this salvo regarding why she's attacking Arnav: "Because you and your topic are beyond sickening ". So in a site entirely dedicated to counter-culture sexual Tet-a-tet and attendant prurient dialogue, Miki-Mouth is the self-proclaimed & appointed Queen of what is wholesome, sexy or "beyond sickening."

Obviously, you both consider yourselves high-class Cage royalty. But, instead you're just a brace of arrogant, judgmental, bitter and seething termagants who ruin discussions with your ill-will, castigation and pseudo-puritan judgments. Like the pricking of my thumb, something wicked this way comes. Begone evil harridans.

And, just remember what Tacitus wrote -- "A woman who has lost her chastity will stoop to anything."

Umm what does chastity have to do with anything 😂
2 months ago • Jul 20, 2024
ByronDeSade • Jul 20, 2024
Sweet Escape​(sub female) "Umm what does chastity have to do with anything 😂"

Hahahahahahaha...what a great gal!
aradialspire​(dom femme)
2 months ago • Jul 20, 2024
aradialspire​(dom femme) • Jul 20, 2024
OP, sorry your first time in the Thunderdome was a bit shit.

Byron, I tried to read your novel there, but it felt like it had been put into one of those brain-rot simulators, so I had to stop. I get what you're going for. I feel the rage and frustration coming off the page, but this was not the way.

As for everything else, guys, he asked about eating ass under specific circumstances. This would be like me asking ONLY MEN to respond to a headspace question about eating cum as a form of submission and non-s-type men showing up being disgusted about it, saying I wanted masturbation material. MAYBE I DO, but you can always ignore the question!

You guys were being downright nasty, accusing him of acting in bad faith because he wanted to hear from women, not men. Motivations for women that eat ass may be different than men who eat ass, or he might want to jerk it. But I am getting off track.

If people are afraid to talk about things, the forum will die. That makes the forum shit. The only reason I come here is to engage in nonmortal forum combat. Please don't let the forum die. The ads are already gone, and I loved laughing at those. Let's keep the forum a happy space for rimming, knobbing, and whatever else people are into. If no one responds to a thread within a certain amount of time, the thread gets deleted out of shame or embarrassment in most cases. There's no reason to rip someone apart over rimjobs.

Rimjobs can be a very entertaining way of holding someone completely at your mercy for an hour, though. Like a form of time travel - they won't even know what hit them!
2 months ago • Jul 20, 2024
ByronDeSade • Jul 20, 2024
aradialspire​(dom femme) -- "Byron, I tried to read your novel there, but it felt like it had been put into one of those brain-rot simulators, so I had to stop. I get what you're going for. I feel the rage and frustration coming off the page, but this was not the way. "

Radial, If you own a provincial vocabulary, you might consider the classics. But mocking another's composition skills, and bizarrely suggesting they result from an internet app only casts a weak light on your own beggarly gifts. You don't gain by slighting another's work. Easy on the inane insults & please mind your manners.

In the meanwhile, your analysis is defective. The two shrews who went after Arnav are just sourpusses who lurk in the Forum to take potshots. The point is Arnav made a thread and was immediately disrespected and insulted by Miki-Mouth. She previously banished me for blocking her disreputable snark.

In this type of verbal war, it's only proper we back the side of the wrongly maligned.

"War is the father of all. To some he makes slaves, but of others -- kings." -- Heraclitus
2 months ago • Jul 20, 2024
lambsone{countrySir} • Jul 20, 2024
Aradialspire wrote
"You guys were being downright nasty, accusing him of acting in bad faith because he wanted to hear from women, not men. Motivations for women that eat ass may be different than men who eat ass, or he might want to jerk it. But I am getting off track."

Exactly. I'm glad someone else sees that since I've been told that I have a reputation for not wanting to hear what other subs say and wanting to limit knowledge for trying to keep a thread on track when I specifically post that I want to know the mind of a man or something else that doesn't apply to the whole universe. Not to mention being called names and analyzed psychologically. I have a BS in Education, so being accused of limiting knowledge is truely nothing but "BS".

As for this man's topic, one proclivity is not better than another. And I double checked the rules at the cage and did not find a list of acceptable topics and unacceptable topics. So those of you self proclaimed judges of fellow cage members have no right to decide what the people who own and run the cage have not chosen to limit except for obvious topics of underage play, etc.

Nor do you get to determine where a fellow kinkster posts their topics and who they address them to. Some of you push your expectations and beliefs about who, what, when, and how a post should be, as though your way is the only way. It may be the only way that you can understand as legitimate, but there are other beliefs, so accept them and stop feeling as though someone doesn't want to hear what you want to say when you clearly are taking the post off topic and calling it expanded knowledge. It just buries the original posts, and limits good responses to the actual question. If you think a topic isn't getting enough attention, then I suggest that you start a post that will expand it to your satisfaction. It's a simple solution as an alternative to creating havoc around the cage which unless I'm mistaken, some of you salivate for.
2 months ago • Jul 20, 2024
ByronDeSade • Jul 20, 2024
MisterAshmodai​ -- "It's getting pedantic in here. " Hahahahahaha....
Sweetlydepraved​(masochist female){Owned}
2 months ago • Jul 20, 2024
Is it safe to talk about rimming yet? All I really have to say to the original question is: Daddy says I’m his delightfully deliciously disgusting little girl, and that’s all the mindset I need.