NaivelyOptimistic(sub female) |
6 years ago •
Nov 20, 2018
Why Don't You Use the Forum?
6 years ago •
Nov 20, 2018
NaivelyOptimistic(sub female) • Nov 20, 2018
As a child of the internet era, I grew up on websites and forums, finding my first real home on (a site for tween and teen girls) when I was just 11. It's very familiar what I experience here, the feeling of contentedly drifting in and out of chatroom chit-chat and finding more acceptance and comfort with 'internet friends' than I often do with my RL ones.
But one thing I don't understand is the forum. 23,000 registered users, a pretty thriving daily blog roll, a chat that can throw a raucous party with 20 users, though I've heard rumors of up to 30 before. And then there's the forum... which feels like a fairly underutilized, but potential-full, part of the site. I think the regular contributors in the forum do a great job facilitating interesting conversations and sharing resources, but it does seem like most people aren't interested in this area. I'd like to know why there's not more action here: more posts, more responses on posts that I thought/think should generate them, more buzz, more sharing of experiences, etc. Is it that the topics aren't relevant? People don't love the way a forum works (the format)? The nature of a forum (discussion/dissection) varies from the personal nature of many blogs and the communal nature of chat. Does that contribute greatly? Is there anything that would help people engage more, especially those who are already members? I write this not as a critique to the Cage staff (you guys are GREAT) but because I see so many here with so much wisdom to offer and experience to speak from, and I'm often sad that the jewels being offered in chat or in blog comment aren't being saved where more people could engage with and dialogue. *I'm also very aware that I am still new and blind to many things. So set me straight on whatever I got wrong in this |