NoOneofConsequence(dom male){Taken}
5 years ago •
Apr 4, 2019
5 years ago •
Apr 4, 2019
I have very little to add to MissBonnie's well thought response. And so probably shouldn't.
But, I will just chip my nickle in that in my case, I am very much a D-type with very little submit in me, either in the bedroom or in life. However, one of the issues that I have run into with LDR versus the overwhelming majority of my life being experiences in the face-to-face world is that while I have proven that I can break and mold an s-type to my will, it is not my preference. Her submission should be a gift laid at my feet, a willing offering to me, if I truly resonate with her.
A punishment beyond a stern look has seldom been necessary in my own relationships outside of happy fun times when her inner "brat" or "prey" came out to play.
Although I can, and have, played in consensual non-consent, Consent is not just a big thing, it is the only thing for me. And being involved in a persistent struggle to wring submission from her, in any aspect, very much violates my personal code of ethics on the matter. MissBonnie nailed it when she clarified proactive submission versus reactive submission.
Does this mean that I am right and all the miserable little subbies who actively require a D-type to break and mold them are wrong? Abso-fucking-lutely not. It just means that their s-type and my preferred D-role would be a poor fit. There are a surfeit of D-types who thrive on the breaking and remaking. It's all about what fits and what doesn't.
And that is what the communications mentioned throughout has to do. We use the same terms; "Dominant," "submissive," "Master," "pet" et al. But, it's been my experiences that is a trap. We use the same terms, but very rarely do we mean exactly the same thing when we do.
It has also been my experiences that there is a whole world of potential pitfalls there as well. If a submissive mentions her desires, is she "Topping from the bottom?" Some would have it so. Some would have it no. My personal philosophy is that the submissives that I choose to interact with are more than welcome to discuss their desires with me. In fact, I actively need them to since in LDR is even more difficult to look at their ass and read their mind. Where it crosses the line (again, FOR ME) is when they tell me and I say no and rather than accepting the no, they then embark on a campaign to reshape and remold me into what they need and want. This is not submission to me, but subversion. It is not being a submissive, but being an attention whore.
Alternatively, many would say that my own predilection towards being guided by what she voices as a desire would be an indication that I am not the shaping force in the relationship, if they do not understand that I do give careful thought and weight to what would be best for her in her long term development, and how thoughtful I am in applying just how and when and in what measure her thoughts and desires are allowed room within the larger design. ***shrug***
Again, it's a matter of fit more than right or wrong. But, without communication beyond bandying about jargon that everyone "knows" and each has their own definition of, it's hard to say if it's a fit, or if you must quit.