NoOneofConsequence(dom male){Taken}
5 years ago •
May 6, 2019
5 years ago •
May 6, 2019
Heyla, ShadowMinx. Hope you are making yours a good day.
Alright, so you asked a couple of questions. But, the thing is that my mind works kind of weird, so to me they came out as different facets of a similar question.
The first rattle out of the box, I should probably get out the acrylic shield for all the rotten eggs and vegetables that are about to come my way.
I've been kicking my tin can down the side of this gravel road for awhile now and gotten entangled with probably more than my fair share of dynamicked relationships. Now, I reserve the right to be just as wrong as the next guy, but to me submissiveness has always seemed to be something of a form of regression. Being able to give up the worries, the cares, the stress that mounts up in our day to day lives and just be able to surrender and float on the rush.
And so, to my mind, the specific questions that you ask are really more about specific forms of that regression. A specific form of sub-space that the submissive needs to reach in order to let go and enjoy.
What? You've never heard (or maybe said) "s/he makes me feel young?"
The question is, how young?
Maybe the specific submissive in question only needs to find that feeling they had when they were a teenager. What is referred to as a "middle."
Or, maybe in order for them to be happy, they have to reach all the way back to "little," the preteen years back through maybe age six.
As it happens, my wife, who died nineteen months ago today, was very much my "mittle" (a combination of middle and little) for most of our time together. She called me Daddy. She slept with a teddy bear I had given her when I wasn't available. I would read her to sleep when she couldn't. We played a lot together.
But, then, she would drive off to work and no one gave "the iron bitch" any flak.
The thing is, it wasn't just play. It was... Being around me made her feel safe. Made her understand that she didn't have to take on all the cares and worries because I was more than willing and able to step in and take care of them for her. And her, too, while I was at it.
It was sub-space to an exponential degree, allowing her to relax completely and just float and be taken care of. It allowed her to regress to her teenage years, or even younger, and just play and enjoy like she would have back then, without worrying about paying bills, or work stress, or whatever. Except for the things that I told her to worry about. Like if her "homework" was done. Or her beddie-bye time on "a school night."
The key here, for me at least, is what she needs to get into that space of comfort and joy. Of freedom and relaxation. And whether or not I can put her there at will. However! However, it would be ridiculous for me to try to get a confirmed middle who is more of a teenager to enjoy coloring in a coloring book like she might have earlier.
And, I'm going to have to disagree with alawey. In my relationship with Love, sex was very much a part of it! When she was in middle space or when she was my devoted slave or my well-trained pet. It was just... different sex. On the other hand, I will concede that I have found myself falling into a platonic form of the dynamic with several over the years. The pair of lesbians I wrote about in my blog a couple of weeks ago come to mind.
As for the other part of your question... it's been my thought that pet play is just a further regression along the submissive continuum. One in which they slide right past needing to be a teenager or childlike and into non-human to find their care-free space.
If you think about it, you tell a teenager or a child to do something you want done. But, when you are talking about a pet, they can only follow very limited commands. The rest, you do for them. When was the last time you asked your dog if they showered and "brushed your tiny toofers?"
The thing is, it is a very different mindset. It's not just a collar, but a leash as well. But, the leash is not a feeling of constraint for the one wearing the collar. It's a feeling of safety. Not unlike holding hands. There's a reassurance that the Other is there. And won't let her get into trouble.
Similarly a training crate, or cage, is not a punishment or feeling of constraint. It's a feeling of safety. It's their den where nothing can get to them that might hurt them.
Any road, to my mind, the submissive is the one who determines just how deep her submission goes as she feels the resonance I strike with her. What I mean is that someone who is... or has been... a submissive to someone else may find her reacting as a little with me. Or vice-versa, a confirmed little may not feel even the slightest submission to me.
But, I've probably blathered enough and misdoubt I even came close to scratching the surface of the questions you posed. So, I'll clear the floor for someone else smarter than me to come along and try to straighten out what I've fucked up.
Either way, make yours a good day. Whatever it takes to make it that way.