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Internacional Women’s Day

4 years ago • Mar 8, 2020

Internacional Women’s Day

zash • Mar 8, 2020
I just wanted to salude all women out there !!!

You are brave , smart , capable, amazing , powerful , STRONG , humble, thoughtful, beautiful, You Are a Women !!!!!

Be yourself and love yourself , own your destiny !!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️

    The most loved post in topic
Erick​(sub male)
4 years ago • Mar 8, 2020
Erick​(sub male) • Mar 8, 2020
Be very careful what you say around "STRONG" women in the era of the "MeToo" lynch-mob.

The insufficiently-leftist author and political advisor and commentator Chris Matthews just got FIRED from ultra-radical MSNBC and his entire half-century career was summarily DESTROYED because he DARED to call a beautiful woman "beautiful."

(And also because he dared to prefer the Democratic establishment crook Creepy Uncle Joe to the Democratic radical lunatic Crazy Comrade Bernie. If your political views are CORRECT, then you can call a beautiful woman anything you want. )
Solidbobtheflamingo​(dom male){Megagem}
4 years ago • Mar 9, 2020
Firstly it sucks that this needs to be said but I am sorry that was the comment on this positive forum and I hope everyone had a good day. Ok your comment there is one of the problems. First her comments and thread had nothing to do with any political or social commentary. This was just a nice thread to make people feel celebrated and included. If you want to make a forum about political things go do that. I would recommend a political website as it is more appropriate. Go do it there because there is no reason for you to selfishly take this person's simply because you want to be rude.
Erick​(sub male)
4 years ago • Mar 9, 2020
Erick​(sub male) • Mar 9, 2020

OK. There. I hope that establishes that I am not anti-woman.

Honestly, I didn't mean to cause any bad feeling. I think I was just slightly ticked off because another thread that is now in the top-ten rotation here features about a DOZEN people on this "non political" website one after another ALL saying "KILL TRUMP."

So if you want people with political opinions to go elsewhere, you really ought to talk to all those people before you get around to me.

And you know, it REALLY IS a scandal that MSNBC chose "WOMEN'S DAY" to destroy the career of Chris Matthews.

Also in the news on this "WOMEN'S DAY" 2020, though I diplomatically refrained from mentioning it, is the item about the politically-correct Democratic Party gangster thug Chuck Schumer OPENINGLY THREATENING two Trump-nominated justices of the U.S. Supreme Court by name unless they voted the way Schumer wanted them to vote on an issue involving women. His outrageous threat was a MAJOR FEDERAL CRIME. (Though Trump's justice department has graciously decided not to arrest him for it.)

So, contrary to what you might wish to believe, the Left in this country does NOT believe that "Women's Day" is a NICE NON-POLITICAL HOLIDAY. The Left in this country is trying to EXPLOIT that holiday for every pound of flesh they can squeeze out of it. And we should be honest about what they are doing.

Anyway, sorry if I appeared "rude" or "selfish." I was actually doing my best to be moderate and reasonable and funny. Wrong kind of humor for this room, I guess.
LaVieEnRose​(sub female){Learning }
4 years ago • Mar 9, 2020
I don’t know what thread you’re talking about because I’ve not seen it, despite supposedly being in the “top ten” according to you. But also while I don’t identify as strictly on the left OR the right, I think both sides are so far up their own behinds they’re unwilling to see or hear the other side.

Just because people on the left are not willing to put up with mysogyny/racism/trans(queer)phobia/xenophobia, etc. anymore, doesn't make them snowflakes, anti-American whatever’s. On the flip side conservative America deserves a voice BUT some of the things I have heard conservatives right say is disturbing.

I think there needs to be an entire political overhaul where rich old men AREN’T running the country because they’re no where near representative of the actual population (and this includes Bernie before you get your panties in a twist). Maybe that makes me kind of anarchist but 🤷🏽‍♀️

But also I feel like it shouldn’t surprise you that generally speaking people here in a marginalised community will identify as fairly left in their views.
Solidbobtheflamingo​(dom male){Megagem}
4 years ago • Mar 9, 2020
No you are still doing it again, this was just a nice post. For you to be so condescending means you don't even see how this post did not have any comments about anything political. You are not going to act rude to her simply because you think you can people will call you on it. I don't care who you vote for or what TV channels you watch. Also don't hide behind your comment and say it was funny so you should not get mad and if you do you are the problem not me. The closest you got were some insults for politicians. Own all of your words and how people react to them.
Erick​(sub male)
4 years ago • Mar 9, 2020
Erick​(sub male) • Mar 9, 2020
I assure you, I "OWN" ALL MY WORDS. Always have. Always will.

YOUR words don't even make any kind of sense. Never mind ownership. Honestly, I can't figure out WHAT the hell you're trying to say.

As everyone can see, The Cage has removed the words of mine that you are referring to. I have no idea why, except that some aggrieved snowflake presumably took umbrage from them. I've heard a lot about this "Cancel Culture" stuff in recent years, and have warned people about it a lot, and now apparently it is happening to me too. Perhaps YOU were the individual to cause this to happen to me. I have no idea who it was.

If this is indeed the last post of mine that everyone will see before my account is cancelled, Then FAREWELL ALL. It's been nice.

Watch out for this Lefty gangster political intolerance. It really is deadly. Good luck!